
334 lines
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2024-12-18 10:54:24 +03:00
# Git push.
function gps() {
git push "${@}"
# Git push all (branches). Useful for pushing all stuff to a new remote.
function gpsa() {
local remotes=($(git remote))
for remote in ${remotes[@]}; do
echo -n "${remote}: "
git push "${remote}" --tags "refs/remotes/origin/*:refs/heads/*"
# Git force push.
function gpsf() {
git push --force "${@}"
# Git pull.
function gpl() {
git pull "${@}"
# Git log.
function gl() {
git log --show-signature "${@}"
# Git status.
function gs() {
git status "${@}"
# Git stash.
function gst() {
git stash "${@}"
# Cd to git's root dir.
function gcd() {
local path=$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)
[[ ${path} == "" ]] && return 1
cd "${path}"
# Git diff.
function gd() {
git diff --patience "${@}"
# Git diff added.
function gda() {
git diff --cached --patience "${@}"
# Git commit.
function gc() {
git commit -m "${@}"
# Git clone with tree filter.
function gct() {
git clone --filter tree:0 ${@}
# Git clone full repo.
function gcf() {
git clone ${@}
# Git clone latest commit only.
function gcl() {
git clone --depth=1 --single-branch ${@}
# Git signed commit.
function gcs() {
git commit -S -m "${@}"
# Git checkout.
function gch() {
git checkout "${@}"
# Git checkout branch.
# Usage: gchb <BRANCH>
function gchb() {
git checkout -b "${@}"
# Git branch.
function gb() {
git branch --all "${@}"
# Git branch delete.
# Usage: gbd <BRANCH>
function gbd() {
git branch -D "${@}"
# Git branch delete all except current.
function gbda() {
git branch | grep -v ^* | xargs git branch -D
# Git fetch all.
function gf() {
git fetch --all -v -p
# Git tag.
function gt() {
git tag "${@}"
# Git ignore files.
function gi() {
git ls-files -ci --exclude-standard -z | xargs -0 git rm --cached
# Git patch from staged diff.
# Usage: gpd
function gpd() {
git diff --staged --patch --binary --minimal
# Git patch from commit.
# Usage: gpc [REF] [COUNT]
function gpc() {
local ref="${1}"
local count="${2}"
[[ ${ref} == "" ]] && ref="HEAD"
[[ ${count} == "" ]] && count=1
git format-patch --stdout --minimal --patch --binary -${count} "${ref}"
# Git patch apply.
# Usage: gpa <FILE>
function gpa() {
git apply --index "${@}"
# Unstage changes.
# Usage: grs [FILES]
function grs() {
local target=${@}
[[ ${target} == "" ]] && target="."
git restore --staged "${target}"
# Run git garbage collection.
function ggc() {
git gc --aggressive --no-cruft --prune=now
# Check git file integrity.
function gfsck() {
git fsck
# Preview diff while adding. Adds current dir by default.
# Usage: ga [FILES]
function ga() {
local target=${@}
[[ ${target} == "" ]] && target="."
git diff ${target}
git add ${target}
# Rebase by X commits or from root. When COUNT is 0 - rebase from root. Default is 2.
# Usage: gr [COMMIT COUNT]
function gr() {
local base="${1}"
# Rebase last 2 commits by default.
if [[ ${base} == "" ]]; then
# If 0, rebase from root. else from specified base.
if [[ ${base} == "0" ]]; then
git rebase -i --root
git rebase -i HEAD~${base}
# Specify git user as Dmitry Voronin with provided email.
# Usage: gu [EMAIL]
function gu() {
local name="Dmitry Voronin"
local email="${1}"
if [[ ${name} == "" || ${email} == "" ]]; then
echo "usage: gu [EMAIL]"
return 2
git config "${name}"
git config "${email}"
# Get my git repo.
# Usage: gg <REPO>
function gg() {
local repo="${1}"
if [[ ${repo} == "" ]]; then
help gg
return 2
git clone ssh://"${repo}"
# See diff for a specific commit. Last commit by default.
# Usage: gdc [COMMITHASH]
function gdc() {
local hash="${1}"
[[ ${hash} == "" ]] && hash="HEAD"
git diff "${hash}^!"
# Get version number based on commit count.
function gv() {
git rev-list HEAD --count
# Open the remote web url in default browser.
# Usage: gw [REMOTE]
function gw() {
local remote="${1}"
[[ ${remote} == "" ]] && remote="$(git remote | head -n1)"
local url="$(git remote get-url ${remote})"
open "${url}"
# Search for string in whole git history.
# Usage: gsearch <STRING>
function gsearch() {
local target="${*}"
if [[ ${target} == "" ]]; then
help gsearch
return 2
git log -p -G "${target}"
# Sign the old commits. 0 to resign from root.
# Usage: gsign [COMMIT_COUNT]
function gsign() {
local base="${1}"
# Resign last commit by default.
if [[ ${base} == "" ]]; then
# If 0, rebase from root. else from specified base.
if [[ ${base} == "0" ]]; then
git rebase --exec 'git commit --amend --no-edit -n -S' -i --root
git rebase --exec 'git commit --amend --no-edit -n -S' -i HEAD~${base}
# Show current branch.
function _git_current_branch() {
git branch --show-current 2>/dev/null
# Show origin's url.
function _git_origin_url() {
git remote get-url origin
# Get this dotfiles url.
function _git_dotfiles_url() {
echo ''
# Check if current git repo is this dotfiles.
function _git_is_dotfiles() {
# [[ "$(_git_origin_url)" = "$(_git_dotfiles_url)" ]]
local dir="${PWD}"
while [[ ${dir} != "" ]]; do
if [[ -d "${dir}/.git" ]]; then
if [[ ${dir} == "${HOME}" ]] || [[ ${dir} == "$(realpath ${HOME})" ]]; then
return 0
return 1
# Autocomplete.
_completion_loader git &>/dev/null
__git_complete gps _git_push &>/dev/null
__git_complete gpsf _git_push &>/dev/null
__git_complete gpl _git_pull &>/dev/null
__git_complete gl _git_log &>/dev/null
__git_complete gs _git_status &>/dev/null
__git_complete gst _git_stash &>/dev/null
__git_complete gd _git_diff &>/dev/null
__git_complete gdc _git_diff &>/dev/null
__git_complete gc _git_commit &>/dev/null
__git_complete gch _git_checkout &>/dev/null
__git_complete gchb _git_checkout &>/dev/null
__git_complete gb _git_branch &>/dev/null
__git_complete gbd _git_branch &>/dev/null
__git_complete gf _git_fetch &>/dev/null
__git_complete gt _git_tag &>/dev/null
__git_complete gp _git_apply &>/dev/null
__git_complete ga _git_add &>/dev/null
__git_complete gw _git_pull &>/dev/null
# Autocomplete with my git emails.
function _gu() {
complete -F _gu gu