- **[The Android Platform: The 2022 Android Developer Roadmap – Part 1](https://getstream.io/blog/android-developer-roadmap/)**
- **[App Components: The Android Developer Roadmap – Part 2](https://getstream.io/blog/android-developer-roadmap-part-2/)**
- **[App Navigation and Jetpack: The Android Developer Roadmap – Part 3](https://getstream.io/blog/android-developer-roadmap-part-3/)**
- **[Design Patterns and Architecture: The Android Developer Roadmap – Part 4](https://getstream.io/blog/design-patterns-and-architecture-the-android-developer-roadmap-part-4/)**
もしあなたが、使いやすく、オープンソースで、Kotlinファーストであり、頻繁にメンテナンスが行われている堅牢なチャット機能を構築することに興味があるなら、 [Stream Chat for Android](https://getstream.io/tutorials/android-chat)をチェックしてみて下さい。
Jetpack Composeを使用したい場合は,こちらもチェック[Stream Chat for Compose](https://getstream.io/chat/compose/tutorial/), Jetpack Composeコンポーネントが多数提供されています。
The Kotlin Multiplatform Developer Roadmap aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the current KMP ecosystem, offering suggested learning paths to help you grasp essential concepts along the way. The posts below cover key topics and technologies, guiding you through different stages of learning. <br>
- [GitHub: kmp-developer-roadmap](https://github.com/skydoves/kmp-developer-roadmap): The Kotlin Multiplatform Developer Roadmap offers comprehensive learning paths to help you understand KMP ecosystems.
- [A Developer’s Roadmap to Mastering Kotlin Multiplatform](https://getstream.io/blog/kotlin-multiplatform-roadmap/): You can explore the Kotlin Multiplatform (KMP) ecosystem using the Kotlin Multiplatform Developer Roadmap as your guide. The roadmap is designed to offer a comprehensive overview of the current KMP ecosystem, which provides suggested learning paths to help you better understand the various concepts involved in KMP development.
- [Build Your First Android and iOS Mobile App With Kotlin Multiplatform](https://getstream.io/blog/build-app-kotlin-multiplatform/): If you're looking to build your first Android and iOS application using Kotlin Multiplatform and Compose Multiplatform, check out the article below for step-by-step instructions.