Bash: Use replaceVars instead.

This commit is contained in:
Dmitry Voronin 2024-12-18 10:54:24 +03:00
parent 4bcedc1a2e
commit 8d48872d3c
Signed by: voronind
SSH key fingerprint: SHA256:3kBb4iV2ahufEBNq+vFbUe4QYfHt98DHQjN7QaptY9k
108 changed files with 3498 additions and 3717 deletions

View file

@ -1,13 +1,38 @@
{ util, pkgs, ... }@args: {
let let
modules = util.catText ( ./module) args; accent = "${};${};${}";
modulesFile = pkgs.writeText "BashModules" modules; negative = "${};${};${}";
neutral = "${};${};${}";
positive = "${};${};${}";
tgbot =;
tgdata = "false";
tgdatasilent = "true";
modulesRaw = pkgs.writeText "bash-user-modules-raw" (util.catContent ( ./module));
modulesFile = pkgs.replaceVars modulesRaw {
in in
{ {
inherit modules modulesFile; inherit modulesFile;
bashrc = bashrc =
modules (builtins.readFile modulesFile)
+ '' + ''
# Find all functions. # Find all functions.
function find_function() { function find_function() {

View file

@ -1,423 +0,0 @@
{ ... }:
text = ''
export _archive_pattern="_[0-9]{12}-[[:alnum:]]{40}"
export _archive_pattern_compressed="_[0-9]{12}-[[:alnum:]]{40}\.t(ar|gz|xz)$"
export _archive_pattern_fast="_[0-9]{12}-[[:alnum:]]{40}\.tar$"
# Archive using multiple threads. Uses 75% of free RAM.
# All directories by default.
# Supports .archiveignore exclude file.
# Usage: archive [DIRS]
function archive() {
local IFS=$'\n'
local targets=(''${@})
[[ "''${targets}" = "" ]] && targets=($(_ls_dir))
process() {
# Skip if already an archive.
_is_archive "''${target}" && {
_iterate_skip "Already an archive."
return 0
# Cut full paths.
[[ "''${target##*/}" = "" ]] || target="''${target##*/}"
local date=$(_archive_date)
# Parse name.
local name=$(parse_pascal ''${target})
# Exclude support.
local exclude=""
[[ -f ".archiveignore" ]] && exclude="--exclude-from=.archiveignore"
[[ -f "''${target}/.archiveignore" ]] && exclude="--exclude-from=''${target}/.archiveignore"
# Create archive.
local hash=$(tar ''${exclude} -c ''${target} | pv -s $(/usr/bin/env du -sb ''${target} | awk '{print $1}') | xz -9e --threads=0 --memlimit=$(_archive_memlimit) | tee ''${name}.txz | sha1sum | cut -d\ -f1)
# Append hash to target name.
local new_name="''${name}_''${date}-''${hash}.txz"
mv -- ''${name}.txz ''${new_name} && echo ''${new_name}
_iterate_targets process ''${targets[@]}
# Creates a simple archive.
# If it is a file, it just reformats file name to match archive name.
# For dirs, it first creates a tar archive.
# All files by default.
# Usage: archive_fast [DIRS]
function archive_fast() {
local IFS=$'\n'
local targets=("''${@}")
[[ "''${targets}" = "" ]] && targets=($(_ls_file))
process() {
# Skip if already an archive.
_is_archive "''${target}" && {
_iterate_skip "Already an archive."
return 0
# Cut full paths.
[[ "''${target##*/}" = "" ]] || target="''${target##*/}"
# Start timestamp.
local date=$(_archive_date)
# Exclude support.
local exclude
[[ -f ".archiveignore" ]] && exclude="--exclude-from=.archiveignore"
[[ -f "''${target}/.archiveignore" ]] && exclude="--exclude-from=''${target}/.archiveignore"
local name
local extension
if [[ -d "''${target}" ]]; then
name=$(parse_pascal "''${target}")
# Create archive.
local hash=$(tar ''${exclude} -c "''${target}" | pv -s $(/usr/bin/env du -sb "''${target}" | awk '{print $1}') | tee "''${name}".tar | sha1sum | cut -d\ -f1)
# Append hash to target name.
local new_name="''${name}_''${date}-''${hash}.tar"
mv -- "''${name}".tar ''${new_name} && echo ''${new_name}
name=$(parse_pascal "''${target%.*}")
# Check if extension matches name, then drop it.
[[ "''${extension}" = ".''${target%.*}" ]] && extension=""
local hash=$(pv "''${target}" | sha1sum | cut -d\ -f1)
local new_name="''${name}_''${date}-''${hash}''${extension}"
mv -- "''${target}" "''${new_name}" && echo ''${new_name}
_iterate_targets process ''${targets[@]}
# Check archives integrity.
# Checks all archives by default.
# Usage: archive_check [FILES]
function archive_check() {
local IFS=$'\n'
local targets=(''${@})
[[ "''${targets}" = "" ]] && targets=($(_ls_archive))
process() {
_archive_check "''${target}"
_iterate_targets process ''${targets[@]}
# Delete old versions of an archive.
# All archives with 1 version by default.
# Usage: archive_prune [NAME] [VERSIONS]
function archive_prune() {
local IFS=$'\n'
local targets=(''${1})
local versions=''${2}
[[ "''${targets}" = "" ]] && targets=($(_archive_names))
[[ "''${versions}" = "" ]] && versions=1
if [[ ''${#} -gt 2 ]]; then
help archive_prune
return 2
process() {
local prune=($(ls | grep -E "^''${target}''${_archive_pattern}" | sort -r | sed -e "1,''${versions}d"))
for archive in ''${prune[@]}; do
rm -- "''${archive}" && echo "''${archive}"
_iterate_targets process ''${targets[@]}
# Delete specified or all archive files.
# Usage: archive_rm [FILES]
function archive_rm() {
local IFS=$'\n'
local targets=(''${@})
[[ "''${targets}" = "" ]] && targets=($(_ls_archive))
process() {
rm -- "''${target}" && echo "''${target}"
_iterate_targets process ''${targets[@]}
# Recompress previously created archive_fast with better compression.
# Usage: archive_compress [FILES]
function archive_compress() {
local IFS=$'\n'
local targets=(''${@})
[[ "''${targets}" = "" ]] && targets=$(_ls_archive_fast)
process() {
local data=($(_archive_parse "''${target}"))
local tmp="''${data[0]}.txz"
# Check that old format.
if [[ "''${data[3]}" != "tar" ]]; then
_iterate_skip "Not in .tar format!"
return 0
# Check integrity.
_archive_check "''${target}" || return 1
