use anyhow::{bail, Result}; use std::fmt::Write; pub fn progress_bar(progress: u16, total: u16, line_width: u16) -> Result { if progress > total { bail!("The progress of the progress bar is higher than the maximum"); } // "Progress: [".len() == 11 // "] xxx/xxx".len() == 9 // 11 + 9 = 20 let wrapper_width = 20; // If the line width is too low for a progress bar, just show the ratio. if line_width < wrapper_width + 4 { return Ok(format!("Progress: {progress}/{total}")); } let mut line = String::with_capacity(usize::from(line_width)); line.push_str("Progress: ["); let remaining_width = line_width.saturating_sub(wrapper_width); let filled = (remaining_width * progress) / total; for _ in 0..filled { line.push('='); } if filled < remaining_width { line.push('>'); } for _ in 0..(remaining_width - filled).saturating_sub(1) { line.push(' '); } line.write_fmt(format_args!("] {progress:>3}/{total:<3}")) .unwrap(); Ok(line) }