export _archive_pattern="_[0-9]{12}-[[:alnum:]]{40}.t[xg]z"
export _archive_pattern_fast="_[0-9]{12}-[[:alnum:]]{40}.tgz"

# Archive directories.
# All directories by default.
# Usage: archive [DIRS]
function archive() {
	local IFS=$'\n'
	local targets=(${@})
	[[ "${targets}" = "" ]] && targets=($(_ls_dir))

	process() {
		local date=$(_archive_date)

		# Parse name.
		local name=$(parse_pascal ${target})

		# create archive.
		local hash=$(tar -c ${target} | pv -s $(/usr/bin/du -sb ${target} | awk '{print $1}') | xz -9e | tee ${name}.txz | sha1sum | cut -d\  -f1)

		# append hash to target name.
		local new_name="${name}_${date}-${hash}.txz"
		mv -- ${name}.txz ${new_name} && echo ${new_name}

	_iterate_targets process ${targets[@]}

# Archive directories with fast compression.
# All directories by default.
# Usage: archive_fast [DIRS]
function archive_fast() {
	local IFS=$'\n'
	local targets=("${@}")
	[[ "${targets}" = "" ]] && targets=($(_ls_dir))

	process() {
		# Start timestamp.
		local date=$(_archive_date)

		# Parse name.
		local name=$(parse_pascal "${target}")

		# create archive.
		local hash=$(tar -c "${target}" | pv -s $(/usr/bin/du -sb "${target}" | awk '{print $1}') | gzip -1 | tee "${name}".tgz | sha1sum | cut -d\  -f1)

		# append hash to target name.
		local new_name="${name}_${date}-${hash}.tgz"
		mv -- "${name}".tgz ${new_name} && echo ${new_name}

	_iterate_targets process ${targets[@]}

# Check archives integrity.
# Checks all archives by default.
# Usage: archive_check [FILES]
function archive_check() {
	local IFS=$'\n'
	local targets=(${@})
	[[ "${targets}" = "" ]] && targets=($(ls | grep -E ${_archive_pattern}))

	process() {
		# extract hash from name.
		local data=($(_archive_parse ${target}))
		local saved=${data[2]}

		# calculate actual hash.
		local actual=$(pv ${target} | sha1sum | cut -d\  -f1)

		# compare hashes.
		[[ "${actual}" = "${saved}" ]]

	_iterate_targets process ${targets[@]}

# Delete old versions of archives.
# All archives by default.
# Usage: archive_prune [NAME]
function archive_prune() {
	local IFS=$'\n'
	local targets=(${@})
	[[ "${targets}" = "" ]] && targets=($(ls | grep -E ${_archive_pattern}))

	process() {
		local data=($(_archive_parse ${target}))
		local name=${data[0]}
		local time=${data[1]}
		local copies=($(ls ${name}_*))

		# Iterate each copy.
		for copy in ${copies[@]}; do
			local copy_data=($(_archive_parse ${copy}))
			local copy_time=${copy_data[1]}

			if [[ "${copy_time}" -lt "${time}" ]]; then
				rm -- ${copy} && echo "${name}: Prune ${copy_time}."

	_iterate_targets process ${targets[@]}

# Delete specified or all archive files.
# Usage: archive_rm [FILES]
function archive_rm() {
	local IFS=$'\n'
	local targets=(${@})
	[[ "${targets}" = "" ]] && targets=($(ls | grep -E ${_archive_pattern}))

	process() {
		rm -- "${target}"

	_iterate_targets process ${targets[@]}

# Recompress previously created archive_fast with better compression.
# Usage: archive_xz [FILES]
function archive_xz() {
	local IFS=$'\n'
	local targets=(${@})
	[[ "${targets}" = "" ]] && targets=$(ls | grep -E ${_archive_pattern_fast})

	process() {
		local data=($(_archive_parse "${target}"))
		local tmp="${data[0]}.txz"

