doc : separate bash funs by module.

This commit is contained in:
Dmitry Voronin 2023-12-07 04:51:23 +03:00
parent 643b9d21c9
commit 1834bf3361
5 changed files with 288 additions and 22 deletions

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@ -15,4 +15,4 @@ function bashrc() {
# Export all functions.
export -f $(find_functions | tr '\n' ' ')
export -f $(find_function | tr '\n' ' ')

View file

@ -20,23 +20,31 @@ function doc_bash() {
echo '```' >> "${file}"
echo >> "${file}"
# Print table title.
echo "Command|Description" >> "${file}"
echo "---|---" >> "${file}"
# Fill with data.
for fun in $(find_functions); do
# Skip private functions.
[[ "${fun}" =~ ^_.* ]] && continue
for module in $(find_module); do
# Print module title.
echo "## ${module^}." >> "${file}"
echo >> "${file}"
# Parse help info.
local desc="$(help ${fun} | grep -v Usage\: | tr '\n' ' ')"
local usage="$(help ${fun} | grep Usage\: | sed -e s\/Usage\:\ \/\/)"
# Print table title.
echo "Command|Description" >> "${file}"
echo "---|---" >> "${file}"
# Use function name if no usage info available.
[[ "${usage}" = "" ]] && usage="${fun}"
for fun in $(find_function ${module}); do
# Skip private functions.
[[ "${fun}" =~ ^_.* ]] && continue
# Write to file.
[[ "${desc}" != "" ]] && echo "${usage}|${desc}" >> "${file}"
# Parse help info.
local desc="$(help ${fun} | grep -v Usage\: | tr '\n' ' ')"
local usage="$(help ${fun} | grep Usage\: | sed -e s\/Usage\:\ \/\/)"
# Use function name if no usage info available.
[[ "${usage}" = "" ]] && usage="${fun}"
# Write to file.
[[ "${desc}" != "" ]] && echo "${usage}|${desc}" >> "${file}"
echo >> "${file}"

View file

@ -4,7 +4,16 @@ function find_ext() {
echo "${types[@]}" | tr ' ' '\n' | sort -u
# Find all module functions.
function find_functions() {
cat "${BASH_MODULE_PATH}"/* | grep "^function.*()" | sed -e "s/^function //" -e "s/().*//"
# Find all modules.
function find_module() {
ls "${BASH_MODULE_PATH}" | sed -e "s/.sh$//"
# Find all module functions.
# Functions from all modules by default.
# Usage: find_function [MODULE]
function find_function() {
local module="${1}"
[[ "${module}" = "" ]] && module="*"
cat "${BASH_MODULE_PATH}"/${module}.sh | grep "^function.*()" | sed -e "s/^function //" -e "s/().*//"

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@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
function help() {
local fun="${1}"
if [[ "${fun}" = "" ]] || [[ "$(find_functions | grep ${fun})" = "" ]]; then
if [[ "${fun}" = "" ]] || [[ "$(find_function | grep ${fun})" = "" ]]; then
help help
return 2
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ function h() {
# Autocomplete with available functions.
function _help_functions() {
_autocomplete_first $(find_functions)
_autocomplete_first $(find_function)
complete -F _help_functions help h

