`unarchive [HOST:FILES]`|Extract previously created archive with checksum validation. Supports unarchiving exact paths from the remote machines (rsync syntax).
`cdd <DIR>`|CD (back to) directory. Goes to the exact-match dir first. If no exact match found, it finds first directory that contains the input (case-insensitive).
## Checksum.
`checksum_create [FILES]`|Save file checksums. For file with a name `file` it will create a new file called `.file.sha1` with hash in it. All files by default.
`checksum_check [FILES]`|Check stored values against actual files. All files by default.
`checksum`| Calculate hashes for all files recursively and store in a file called `checksum.sha1`.
## Chmod.
`x <FILES>`|Add executable flag to file.
## Color.
`color_test`| Print all available colors with their names colored in corresponding color.
## Container.
`ca [NAME]`|Attach/create container box in current directory with specified name. By default uses current dir name.
`ck [NAME]`|Remove container box with specified name. By default uses current dir name.
`cka`| Remove all container boxes.
`cl`| List all container boxes.
## Copypaste.
`copy`| Copy stdin to system clipboard. *Example:*`echo hi \| copy`.
`paste`| Paste system clipboard to stdout. *Example:*`paste > file.txt`.
## Cp.
`rcp <FROM> <TO>`|Replaces default cp with rsync.
`rcp_merge <FROM> <TO>`|Copy and also merge all changes (delete dst files that do not exist in src).
`cp_link <FROM> <TO>`|Copy by creating hardlinks. Works for directories, too.
`rcp_test <FROM> <TO>`|Print output of cp_merge without writing anything.
## Date.
`today`| Print today date in yyyyMMdd format.
`dow`| Current day of week number.
## Dconf.
`dconf_load`| Load Gnome settings.
`dconf_save [FILE]`|Dump Gnome settings into the file. Default name is `gnome.dconf`. Do this before changing settings and after, an then run `diff` to find out what to add to the main `gnome.dconf`.
## Disk.
`pdf`| Show only physical drives info.
`tdu [DIRS]`|Show total size in SI. Current dir by default.
## Distrobox.
`da [BOX]`|Create/Attach to the box. Uses name `main` by default.
`docker_ip <CONTAINER>`|Find out container's IP address.
`docker_update`| Update all docker images.
`dc`| Docker compose shortcut.
`dcu [SERVICES]`|Docker compose up.
`dcd [SERVICES]`|Docker compose down.
`dcp [SERVICES]`|Docker compose pull.
`dcl [SERVICES]`|Docker compose logs.
`dcr [SERVICES]`|Docker compose restart.
`dcs [SERVICES]`|Docker compose stop.
`dcdu [SERVICES]`|Docker compose down & up specified services.
`dcpu [SERVICES]`|Docker compose pull & up specified services.
`dcul [SERVICES]`|Docker compose up & attach to logs for specified services.
## Dvd.
`dvd_burn_iso <FILE.iso>`|Burn specified iso file to DVD.
`cd_burn_iso <FILE.iso>`|Burn specified iso file to CD.
`cd_burn_audio <FILES.wav>`|Burn specified audio files to CD.
`dvd_shell`| Spawn Nix shell with required tools.
## Ffmpeg.
`ffmpeg_mux_audio <SOUND> <OUTPUT DIR>`|Mux audio into containers. File names in sound and current dirrectories must match.
`ffmpeg_mux_cover <FORMAT> <COVER>`|Mux cover into music file.
`ffmpeg_music_meta <FORMAT>`|Generate music metadata from directory structure. Top dir is the Artist name like this: `The_Beatles`. Next are albums like this: `2010_My_love`. Inside are songs like this: `01_sample.flac`.
`name [FILES]`|Rename dirs to `snake_case` and files to `PascalCase`. Careful with structured file names like archives!
`name_parse <PARSER> [FILES]`|Rename files with provided parser, i.e. `parse_simple`. All files by default.
`name_hash [FILES]`|Rename all files to their hashes while keeping extensions. All files by default.
`name_hash_check [FILES]`|Check hashes for previously renamed files. All files by default.
`name_show [FILES]`|Rename files for Jellyfin shows, i.e. `Episode S01E01.mkv` All files by default.
`name_manga <SEASON> [FILES]`|Rename files for Kavita manga format. All files by default.
`name_music [FILES]`|Rename files for ffmpeg_music_meta format. All files by default.
`name_ext <EXTENSION> [FILES]`|Rename files with new extension. All files by default.
`name_prefix <OLD> <NEW> [FILES]`|Change file name prefix. All matching files by default.
`name_postfix <OLD> <NEW> [FILES]`|Change file name postfix. All matching files by default.
`name_replace <OLD> <NEW> [FILES]`|Replace part of the name. All matching files by default.
`name_fix_numbering [FILES]`|Fix numbering for numbered files. I.e if there are 10 items and some of them start without zero, then append zero to it. 1..10 -> 01..10.
`own [USER] [FILES]`|Change file ownership to specified user id and restrict access to him. Root user by default. This directory recursively by default.
## Pack.
`pack <TARGET.ext> [FILES]`|Pack files into desired format. All files and directories by default.
`unpack [FILES]`|Attempt to unpack. All supported formats by default.
## Parse.
`parse_simple <STRING>`|Parse data and output simplified format.
`parse_pascal <STRING>`|Parse to PascalCase.
`parse_snake <STRING>`|Parse to snake_case.
`parse_kebab <STRING>`|Parse to kebab-case.
`parse_camel <STRING>`|Parse to camelCase.
`parse_snake_uppercase <STRING>`|Parse to SNAKE_CASE_UPPERCASE. **NOT STABLE! Repeating results in different output.**
`parse_alnum <STRING>`|Parse data keeping only alphanumeric characters.
`parse_ints <STRING>`|Parse integers from mixed string.
`parse_lowercase <STRING>`|Parse string to lowercase.
`parse_uppercase <STRING>`|Parse string to uppercase.
`parse_titlecase <STRING>`|Parse string to title case.
`parse_sentencecase <STRING>`|Parse string to sentence case.
`parse_startcase <STRING>`|Parse string to start case.
`parse_json <STRING>`|Parse string to pretty Json.
## Permission.
`perm_share`| Recursively change permissions to allow read sharing with group and others.
`perm`| Recursively change permissions to restrict access for group and others.