		# Check that old format.
		if [[ "${data[3]}" != "tgz" ]]; then
			_error "Not in .tgz format!"
			return 1

		# Recompress.
		local hash=$(pv "${target}" | gzip -d | xz -9e | tee "${tmp}" | sha1sum | cut -d\  -f1)

		# Rename.
		local new_name="${data[0]}_${data[1]}-${hash}.txz"
		mv -- ${tmp} ${new_name} && rm ${target} && echo ${new_name}

	_iterate_targets process ${targets[@]}

# Rename archives.
# If no name specified, it simplifies archive's name.
# If no archives specified, apply to all archives.
# Usage: archive_name [ARCHIVE] [NAME]
function archive_name() {
	local IFS=$'\n'
	local targets="${1}"
	local name="${2}"
	[[ "${targets}" = "" ]] && targets=($(ls | grep -E ${_archive_pattern}))

	process() {
		# simplify name by default.
		if [[ "${name}" = "" || ${count} -gt 1 ]]; then
			name="$(parse_pascal ${name})"

		# remove old name.
		local data="${target##*_}"
		local new_name="${name}_${data}"

		# check for the same name.
		[[ "${target}" = "${new_name}" ]] && return 0

		# check for existing target.
		if [[ -f "${new_name}" ]]; then
			_error "${new_name}: Already exists!"
			return 1

		# rename.
		mv -- ${target} ${new_name} && echo ${new_name}

	_iterate_targets process ${targets[@]}

# Extract previously created archive with checksum validation.
# Usage: unarchive [FILES]
function unarchive() {
	local IFS=$'\n'
	local targets=(${@})
	[[ "${targets}" = "" ]] && targets=$(ls | grep -E ${_archive_pattern})

	process() {
		# extract hash from name.
		local data=($(_archive_parse ${target}))
		local saved=${data[2]}

		# calculate actual hash.
		local actual=$(pv ${target} | sha1sum | cut -d\  -f1)

		# extract if hash matched or show error if not.
		if [[ "${saved}" = "${actual}" ]]; then
			case "${target##*.}" in
					pv ${target} | xz -d | tar -xf -
					pv ${target} | gzip -d | tar -xf -
			_error "Failed."
			return 1

	_iterate_targets process ${targets[@]}

# Parse archive file name to get: name, date, hash and format.
# Usage: _archive_parse <FILENAME>
function _archive_parse() {
	local input="${1}"
	local name="${input%_*}"
	local format="${input##*.}"
	local data="${input##*_}"; data="${data%.*}"
	local date="${data%%-*}"
	local hash="${data##*-}"

	echo "${name}"
	echo "${date}"
	echo "${hash}"
	echo "${format}"

# Autocomplete for archive_name function.
# First arg is the archives list, second one is selected archive's current name.
function _archive_name() {
	local IFS=$'\n'

	local cur="${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]}"
	local prev="${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD-1]}"
	local command="${COMP_WORDS[0]}"

	if [[ "${prev}" = "${command}" ]]; then
		COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "$(ls | grep -E ${_archive_pattern})" -- ${cur}) )
		return 0
		local name="${prev%_*}"
		COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "${name}" -- ${cur}) )
		return 0

# Autocomplete with archives in current dir.
function _archive_grep() {
	_autocomplete_grep ${_archive_pattern}

# Autocomplete with fast archives in current dir.
function _archive_grep_fast() {
	_autocomplete_grep ${_archive_pattern_fast}

# Get date for a new archive.
function _archive_date() {
	date +%Y%m%d%H%M

# Check if file is an archive.
function _is_archive() {
	local out=$(echo "${*}" | grep -E ${_archive_pattern})

	[[ "${out}" != "" ]]

complete -o filenames -F _archive_grep archive_check unarchive archive_rm
complete -o filenames -F _archive_grep_fast archive_xz
complete -o filenames -F _archive_name archive_name