# Recompress.
local hash=$(pv "''${target}" | xz -9e --threads=0 --memlimit=$(_archive_memlimit) | tee "''${tmp}" | sha1sum | cut -d\ -f1)
# Rename.
local new_name="''${data[0]}_''${data[1]}-''${hash}.txz"
mv -- ''${tmp} ''${new_name} && rm ''${target} && echo ''${new_name}
_iterate_targets process ''${targets[@]}
# Rename archives.
# If no name specified, it simplifies archive's name.
# If no archives specified, apply to all archives.
# Usage: archive_name [ARCHIVE] [NAME]
function archive_name() {
local IFS=$'\n'
local targets="''${1}"
local name="''${2}"
[[ "''${targets}" = "" ]] && targets=($(_ls_archive))
process() {
# Simplify name by default.
if [[ "''${name}" = "" || ''${count} -gt 1 ]]; then
name="$(parse_pascal ''${name})"
# Remove old name.
local data="''${target##*_}"
local new_name="''${name}_''${data}"
# Check for the same name.
[[ "''${target}" = "''${new_name}" ]] && return 0
# Check for existing target.
if [[ -f "''${new_name}" ]]; then
_error "''${new_name}: Already exists!"
return 1
# Rename.
mv -- ''${target} ''${new_name} && echo ''${new_name}
_iterate_targets process ''${targets[@]}
# Extract previously created archive with checksum validation.
# Supports unarchiving exact paths from the remote machines (rsync syntax).
# Usage: unarchive [HOST:FILES]
function unarchive() {
local IFS=$'\n'
local targets=(''${@})
[[ "''${targets}" = "" ]] && targets=$(_ls_archive_compressed)
process() {
# Validate.
# _archive_check "''${target}" || return 1
if ! _is_compressed_archive "''${target}"; then
_iterate_skip "Not a compressed archive."
return 0
# Remote archives.
local remote
local file="''${target}"
if [[ "''${target//\\:/}" == *:* ]]; then
local host="''${target%%:*}"
remote=(trysudo ssh ''${host})
# Extract.
case "''${file##*.}" in
''${remote[@]} pv -f ''${file} | xz -d | tar -xf -
''${remote[@]} pv -f ''${file} | tar -xf -
''${remote[@]} pv -f ''${file} | gzip -d | tar -xf -
_iterate_targets process ''${targets[@]}
# Change archive's filesystem time to match creation date.
# Usage: archive_touch [FILES]
function archive_touch() {
local IFS=$'\n'
local targets=(''${@})
[[ "''${targets}" = "" ]] && targets=$(_ls_archive)
process() {
local data=($(_archive_parse "''${target}"))
local date=''${data[1]}
touch -t ''${date} -- ''${target}
_iterate_targets process ''${targets[@]}
# Parse archive file name to get: name, date, hash and format.
# Usage: _archive_parse <FILENAME>
function _archive_parse() {
local input="''${1}"
local name="''${input%_*}"
local format="''${input##*.}"
local data="''${input##*_}"; data="''${data%.*}"
local date="''${data%%-*}"
local hash="''${data##*-}"
# No extension if no dots.
[[ "''${input}" = *\.* ]] || format=""
echo "''${name}"
echo "''${date}"
echo "''${hash}"
echo "''${format}"
# Autocomplete for archive_name function.
# First arg is the archives list, second one is selected archive's current name.
function _comp_archive_name() {
local IFS=$'\n'
local cur="''${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]}"
local prev="''${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD-1]}"
local command="''${COMP_WORDS[0]}"
if [[ "''${prev}" = "''${command}" ]]; then
COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "$(ls | grep -E ''${_archive_pattern})" -- ''${cur}) )
return 0
local data=($(_archive_parse ''${prev}))
local name="''${data[0]}"
COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "''${name}" -- ''${cur}) )
return 0
# Autocomplete with archives in current dir.
function _comp_archive_grep() {
_autocomplete_grep ''${_archive_pattern}
# Autocomplete with fast archives in current dir.
function _comp_archive_grep_fast() {
_autocomplete_grep ''${_archive_pattern_fast}
# Get date for a new archive.
function _archive_date() {
date +%Y%m%d%H%M
# Get names of all archives.
function _archive_names() {
local IFS=$'\n'
local archives=($(_ls_archive))
local names=()
for archive in ''${archives[@]}; do
local data=($(_archive_parse ''${archive}))
# Remove copies.
names=($(printf '%s\n' "''${names[@]}" | sort -u))
printf '%s\n' "''${names[@]}"
# Autocomplete with names of all archives.
function _comp_archive_names() {
_autocomplete $(_archive_names)
# Check if file is an archive.
function _is_archive() {
local target="''${*}"
local out=$(echo "''${target##*/}" | grep -E ''${_archive_pattern})
[[ "''${out}" != "" ]]
# Check if file is a compressed archive.
function _is_compressed_archive() {
local out=$(echo "''${*}" | grep -E ''${_archive_pattern_compressed})
[[ "''${out}" != "" ]]
# List all archives.
function _ls_archive() {
ls | grep -E ''${_archive_pattern}
# List fast archives.
function _ls_archive_fast() {
ls | grep -E ''${_archive_pattern_fast}
# List fast archives.
function _ls_archive_compressed() {
ls | grep -E ''${_archive_pattern_compressed}
# Filter input for archives only.
function _filter_archive() {
grep -E ''${_archive_pattern}
function _archive_memlimit() {
local mem_free=$(_mem_free)
local mem_limit=$((mem_free*3/4))
echo "''${mem_limit}MiB"
function _archive_check() {
# Extract hash from name.
local data=($(_archive_parse ''${target}))
local saved=''${data[2]}
# Calculate actual hash.
local actual=$(pv ''${target} | sha1sum | cut -d\ -f1)
# Compare hashes.
[[ "''${actual}" = "''${saved}" ]] || _error "Archive check failed."
# complete -o filenames -F _comp_archive_grep archive_check unarchive archive_rm archive_touch
# complete -o filenames -F _comp_archive_grep_fast archive_xz
complete -o filenames -F _comp_archive_name archive_name
complete -o filenames -F _comp_archive_names archive_prune