View file

@ -10,9 +10,16 @@ or
## Android.
emulator [NAME]|Start an Android emulator. Default name is "default".
## Archive.
archive [DIRS]|Archive directories. All directories by default.
archive_fast [DIRS]|Archive directories with fast compression. All directories by default.
archive_check [FILES]|Check archives integrity. Checks all archives by default.
@ -20,31 +27,95 @@ archive_prune [NAME]|Delete old versions of archives. All archives by default.
unarchive [FILES]|Extract previously created archive with checksum validation.
archive_name [ARCHIVE] [NAME]|Rename archives. If no name specified, it simplifies archive's name. If no archives specified, apply to all archives.
archive_convert|Convert old archives to a new format. TODO: remove me after some time when there won't be any old archives.
## Autocomplete.
## Battery.
battery_level|Print current battery level.
## Bootstrap.
bootstrap_rust|Install Cargo/Rust.
bootstrap_texlive|Install TeXLive.
bootstrap_grub|Install grub theme.
bootstrap_ffmpeg|Install ffmpeg.
## Cd.
cdd <DIR>|CD (back) to directory. Finds first directory that matches the input (case-insensitive).
## Checksum.
checksum_create [FILES]|Save file checksums. For file with a name "file" it will create a new file called ".file.sha1" with hash in it. All files by default.
checksum_check [FILES]|Check stored values against actual files. All files by default.
checksum|Calculate hashes for all files recursively and store in a file called "checksum.sha1".
## Chmod.
x <FILES>|Add executable flag to file.
## Color.
color_test|Print all available colors with their names colored in corresponding color.
## Copypaste.
copy|Copy stdin to system clipboard. Example: echo hi | copy
paste|Paste system clipboard to stdout. Example: paste > file.txt
## Cp.
cp <FROM> <TO>|Replaces default cp with rsync.
cp_merge <FROM> <TO>|Copy and also merge all changes (delete dst files that do not exist in src).
cp_link <FROM> <TO>|Copy by creating hardlinks. Works for directories, too.
bcp|Default cp, a.k.a builtin cp. When you don't need rsync.
cp_test <FROM> <TO>|Print output of cp_merge without writing anything.
## Date.
today|Print today date in yyyyMMdd format.
dow|Current day of week number.
## Dconf.
dconf_load|Load Gnome settings.
dconf_save [FILE]|Dump Gnome settings into the file. Default name is gnome.dconf. Do this before changing settings and after, an then run diff to find out what to add to main gnome.dconf.
## Disk.
df|Show only physical drives info.
du [DIRS]|Show combined size in SI. Current dir by default.
doc_bash|Generate a markdown file with all the help info. Outputs to ~/.doc/
## Docker.
docker_volumes <CONTAINER>|Show container's volumes.
docker_health|Check if any container exited.
docker_prune|Prune everything.
@ -60,14 +131,51 @@ dcpu [SERVICES]|Docker compose pull & up specified services.
dcul [SERVICES]|Docker compose up & attach to logs for specified services.
docker_up <CONTAINER>|Find out container's IP address.
docker_update|Update all docker images.
## Doc.
doc_bash|Generate a markdown file with all the help info. Outputs to ~/.doc/
## Export.
## Ffmpeg.
ffmpeg_mux_audio <SOUND> <OUTPUT DIR>|Mux audio into containers. File names in sound and current dirrectories must match. Tmp usage for anime downloads.
ffmpeg_mux_cover <FORMAT> <COVER>|Mux cover into music file.
ffmpeg_music_meta <FORMAT>|Generate music metadata from directory structure. Top dir is the Artist name like this: The_Beatles. Next are albums like this: 2010_My_love. Inside are songs like this: 01_sample.flac.
## File.
o <FILE>|Open file/dir in GUI.
## Find.
find_ext|Find all file extensions.
find_functions|Find all module functions.
find_module|Find all modules.
find_function [MODULE]|Find all module functions. Functions from all modules by default.
## Fix.
fix_ethernet_speed <DEVICE> <SPEED>|Fix when ethernet mistakenly detects 100 Mb instead of 1000 Mb. SPEED is one of 10/100/1000 etc.
fix_files_sftp|Fix nautilus after typing wrong sftp password.
## Git.
gps|Git push.
gpsf|Git force push.
gpl|Git pull.
@ -92,14 +200,29 @@ gr [COMMIT COUNT]|Rebase by X commits or from root. When COUNT is 0 - rebase fro
