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# Show container's volumes.
# Usage: docker_volumes <CONTAINER>
function docker_volumes() {
docker inspect -f '{{ .Mounts }}' "${@}"
# Check if any container exited.
function docker_health() {
docker ps -a | grep Exited
# Find out container's IP address.
# Usage: docker_ip <CONTAINER>
function docker_ip() {
docker inspect -f '\''{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}'\' "${1}" | sed "s/^.//" | sed "s/.$//"
# Update all docker images.
function docker_update() {
docker images --format "{{.Repository}}:{{.Tag}}" | xargs -L1 docker pull
# Prune everything.
function docker_prune() {
docker system prune --volumes --all
# Docker compose shortcut.
function dc() {
docker compose "${@}"
# Docker compose up.
# Usage: dcu [SERVICES]
function dcu() {
docker compose up -d "${@}"
# Docker compose down.
# Usage: dcd [SERVICES]
function dcd() {
docker compose down "${@}"
# Docker compose pull.
# Usage: dcp [SERVICES]
function dcp() {
docker compose pull "${@}"
# Docker compose logs.
# Usage: dcl [SERVICES]
function dcl() {
docker compose logs -f "${@}"
# Docker compose restart.
# Usage: dcr [SERVICES]
function dcr() {
docker compose restart "${@}"
# Docker compose stop.
# Usage: dcs [SERVICES]
function dcs() {
docker compose stop "${@}"
# Docker compose down & up specified services.
# Usage: dcdu [SERVICES]
function dcdu() {
dcd "${@}"
dcu "${@}"
# Docker compose pull & up specified services.
# Usage: dcpu [SERVICES]
function dcpu() {
dcp "${@}"
dcu "${@}"
# Docker compose up & attach to logs for specified services.
# Usage: dcul [SERVICES]
function dcul() {
dcu "${@}" && dcl "${@}"
# Autocomplete with available services.
function _dc_services() {
_autocomplete "$(docker compose config --services 2> /dev/null)"
# Autocomplete with available container names.
function _dc_containers() {
_autocomplete "$(docker ps --format "\""{{.Names}}"\"")"
complete -F _dc_services dcu dcd dcp dcl dcul dcdu dcr dcs dcpu
complete -F _dc_containers docker_volumes docker_ip