View file

@ -0,0 +1,419 @@
export _archive_pattern="_[0-9]{12}-[[:alnum:]]{40}"
export _archive_pattern_compressed="_[0-9]{12}-[[:alnum:]]{40}\.t(ar|gz|xz)$"
export _archive_pattern_fast="_[0-9]{12}-[[:alnum:]]{40}\.tar$"
# Archive using multiple threads. Uses 75% of free RAM.
# All directories by default.
# Supports .archiveignore exclude file.
# Usage: archive [DIRS]
function archive() {
local IFS=$'\n'
local targets=(${@})
[[ ${targets} == "" ]] && targets=($(_ls_dir))
process() {
# Skip if already an archive.
_is_archive "${target}" && {
_iterate_skip "Already an archive."
return 0
# Cut full paths.
[[ ${target##*/} == "" ]] || target="${target##*/}"
local date=$(_archive_date)
# Parse name.
local name=$(parse_pascal ${target})
# Exclude support.
local exclude=""
[[ -f ".archiveignore" ]] && exclude="--exclude-from=.archiveignore"
[[ -f "${target}/.archiveignore" ]] && exclude="--exclude-from=${target}/.archiveignore"
# Create archive.
local hash=$(tar ${exclude} -c ${target} | pv -s $(/usr/bin/env du -sb ${target} | awk '{print $1}') | xz -9e --threads=0 --memlimit=$(_archive_memlimit) | tee ${name}.txz | sha1sum | cut -d\ -f1)
# Append hash to target name.
local new_name="${name}_${date}-${hash}.txz"
mv -- ${name}.txz ${new_name} && echo ${new_name}
_iterate_targets process ${targets[@]}
# Creates a simple archive.
# If it is a file, it just reformats file name to match archive name.
# For dirs, it first creates a tar archive.
# All files by default.
# Usage: archive_fast [DIRS]
function archive_fast() {
local IFS=$'\n'
local targets=("${@}")
[[ ${targets} == "" ]] && targets=($(_ls_file))
process() {
# Skip if already an archive.
_is_archive "${target}" && {
_iterate_skip "Already an archive."
return 0
# Cut full paths.
[[ ${target##*/} == "" ]] || target="${target##*/}"
# Start timestamp.
local date=$(_archive_date)
# Exclude support.
local exclude
[[ -f ".archiveignore" ]] && exclude="--exclude-from=.archiveignore"
[[ -f "${target}/.archiveignore" ]] && exclude="--exclude-from=${target}/.archiveignore"
local name
local extension
if [[ -d ${target} ]]; then
name=$(parse_pascal "${target}")
# Create archive.
local hash=$(tar ${exclude} -c "${target}" | pv -s $(/usr/bin/env du -sb "${target}" | awk '{print $1}') | tee "${name}".tar | sha1sum | cut -d\ -f1)
# Append hash to target name.
local new_name="${name}_${date}-${hash}.tar"
mv -- "${name}".tar ${new_name} && echo ${new_name}
name=$(parse_pascal "${target%.*}")
# Check if extension matches name, then drop it.
[[ ${extension} == ".${target%.*}" ]] && extension=""
local hash=$(pv "${target}" | sha1sum | cut -d\ -f1)
local new_name="${name}_${date}-${hash}${extension}"
mv -- "${target}" "${new_name}" && echo ${new_name}
_iterate_targets process ${targets[@]}
# Check archives integrity.
# Checks all archives by default.
# Usage: archive_check [FILES]
function archive_check() {
local IFS=$'\n'
local targets=(${@})
[[ ${targets} == "" ]] && targets=($(_ls_archive))
process() {
_archive_check "${target}"
_iterate_targets process ${targets[@]}
# Delete old versions of an archive.
# All archives with 1 version by default.
# Usage: archive_prune [NAME] [VERSIONS]
function archive_prune() {
local IFS=$'\n'
local targets=(${1})
local versions=${2}
[[ ${targets} == "" ]] && targets=($(_archive_names))
[[ ${versions} == "" ]] && versions=1
if [[ ${#} -gt 2 ]]; then
help archive_prune
return 2
process() {
local prune=($(ls | grep -E "^${target}${_archive_pattern}" | sort -r | sed -e "1,${versions}d"))
for archive in ${prune[@]}; do
rm -- "${archive}" && echo "${archive}"
_iterate_targets process ${targets[@]}
# Delete specified or all archive files.
# Usage: archive_rm [FILES]
function archive_rm() {
local IFS=$'\n'
local targets=(${@})
[[ ${targets} == "" ]] && targets=($(_ls_archive))
process() {
rm -- "${target}" && echo "${target}"
_iterate_targets process ${targets[@]}
# Recompress previously created archive_fast with better compression.
# Usage: archive_compress [FILES]
function archive_compress() {
local IFS=$'\n'
local targets=(${@})
[[ ${targets} == "" ]] && targets=$(_ls_archive_fast)
process() {
local data=($(_archive_parse "${target}"))
local tmp="${data[0]}.txz"
# Check that old format.
if [[ ${data[3]} != "tar" ]]; then
_iterate_skip "Not in .tar format!"
return 0
# Check integrity.
_archive_check "${target}" || return 1
# Recompress.
local hash=$(pv "${target}" | xz -9e --threads=0 --memlimit=$(_archive_memlimit) | tee "${tmp}" | sha1sum | cut -d\ -f1)
# Rename.
local new_name="${data[0]}_${data[1]}-${hash}.txz"
mv -- ${tmp} ${new_name} && rm ${target} && echo ${new_name}
_iterate_targets process ${targets[@]}
# Rename archives.
# If no name specified, it simplifies archive's name.
# If no archives specified, apply to all archives.
# Usage: archive_name [ARCHIVE] [NAME]
function archive_name() {
local IFS=$'\n'
local targets="${1}"
local name="${2}"
[[ ${targets} == "" ]] && targets=($(_ls_archive))
process() {
# Simplify name by default.
if [[ ${name} == "" || ${count} -gt 1 ]]; then
name="$(parse_pascal ${name})"
# Remove old name.
local data="${target##*_}"
local new_name="${name}_${data}"
# Check for the same name.
[[ ${target} == "${new_name}" ]] && return 0
# Check for existing target.
if [[ -f ${new_name} ]]; then
_error "${new_name}: Already exists!"
return 1
# Rename.
mv -- ${target} ${new_name} && echo ${new_name}
_iterate_targets process ${targets[@]}
# Extract previously created archive with checksum validation.
# Supports unarchiving exact paths from the remote machines (rsync syntax).
# Usage: unarchive [HOST:FILES]
function unarchive() {
local IFS=$'\n'
local targets=(${@})
[[ ${targets} == "" ]] && targets=$(_ls_archive_compressed)
process() {
# Validate.
# _archive_check "${target}" || return 1
if ! _is_compressed_archive "${target}"; then
_iterate_skip "Not a compressed archive."
return 0
# Remote archives.
local remote
local file="${target}"
if [[ ${target//\\:/} == *:* ]]; then
local host="${target%%:*}"
remote=(trysudo ssh ${host})
# Extract.
case "${file##*.}" in
${remote[@]} pv -f ${file} | xz -d | tar -xf -
${remote[@]} pv -f ${file} | tar -xf -
${remote[@]} pv -f ${file} | gzip -d | tar -xf -
_iterate_targets process ${targets[@]}
# Change archive's filesystem time to match creation date.
# Usage: archive_touch [FILES]
function archive_touch() {
local IFS=$'\n'
local targets=(${@})
[[ ${targets} == "" ]] && targets=$(_ls_archive)
process() {
local data=($(_archive_parse "${target}"))
local date=${data[1]}
touch -t ${date} -- ${target}
_iterate_targets process ${targets[@]}
# Parse archive file name to get: name, date, hash and format.
# Usage: _archive_parse <FILENAME>
function _archive_parse() {
local input="${1}"
local name="${input%_*}"
local format="${input##*.}"
local data="${input##*_}"
local date="${data%%-*}"
local hash="${data##*-}"
# No extension if no dots.
[[ ${input} == *\.* ]] || format=""
echo "${name}"
echo "${date}"
echo "${hash}"
echo "${format}"
# Autocomplete for archive_name function.
# First arg is the archives list, second one is selected archive's current name.
function _comp_archive_name() {
local IFS=$'\n'
local cur="${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]}"
local prev="${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD - 1]}"
local command="${COMP_WORDS[0]}"
if [[ ${prev} == "${command}" ]]; then
COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "$(ls | grep -E ${_archive_pattern})" -- ${cur}))
return 0
local data=($(_archive_parse ${prev}))
local name="${data[0]}"
COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "${name}" -- ${cur}))
return 0
# Autocomplete with archives in current dir.
function _comp_archive_grep() {
_autocomplete_grep ${_archive_pattern}
# Autocomplete with fast archives in current dir.
function _comp_archive_grep_fast() {
_autocomplete_grep ${_archive_pattern_fast}
# Get date for a new archive.
function _archive_date() {
date +%Y%m%d%H%M
# Get names of all archives.
function _archive_names() {
local IFS=$'\n'
local archives=($(_ls_archive))
local names=()
for archive in ${archives[@]}; do
local data=($(_archive_parse ${archive}))
# Remove copies.
names=($(printf '%s\n' "${names[@]}" | sort -u))
printf '%s\n' "${names[@]}"
# Autocomplete with names of all archives.
function _comp_archive_names() {
_autocomplete $(_archive_names)
# Check if file is an archive.
function _is_archive() {
local target="${*}"
local out=$(echo "${target##*/}" | grep -E ${_archive_pattern})
[[ ${out} != "" ]]
# Check if file is a compressed archive.
function _is_compressed_archive() {
local out=$(echo "${*}" | grep -E ${_archive_pattern_compressed})
[[ ${out} != "" ]]
# List all archives.
function _ls_archive() {
ls | grep -E ${_archive_pattern}
# List fast archives.
function _ls_archive_fast() {
ls | grep -E ${_archive_pattern_fast}
# List fast archives.
function _ls_archive_compressed() {
ls | grep -E ${_archive_pattern_compressed}
# Filter input for archives only.
function _filter_archive() {
grep -E ${_archive_pattern}
function _archive_memlimit() {
local mem_free=$(_mem_free)
local mem_limit=$((mem_free * 3 / 4))
echo "${mem_limit}MiB"
function _archive_check() {
# Extract hash from name.
local data=($(_archive_parse ${target}))
local saved=${data[2]}
# Calculate actual hash.
local actual=$(pv ${target} | sha1sum | cut -d\ -f1)
# Compare hashes.
[[ ${actual} == "${saved}" ]] || _error "Archive check failed."
# complete -o filenames -F _comp_archive_grep archive_check unarchive archive_rm archive_touch
# complete -o filenames -F _comp_archive_grep_fast archive_xz
complete -o filenames -F _comp_archive_name archive_name
complete -o filenames -F _comp_archive_names archive_prune