gu [EMAIL]|Specify git user as Dmitry Voronin with provided email.
gg <REPO>|Get my git repo.
gdc <COMMITHASH>|See diff for a specific commit.
## Help.
help <FUNCTION>|Get help about dotfiles bash function.
h <FUNCTION>|Short for help.
## Ls.
l [DIRS]|List files in dirs. Current dir by default.
ll [DIRS]|List last modified files first. Current dir by default.
lll [DEPTH] [DIRS]|List files in tree structure. Current dir by default. Depth can be omitted by passing - (dash).
llll [DIRS]|List files recursively. Current dir by default.
la [DIRS]|List all files in dirs, incl. hidden files. Current dir by default.
lla [DIRS]|List all files in dirs, incl. hidden files, sorted by mtime. Current dir by default.
## Name.
name [FILES]|Rename files to strip all special characters. All files by default.
name_hash [FILES]|Rename all files to their hashes while keeping extensions. All files by default.
name_hash_check [FILES]|Check hashes for previously renamed files. All files by default.
@ -109,24 +232,99 @@ name_ext <EXTENSION> [FILES]|Rename files with new extension. All files by defau
name_prefix <OLD> <NEW> [FILES]|Change file name prefix. All matching files by default.
name_postfix <OLD> <NEW> [FILES]|Change file name postfix. All matching files by default.
name_replace <OLD> <NEW> [FILES]|Replace part of the name. All matching files by default.
## Ncdu.
ncdu [DIRS]|Search only on current filesystem. Current dir by default.
## Notify.
notify <MESSAGE>|Send Telegram notification.
notify_silent <MESSAGE>|Send silent Telegram notification.
## Own.
own [USER] [FILES]|Change file ownership to specified user id and restrict access to him. Root user by default. This directory recursively by default.
## Pack.
pack <TARGET.ext> [FILES]|Pack files into desired format. All files and directories by default.
unpack [FILES]|Attempt to unpack. All supported formats by default.
## Parse.
parse_simplify <STRING>|Parse data and output simplified format.
parse_camel <STRING>|Parse to CamelCase.
parse_alnum <STRING>|Parse data keeping only alphanumeric characters.
## Permissions.
perm_share|Recursively change permissions to allow read sharing with group and others.
perm|Recursively change permissions to restrict access for group and others.
## Ps1.
## Ps.
ps <PROCESS>|Find process and filter.
## Recursive.
recursive <COMMAND>|Run something recursively over all directories.
recursive1 <COMMAND>|Run something recursively over directories of 1 depth (excluding current dir).
## Rust.
rust_book|Open Rust book.
## Shopt.
## Su.
s [USER]|Su shortcut for lazy me. Root by default.
## Terminal.
tsize|Get terminal size.
## Tmp.
tmp|CD into host's primary tmp dir.
## Tmux.
ta [NAME]|Create/attach to named session. By default uses name "main".
td|Detach from running session.
tl|List running sessions.
@ -134,17 +332,68 @@ trn [NAME]|Rename current session. Uses current dir name by default.
tn [NAME]|Assign name to window. Uses current dir name by default.
tk [NAME]|Kill specified session. By default it kills "main" session.
tka|Kill all sessions.
## Todo.
todo|Open ~/ file.
## Toolbx.
tba [NAME]|Attach/create toolbx container with specified name. By default uses "main" name.
tbk [NAME]|Remove toolbx container with specified name. By default uses "main" name.
tb_rpmfusion [NAME]|Install rpm-fusion repository into container with specified name. By default uses "main" name.
tbl|List all available containers.
## Transcode.
transcode <FORMAT> [FILES]|Convert between different formats. By default tries to convert all files.
## Try.
try <COMMAND>|Retry command every 2 sec until it completes successfully.
## Umask.
## Util.
## Vdl.
vdl [LINK]|Download video from URL. When no [LINK] specified, it tries to update previously downloaded link.
vdl_vk <LINK>|Temporary fix for vk downloads.
vdl_file <FILE>|Download all videos from file with links.
## Vi.
v|Neovim shortcut.
## Wallpaper.
wallpaper <FILE>|Set specified file as a wallpaper.
## Watch.
w <COMMAND>|Watch command output with 2 seconds interval.
ww <COMMAND>|Watch command output with minimal interval.