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188 lines
3.3 KiB

export _unpack_supported=".tar$|.tgz$|.txz$|.tar.gz$|.tar.xz$|.zip$|.iso$|.rar$"
# Pack files into desired format.
# All files and directories by default.
# Usage: pack <TARGET.ext> [FILES]
function pack() {
local IFS=$'\n'
local output="${1}"
local targets=("${@:2}")
local format="${output##*.}"
local name="${output%.*}"
# report no output.
if [[ "${output}" = "" ]]; then
help pack
return 2
# report no format.
if [[ "${format}" = "" ]]; then
_error "Could not determine output format."
help pack
return 2
# All targets by default.
[[ "${targets}" = "" ]] && targets=(*)
case "${format}" in
_pack_tgz "${output}" "${targets[@]}"
_pack_txz "${output}" "${targets[@]}"
_pack_tar "${output}" "${targets[@]}"
_pack_zip "${output}" "${targets[@]}"
_pack_gz "${output}" "${targets[@]}"
_pack_xz "${output}" "${targets[@]}"
_pack_iso "${output}" "${targets[@]}"
_error "${target}: Format not supported."
return 2
# Attempt to unpack.
# All supported formats by default.
# Usage: unpack [FILES]
function unpack() {
local IFS=$'\n'
local targets=(${@})
[[ "${targets}" = "" ]] && targets=($(_ls_files | grep -E ${_unpack_supported}))
process() {
# unpack file type.
local type="${target##*.}"
[[ "${target}" =~ .tar.gz$ ]] && type="tar.gz"
[[ "${target}" =~ .tar.xz$ ]] && type="tar.xz"
# unpack content.
case "${type,,}" in
_unpack_zip "${target}"
_unpack_7z "${target}"
_unpack_tgz "${target}"
_unpack_txz "${target}"
_unpack_tar "${target}"
_unpack_iso "${target}"
_unpack_rar "${target}"
_unpack_xz "${target}"
_unpack_gz "${target}"
_error "${target}: Format not supported."
return 2
_iterate_targets process ${targets[@]}
function _pack_zip() {
zip -9 -r "${@}"
function _pack_tgz() {
tar -c "${@:2}" | pv -s $(/usr/bin/env du -csb "${@:2}" | sed -n -e '$p' | awk '{print $1}') | gzip -1 > "${1}"
function _pack_txz() {
tar -c "${@:2}" | pv -s $(/usr/bin/env du -csb "${@:2}" | sed -n -e '$p' | awk '{print $1}') | xz -9e > "${1}"
function _pack_tar() {
tar -c "${@:2}" | pv -s $(/usr/bin/env du -csb "${@:2}" | sed -n -e '$p' | awk '{print $1}') > "${1}"
function _pack_gz() {
pv "${2}" | gzip -1 > "${1}"
function _pack_xz() {
pv "${2}" | xz -9e > "${1}"
function _pack_iso() {
local input=("${@:2}")
local output="${1}"
local args=()
for arg in ${input[@]}; do
[[ -d "${arg}" ]] || {
_error "${arg} is not a directory."
return 1
genisoimage -J -r -pad -o "${output}" -graft-points "${args[@]}"
function _unpack_zip() {
unzip "${1}"
function _unpack_7z() {
7za x "${1}"
function _unpack_tgz() {
pv "${1}" | gzip -d | tar -xf -
function _unpack_txz() {
pv "${1}" | xz -d | tar -xf -
function _unpack_tar() {
pv "${1}" | tar -xf -
function _unpack_iso() {
7za x "${1}"
function _unpack_rar() {
unrar x "${1}"
function _unpack_gz() {
pv "${1}" | gzip -d > "${1%.gz}"
function _unpack_xz() {
pv "${1}" | xz -d > "${1%.xz}"