View file

@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
{ ... }:
text = ''
# Ask general AI.
# Usage: ask <QUERY>
function ask() {
curl http://localhost:11434/api/generate -d "{
}" 2> /dev/null | parallel -j1 -- "printf '%s\n' {} | jq -r .response | sed -e 's/^$/\+\+\+/' | tr -d '\n' | sed -e 's/\+\+\+/\n/'"
# Specify ask model.
function ask_model() {
export OLLAMA_MODEL="''${1}"
function _complete_ask_model() {
local IFS=$'\n'
local models=($(ollama list | sed -e "1d" | cut -f1))
_autocomplete ''${models[@]}
complete -F _complete_ask_model ask_model

View file

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
# Ask general AI.
# Usage: ask <QUERY>
function ask() {
curl http://localhost:11434/api/generate -d "{
}" 2>/dev/null | parallel -j1 -- "printf '%s\n' {} | jq -r .response | sed -e 's/^$/\+\+\+/' | tr -d '\n' | sed -e 's/\+\+\+/\n/'"
# Specify ask model.
function ask_model() {
export OLLAMA_MODEL="${1}"
function _complete_ask_model() {
local IFS=$'\n'
local models=($(ollama list | sed -e "1d" | cut -f1))
_autocomplete ${models[@]}
complete -F _complete_ask_model ask_model

View file

@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
{ ... }:
text = ''
# Bash autocomplete.
# There are also options like -o nospace. see man for more info.
# Usage: _foo() { _autocomplete "{foo,bar}" } ; complete -F _foo foo
function _autocomplete() {
local iter use cur
use="''${@//\\ /___}"
for iter in $use; do
if [[ $iter =~ ^$cur ]]; then
COMPREPLY+=( $(printf "%q" "''${iter//___/ }") )
# Autocomplete by grepping file names.
function _autocomplete_grep() {
local IFS=$'\n'
local pattern="''${1}"
local candidates=$("$(ls | grep -E ''${pattern})")
_autocomplete ''${candidates}
# Autocomplete nested program.
function _autocomplete_nested() {
# local IFS=$'\n'
local cur prev words cword split i
_init_completion -s || return
for ((i = 1; i <= cword; i++)); do
if [[ ''${words[i]} != -* ]]; then
local PATH=$PATH:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/sbin
local root_command=''${words[i]}
_command_offset ''${i}

