diff --git a/.config/bash/module/Cd.sh b/.config/bash/module/Cd.sh
index cae55ba..805afb4 100644
--- a/.config/bash/module/Cd.sh
+++ b/.config/bash/module/Cd.sh
@@ -1,26 +1,36 @@
-# CD (back) to directory.
-# Finds first directory that matches the input (case-insensitive).
+# CD (back to) directory.
+# Goes to the exact-match dir first. If no exact match found, it finds first directory that contains the input (case-insensitive).
# Usage: cdd
function cdd() {
local target="${1}"
- local array
+ if [[ "${target}" = "" ]]; then
+ help cdd
+ return 2
+ fi
+ local array=($(_cdd_directories))
local result
- IFS='/' read -r -a array <<< "${PWD}"
- array=("${array[@]:1}")
- # Make search case-insensitive.
- shopt -s nocasematch
+ # Check for exact match ELSE look for containing.
+ if _contains ${target} ${array[@]}; then
+ local current="${PWD%/*}"
+ result="${current%\/$target\/*}/${target}"
+ else
+ # Make search case-insensitive.
+ shopt -s nocasematch
- # Find desired dir.
- local found=1
- for (( idx=${#array[@]}-2 ; idx>=0 ; idx-- )); do
- dir="${array[idx]}"
- [[ "${dir}" =~ "${target}" ]] && found=0
- [[ ${found} = 0 ]] && result="/${dir}${result}"
- done
+ # Find dir name that contains input.
+ local found=1
+ for (( idx=${#array[@]}-1 ; idx>=0 ; idx-- )); do
+ dir="${array[idx]}"
+ [[ "${dir}" =~ "${target}" ]] && found=0
+ [[ ${found} = 0 ]] && result="/${dir}${result}"
+ done
- # Clean-up???
- shopt -u nocasematch
+ # Clean-up???
+ shopt -u nocasematch
+ fi
# Go there!
if [[ "${result}" != "" ]]; then
@@ -31,12 +41,19 @@ function cdd() {
-_cdd_directories() {
+# Get list of all parent dirs.
+function _cdd_directories() {
local array
IFS='/' read -r -a array <<< "${PWD}"
unset array[-1]
- _autocomplete_first "${array[@]}"
+ printf "%s\n" "${array[@]}"
-complete -o nosort -o filenames -F _cdd_directories cdd
+function _comp_cdd() {
+ local IFS=$'\n'
+ local dirs=($(_cdd_directories))
+ _autocomplete_first ${dirs[@]}
+complete -o nosort -o filenames -F _comp_cdd cdd
diff --git a/.config/bash/module/Parse.sh b/.config/bash/module/Parse.sh
index 8a42f43..3aecbd3 100644
--- a/.config/bash/module/Parse.sh
+++ b/.config/bash/module/Parse.sh
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ function parse_titlecase() {
- if [[ "${minors[@]}" =~ $(echo ${part} | sed -e "s/[${_PARSE_SPLIT_CHARS}]//g") ]]; then
+ if _contains $(echo ${part} | sed -e "s/[${_PARSE_SPLIT_CHARS}]//g") ${minors[@]}; then
echo -n "${part}"
echo -n "${part^}"
diff --git a/.config/bash/module/Util.sh b/.config/bash/module/Util.sh
index 6eac2cb..79bfa7b 100644
--- a/.config/bash/module/Util.sh
+++ b/.config/bash/module/Util.sh
@@ -97,3 +97,22 @@ function _debug() {
function _info() {
>&2 echo -e "${color_bwhite}${*}${color_default}"
+# Check if array contains an element (strict).
+# Usage: _contains
+function _contains() {
+ local IFS=$'\n'
+ local target="${1}"
+ local array="${@:2}"
+ if [[ "${target}" = "" ]] || [[ "${array}" = "" ]]; then
+ help _contains
+ return 2
+ fi
+ for item in ${array[@]}; do
+ [[ "${item}" = "${target}" ]] && return 0
+ done
+ return 1
diff --git a/.doc/Bash.md b/.doc/Bash.md
index fe86d51..7a95463 100644
--- a/.doc/Bash.md
+++ b/.doc/Bash.md
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ Command|Description
-`cdd `|CD (back) to directory. Finds first directory that matches the input (case-insensitive).
+`cdd `|CD (back to) directory. Goes to the exact-match dir first. If no exact match found, it finds first directory that contains the input (case-insensitive).
## Checksum.