diff --git a/.README.md b/.README.md
index 380273b..aab4d11 100644
--- a/.README.md
+++ b/.README.md
@@ -355,6 +355,12 @@ Command|Description
`bootstrap_grub`|Install grub theme. Requires root.
`bootstrap_ffmpeg`|Install ffmpeg in flatpak to make `~/app/bin/ffmpeg` work.
+## Cd.
`|Cd back to previous directory by name.
## Checksum.
diff --git a/.config/bash/module/cd.sh b/.config/bash/module/cd.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a48d531
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/bash/module/cd.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# CD (back) to directory.
+# Usage: cdd
+ local target="${1}"
+ local array
+ local result
+ IFS='/' read -r -a array <<< "${PWD}"
+ array=("${array[@]:1}")
+ # Make search case-insensitive.
+ shopt -s nocasematch
+ # Find desired dir.
+ for dir in "${array[@]}"; do
+ result="${result}/${dir}"
+ [[ "${dir}" =~ "${target}" ]] && break
+ done
+ # Clean-up???
+ shopt -n nocasematch
+ # Say where we're going.
+ echo "${result}"
+ # Go there!
+ cd "${result}"