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@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
# Bash autocomplete.
# There are also options like -o nospace. see man for more info.
# Usage: _foo() { _autocomplete "{foo,bar}" } ; complete -F _foo foo
function _autocomplete() {
local iter use cur
use="${@//\\ /___}"
for iter in $use; do
if [[ $iter =~ ^$cur ]]; then
COMPREPLY+=($(printf "%q" "${iter//___/ }"))
# Autocomplete by grepping file names.
function _autocomplete_grep() {
local IFS=$'\n'
local pattern="${1}"
local candidates=$("$(ls | grep -E ${pattern})")
_autocomplete ${candidates}
# Autocomplete nested program.
function _autocomplete_nested() {
# local IFS=$'\n'
local cur prev words cword split i
_init_completion -s || return
for ((i = 1; i <= cword; i++)); do
if [[ ${words[i]} != -* ]]; then
local PATH=$PATH:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/sbin
local root_command=${words[i]}
_command_offset ${i}

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@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
{ ... }:
text = ''
# Print current battery charge level in percents.
function battery_level() {
head -c -1 /sys/class/power_supply/BAT*/capacity
echo '%'
# Get battery's info.
function battery_info() {
local IFS=$'\n'
local battery=("$(upower --enumerate | grep battery_BAT)")
upower -i "''${battery[0]}"

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@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
# Print current battery charge level in percents.
function battery_level() {
head -c -1 /sys/class/power_supply/BAT*/capacity
echo '%'
# Get battery's info.
function battery_info() {
local IFS=$'\n'
local battery=("$(upower --enumerate | grep battery_BAT)")
upower -i "${battery[0]}"

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@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
{ ... }:
text = ''
# Extract all formats with binwalk.
# Use -M for recursive extract.
# Usage: binwalke <FILES>
function binwalke() {
binwalk --dd='.*' "$@"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
# Extract all formats with binwalk.
# Use -M for recursive extract.
# Usage: binwalke <FILES>
function binwalke() {
binwalk --dd='.*' "$@"

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@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
{ ... }:
text = ''
# Switch bottle.
# Usage: bt <NAME>
function bt() {
export SHELL_NAME="''${*}"
# Create new bottle.
# Usage: btc [ENV] [EXTRA]
function btc() {
local env="''${1}"
[[ "''${env}" = "" ]] && env="gaming"
bottles-cli new --bottle-name "''${SHELL_NAME}" --environment "''${env}" "''${@:2}"
# Run a file inside a bottle.
# Usage: btre <EXE> [EXTRA]
function btre() {
bottles-cli run -b "''${SHELL_NAME}" -e "''${@}"
# Run a program inside a bottle.
# Usage: btr <NAME> [EXTRA]
function btr() {
bottles-cli run -b "''${SHELL_NAME}" -p "''${@}"
# List bottles.
function btl() {
bottles-cli list bottles 2> /dev/null
# List programs in a bottle.
function btlp() {
bottles-cli programs -b "''${SHELL_NAME}" 2> /dev/null
# Add a program to bottle.
# Usage: bta <NAME> <EXE> [EXTRA]
function bta() {
local name="''${1}"
local exe=$(realpath "''${2}")
if [[ "''${exe}" = "" ]]; then
help bta
return 2
bottles-cli add -b "''${SHELL_NAME}" -n "''${name}" -p "''${exe}" "''${@:3}" 2> /dev/null
# Set bottle env var.
# Usage: bte <NAME=VALUE>
function bte() {
local env="''${1}"
if [[ "''${env}" = "" ]]; then
help bte
return 2
bottles-cli edit -b "''${SHELL_NAME}" --env-var "''${@}" 2> /dev/null
# Play bottle.
# Usage: btp <BOTTLE>
function btp() {
local bottle="''${1##*/}"
if [[ "''${bottle}" = "" ]]; then
help btp
return 2
local program=$(bottles-cli programs -b "''${bottle}" 2> /dev/null | sed -n -e "s/^- //; 2p")
bottles-cli run -b "''${bottle}" -p "''${program}"
function _comp_bottles_list() {
_autocomplete $(bottles-cli list bottles 2> /dev/null | sed -e "1d; s/^- //")
function _comp_programs_list() {
local IFS=$'\n'
_autocomplete $(bottles-cli programs -b "''${SHELL_NAME}" 2> /dev/null | sed -e "1d; s/^- //")
complete -F _comp_bottles_list bt btp
complete -F _comp_programs_list btr

View file

@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
# Switch bottle.
# Usage: bt <NAME>
function bt() {
export SHELL_NAME="${*}"
# Create new bottle.
# Usage: btc [ENV] [EXTRA]
function btc() {
local env="${1}"
[[ ${env} == "" ]] && env="gaming"
bottles-cli new --bottle-name "${SHELL_NAME}" --environment "${env}" "${@:2}"
# Run a file inside a bottle.
# Usage: btre <EXE> [EXTRA]
function btre() {
bottles-cli run -b "${SHELL_NAME}" -e "${@}"
# Run a program inside a bottle.
# Usage: btr <NAME> [EXTRA]
function btr() {
bottles-cli run -b "${SHELL_NAME}" -p "${@}"
# List bottles.
function btl() {
bottles-cli list bottles 2>/dev/null
# List programs in a bottle.
function btlp() {
bottles-cli programs -b "${SHELL_NAME}" 2>/dev/null
# Add a program to bottle.
# Usage: bta <NAME> <EXE> [EXTRA]
function bta() {
local name="${1}"
local exe=$(realpath "${2}")
if [[ ${exe} == "" ]]; then
help bta
return 2
bottles-cli add -b "${SHELL_NAME}" -n "${name}" -p "${exe}" "${@:3}" 2>/dev/null
# Set bottle env var.
# Usage: bte <NAME=VALUE>
function bte() {
local env="${1}"
if [[ ${env} == "" ]]; then
help bte
return 2
bottles-cli edit -b "${SHELL_NAME}" --env-var "${@}" 2>/dev/null
# Play bottle.
# Usage: btp <BOTTLE>
function btp() {
local bottle="${1##*/}"
if [[ ${bottle} == "" ]]; then
help btp
return 2
local program=$(bottles-cli programs -b "${bottle}" 2>/dev/null | sed -n -e "s/^- //; 2p")
bottles-cli run -b "${bottle}" -p "${program}"
function _comp_bottles_list() {
_autocomplete $(bottles-cli list bottles 2>/dev/null | sed -e "1d; s/^- //")
function _comp_programs_list() {
local IFS=$'\n'
_autocomplete $(bottles-cli programs -b "${SHELL_NAME}" 2>/dev/null | sed -e "1d; s/^- //")
complete -F _comp_bottles_list bt btp
complete -F _comp_programs_list btr

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@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
{ ... }:
text = ''
# Set display brightness to a minimum.
function brmin() {
light -S 0.01
# Set display brightness to a maximum.
function brmax() {
light -S 100
# Set display brightness in percent, 50% default.
# Usage: brset [LEVEL]
function brset() {
local level=''${1}
[[ "''${level}" = "" ]] && level=50
light -S ''${level}

View file

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
# Set display brightness to a minimum.
function brmin() {
light -S 0.01
# Set display brightness to a maximum.
function brmax() {
light -S 100
# Set display brightness in percent, 50% default.
# Usage: brset [LEVEL]
function brset() {
local level=${1}
[[ ${level} == "" ]] && level=50
light -S ${level}

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@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
{ ... }:
text = ''
# CD (back to) directory.
# Goes to the exact-match dir first. If no exact match found, it finds first directory that contains the input (case-insensitive).
# Usage: cdd <DIR>
function cdd() {
local target="''${1}"
if [[ "''${target}" = "" ]]; then
help cdd
return 2
local array=($(_cdd_directories))
local result
# Check for exact match ELSE look for containing.
if _contains ''${target} ''${array[@]}; then
local current="''${PWD%/*}"
# Make search case-insensitive.
shopt -s nocasematch
# Find dir name that contains input.
local found=1
for (( idx=''${#array[@]}-1 ; idx>=0 ; idx-- )); do
[[ "''${dir}" =~ "''${target}" ]] && found=0
[[ ''${found} = 0 ]] && result="/''${dir}''${result}"
# Clean-up???
shopt -u nocasematch
# Go there!
if [[ "''${result}" != "" ]]; then
echo "''${result}"
cd "''${result}"
return 1
# CLI cd. Opens CLI file manager.
function ccd() {
local tmp="$(mktemp -t "yazi-cwd.XXXXXX")"
yazi "$@" --cwd-file="$tmp"
if cwd="$(cat -- "$tmp")" && [ -n "$cwd" ] && [ "$cwd" != "$PWD" ]; then
cd -- "$cwd"
rm -f -- "$tmp"
# Get list of all parent dirs.
function _cdd_directories() {
local array
IFS='/' read -r -a array <<< "''${PWD}"
unset array[-1]
printf "%s\n" "''${array[@]}"
function _comp_cdd() {
local IFS=$'\n'
local dirs=($(_cdd_directories))
_autocomplete ''${dirs[@]}
complete -o nosort -o filenames -F _comp_cdd cdd

View file

@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
# CD (back to) directory.
# Goes to the exact-match dir first. If no exact match found, it finds first directory that contains the input (case-insensitive).
# Usage: cdd <DIR>
function cdd() {
local target="${1}"
if [[ ${target} == "" ]]; then
help cdd
return 2
local array=($(_cdd_directories))
local result
# Check for exact match ELSE look for containing.
if _contains ${target} ${array[@]}; then
local current="${PWD%/*}"
# Make search case-insensitive.
shopt -s nocasematch
# Find dir name that contains input.
local found=1
for ((idx = ${#array[@]} - 1; idx >= 0; idx--)); do
[[ ${dir} =~ ${target} ]] && found=0
[[ ${found} == 0 ]] && result="/${dir}${result}"
# Clean-up???
shopt -u nocasematch
# Go there!
if [[ ${result} != "" ]]; then
echo "${result}"
cd "${result}"
return 1
# CLI cd. Opens CLI file manager.
function ccd() {
local tmp="$(mktemp -t "yazi-cwd.XXXXXX")"
yazi "$@" --cwd-file="$tmp"
if cwd="$(cat -- "$tmp")" && [ -n "$cwd" ] && [ "$cwd" != "$PWD" ]; then
cd -- "$cwd"
rm -f -- "$tmp"
# Get list of all parent dirs.
function _cdd_directories() {
local array
IFS='/' read -r -a array <<<"${PWD}"
unset array[-1]
printf "%s\n" "${array[@]}"
function _comp_cdd() {
local IFS=$'\n'
local dirs=($(_cdd_directories))
_autocomplete ${dirs[@]}
complete -o nosort -o filenames -F _comp_cdd cdd

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@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
{ ... }:
text = ''
# Collection of available CLI colors.
# They may differ depending on the terminal used.
# Colors with 'b' prefix are bold colors.
export color_default="\033[0m"
export color_blue="\033[0;34m"
export color_bblue="\033[1;34m"
export color_cyan="\033[0;36m"
export color_bcyan="\033[1;36m"
export color_green="\033[0;32m"
export color_bgreen="\033[1;32m"
export color_purple="\033[0;35m"
export color_bpurple="\033[1;35m"
export color_red="\033[0;31m"
export color_bred="\033[1;31m"
export color_white="\033[0;37m"
export color_bwhite="\033[1;37m"
export color_yellow="\033[0;33m"
export color_byellow="\033[1;33m"
# Print all available colors with their names colored in corresponding color.
function color_test() {
echo -e "''${color_default}color_default\n''${color_blue}color_blue\n''${color_bblue}color_bblue\n''${color_cyan}color_cyan\n''${color_bcyan}color_bcyan\n''${color_green}color_green\n''${color_bgreen}color_bgreen\n''${color_purple}color_purple\n''${color_bpurple}color_bpurple\n''${color_red}color_red\n''${color_bred}color_bred\n''${color_white}color_white\n''${color_bwhite}color_bwhite\n''${color_yellow}color_yellow\n''${color_byellow}color_byellow"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
# Collection of available CLI colors.
# They may differ depending on the terminal used.
# Colors with 'b' prefix are bold colors.
export color_default="\033[0m"
export color_blue="\033[0;34m"
export color_bblue="\033[1;34m"
export color_cyan="\033[0;36m"
export color_bcyan="\033[1;36m"
export color_green="\033[0;32m"
export color_bgreen="\033[1;32m"
export color_purple="\033[0;35m"
export color_bpurple="\033[1;35m"
export color_red="\033[0;31m"
export color_bred="\033[1;31m"
export color_white="\033[0;37m"
export color_bwhite="\033[1;37m"
export color_yellow="\033[0;33m"
export color_byellow="\033[1;33m"
# Print all available colors with their names colored in corresponding color.
function color_test() {
echo -e "${color_default}color_default\n${color_blue}color_blue\n${color_bblue}color_bblue\n${color_cyan}color_cyan\n${color_bcyan}color_bcyan\n${color_green}color_green\n${color_bgreen}color_bgreen\n${color_purple}color_purple\n${color_bpurple}color_bpurple\n${color_red}color_red\n${color_bred}color_bred\n${color_white}color_white\n${color_bwhite}color_bwhite\n${color_yellow}color_yellow\n${color_byellow}color_byellow"

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@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
{ ... }:
text = ''
# Copy stdin to system clipboard. *Example:* `echo hi \| copy`.
function copy() {
# Paste system clipboard to stdout. *Example:* `paste > file.txt`.
function paste() {

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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
# Copy stdin to system clipboard. *Example:* `echo hi \| copy`.
function copy() {
# Paste system clipboard to stdout. *Example:* `paste > file.txt`.
function paste() {

View file

@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
{ ... }:
text = ''
# Replaces default cp with rsync.
# Usage: rcp <FROM> <TO>
function rcp() {
rsync -ahP --chmod=u+w "''${@}"
# Replaces default cp with rsync.
# Only compare file size.
# Usage: rcp_fast <FROM> <TO>
function rcp_fast() {
rsync -ahP --chmod=u+w --size-only "''${@}"
# Replaces default cp with rsync.
# Compare file hashes.
# Usage: rcp_hash <FROM> <TO>
function rcp_hash() {
rsync -ahP --chmod=u+w --checksum "''${@}"
# Copy and also merge all changes (delete dst files that do not exist in src).
# Usage: rcp_merge <FROM> <TO>
function rcp_merge() {
rsync -ahP --chmod=u+w --delete "''${@}"
# Copy and also merge all changes FAST (delete dst files that do not exist in src, only compare size).
# Usage: rcp_merge_fast <FROM> <TO>
function rcp_merge_fast() {
rsync -ahP --chmod=u+w --delete --size-only "''${@}"
# Copy and also merge all changes BY CHECKSUM (delete dst files that do not exist in src, compare hashes).
# Usage: rcp_merge_hash <FROM> <TO>
function rcp_merge_hash() {
rsync -ahP --chmod=u+w --delete --checksum "''${@}"
# Print output of cp_merge without writing anything.
# Usage: rcp_test <FROM> <TO>
function rcp_test() {
rsync -ahP --chmod=u+w --delete -n "''${@}"
# Copy by creating hardlinks.
# Works for directories, too.
# Usage: cp_link <FROM> <TO>
function cp_link() {
/usr/bin/env cp -lr "''${@}"

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@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
# Replaces default cp with rsync.
# Usage: rcp <FROM> <TO>
function rcp() {
rsync -ahP --chmod=u+w "${@}"
# Replaces default cp with rsync.
# Only compare file size.
# Usage: rcp_fast <FROM> <TO>
function rcp_fast() {
rsync -ahP --chmod=u+w --size-only "${@}"
# Replaces default cp with rsync.
# Compare file hashes.
# Usage: rcp_hash <FROM> <TO>
function rcp_hash() {
rsync -ahP --chmod=u+w --checksum "${@}"
# Copy and also merge all changes (delete dst files that do not exist in src).
# Usage: rcp_merge <FROM> <TO>
function rcp_merge() {
rsync -ahP --chmod=u+w --delete "${@}"
# Copy and also merge all changes FAST (delete dst files that do not exist in src, only compare size).
# Usage: rcp_merge_fast <FROM> <TO>
function rcp_merge_fast() {
rsync -ahP --chmod=u+w --delete --size-only "${@}"
# Copy and also merge all changes BY CHECKSUM (delete dst files that do not exist in src, compare hashes).
# Usage: rcp_merge_hash <FROM> <TO>
function rcp_merge_hash() {
rsync -ahP --chmod=u+w --delete --checksum "${@}"
# Print output of cp_merge without writing anything.
# Usage: rcp_test <FROM> <TO>
function rcp_test() {
rsync -ahP --chmod=u+w --delete -n "${@}"
# Copy by creating hardlinks.
# Works for directories, too.
# Usage: cp_link <FROM> <TO>
function cp_link() {
/usr/bin/env cp -lr "${@}"

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@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
{ ... }:
text = ''
# Download a file from the web.
# Usaee: dl <FILE> [FILES...]
function dl() {
wcurl --curl-options='--http2 --continue-at -' -- ''${@}

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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# Download a file from the web.
# Usaee: dl <FILE> [FILES...]
function dl() {
wcurl --curl-options='--http2 --continue-at -' -- ${@}

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@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
{ ... }:
text = ''
# Print today date in yyyyMMdd format.
function today() {
date +%Y%m%d
# Current day of week number.
function dow() {
date +%u

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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
# Print today date in yyyyMMdd format.
function today() {
date +%Y%m%d
# Current day of week number.
function dow() {
date +%u

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@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
{ ... }:
text = ''
# Show only physical drives info.
function pdf() {
df --si | sed -e '1p' -e '/^\/dev\//!d'
# Show total size in SI.
# Current dir by default.
# Usage: tdu [DIRS]
function tdu() {
du -sh --si "''${@}"
# Unlock encrypted disk file.
# Usage: funlock <FILE>
function funlock() {
local file="''${1}"
if [[ "''${file}" = "" ]]; then
help funlock
return 2
local name=$(parse_alnum "''${file##*/}")
local loop=$(udisksctl loop-setup --no-user-interaction --file "''${file}")
loop="''${loop##* }"; loop="''${loop%.}"
local decrypted=$(udisksctl unlock --block-device "''${loop}")
decrypted="''${decrypted##* }"; decrypted="''${decrypted%.}"
local mount=$(udisksctl mount --no-user-interaction --block-device "''${decrypted}")
mount="''${mount#* at }"
ya pub dds-cd --str "''${mount}" 2> /dev/null
cd "''${mount}"
# Mount file.
# Usage: fmount <FILE>
function fmount() {
local file="''${1}"
if [[ "''${file}" = "" ]]; then
help fmount
return 2
local loop=$(udisksctl loop-setup --no-user-interaction --file "''${file}")
loop="''${loop##* }"; loop="''${loop%.}"
local mount=$(udisksctl mount --no-user-interaction --block-device "''${loop}")
mount="''${mount#* at }"
ya pub dds-cd --str "''${mount}" 2> /dev/null
cd "''${mount}"
# Unmount file.
# Usage: fumount <LOOPDEVICE>
function fumount() {
local loop="''${1}"
if [[ "''${loop}" = "" ]]; then
help fumount
return 2
udisksctl unmount --no-user-interaction --block-device "''${loop}"
udisksctl loop-delete --no-user-interaction --block-device "''${loop}"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
# Show only physical drives info.
function pdf() {
df --si | sed -e '1p' -e '/^\/dev\//!d'
# Show total size in SI.
# Current dir by default.
# Usage: tdu [DIRS]
function tdu() {
du -sh --si "${@}"
# Unlock encrypted disk file.
# Usage: funlock <FILE>
function funlock() {
local file="${1}"
if [[ ${file} == "" ]]; then
help funlock
return 2
local name=$(parse_alnum "${file##*/}")
local loop=$(udisksctl loop-setup --no-user-interaction --file "${file}")
loop="${loop##* }"
local decrypted=$(udisksctl unlock --block-device "${loop}")
decrypted="${decrypted##* }"
local mount=$(udisksctl mount --no-user-interaction --block-device "${decrypted}")
mount="${mount#* at }"
ya pub dds-cd --str "${mount}" 2>/dev/null
cd "${mount}"
# Mount file.
# Usage: fmount <FILE>
function fmount() {
local file="${1}"
if [[ ${file} == "" ]]; then
help fmount
return 2
local loop=$(udisksctl loop-setup --no-user-interaction --file "${file}")
loop="${loop##* }"
local mount=$(udisksctl mount --no-user-interaction --block-device "${loop}")
mount="${mount#* at }"
ya pub dds-cd --str "${mount}" 2>/dev/null
cd "${mount}"
# Unmount file.
# Usage: fumount <LOOPDEVICE>
function fumount() {
local loop="${1}"
if [[ ${loop} == "" ]]; then
help fumount
return 2
udisksctl unmount --no-user-interaction --block-device "${loop}"
udisksctl loop-delete --no-user-interaction --block-device "${loop}"

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@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
{ ... }:
text = ''
# Show container's volumes.
# Usage: docker_volumes <CONTAINER>
function docker_volumes() {
docker inspect -f '{{ .Mounts }}' "''${@}"
# Check if any container exited.
function docker_health() {
docker ps -a | grep Exited
# Find out container's IP address.
# Usage: docker_ip <CONTAINER>
function docker_ip() {
docker inspect -f '\'''{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}'\' "''${1}" | sed "s/^.//" | sed "s/.$//"
# Update all docker images.
function docker_update() {
docker images --format "{{.Repository}}:{{.Tag}}" | xargs -L1 docker pull
# Docker compose shortcut.
function dc() {
docker compose "''${@}"
# Docker compose up.
# Usage: dcu [SERVICES]
function dcu() {
docker compose up -d "''${@}"
# Docker compose down.
# Usage: dcd [SERVICES]
function dcd() {
docker compose down "''${@}"
# Docker compose pull.
# Usage: dcp [SERVICES]
function dcp() {
docker compose pull "''${@}"
# Docker compose logs.
# Usage: dcl [SERVICES]
function dcl() {
docker compose logs -f "''${@}"
# Docker compose restart.
# Usage: dcr [SERVICES]
function dcr() {
docker compose restart "''${@}"
# Docker compose stop.
# Usage: dcs [SERVICES]
function dcs() {
docker compose stop "''${@}"
# Docker compose down & up specified services.
# Usage: dcdu [SERVICES]
function dcdu() {
dcd "''${@}"
dcu "''${@}"
# Docker compose pull & up specified services.
# Usage: dcpu [SERVICES]
function dcpu() {
dcp "''${@}"
dcu "''${@}"
# Docker compose up & attach to logs for specified services.
# Usage: dcul [SERVICES]
function dcul() {
dcu "''${@}" && dcl "''${@}"
# Autocomplete with available services.
function _dc_services() {
_autocomplete "$(docker compose config --services 2> /dev/null)"
# Autocomplete with available container names.
function _dc_containers() {
_autocomplete "$(docker ps --format "\""{{.Names}}"\"")"
complete -F _dc_services dcu dcd dcp dcl dcul dcdu dcr dcs dcpu
complete -F _dc_containers docker_volumes docker_ip

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@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
# Show container's volumes.
# Usage: docker_volumes <CONTAINER>
function docker_volumes() {
docker inspect -f '{{ .Mounts }}' "${@}"
# Check if any container exited.
function docker_health() {
docker ps -a | grep Exited
# Find out container's IP address.
# Usage: docker_ip <CONTAINER>
function docker_ip() {
docker inspect -f '\'{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}'\' "${1}" | sed "s/^.//" | sed "s/.$//"
# Update all docker images.
function docker_update() {
docker images --format "{{.Repository}}:{{.Tag}}" | xargs -L1 docker pull
# Docker compose shortcut.
function dc() {
docker compose "${@}"
# Docker compose up.
# Usage: dcu [SERVICES]
function dcu() {
docker compose up -d "${@}"
# Docker compose down.
# Usage: dcd [SERVICES]
function dcd() {
docker compose down "${@}"
# Docker compose pull.
# Usage: dcp [SERVICES]
function dcp() {
docker compose pull "${@}"
# Docker compose logs.
# Usage: dcl [SERVICES]
function dcl() {
docker compose logs -f "${@}"
# Docker compose restart.
# Usage: dcr [SERVICES]
function dcr() {
docker compose restart "${@}"
# Docker compose stop.
# Usage: dcs [SERVICES]
function dcs() {
docker compose stop "${@}"
# Docker compose down & up specified services.
# Usage: dcdu [SERVICES]
function dcdu() {
dcd "${@}"
dcu "${@}"
# Docker compose pull & up specified services.
# Usage: dcpu [SERVICES]
function dcpu() {
dcp "${@}"
dcu "${@}"
# Docker compose up & attach to logs for specified services.
# Usage: dcul [SERVICES]
function dcul() {
dcu "${@}" && dcl "${@}"
# Autocomplete with available services.
function _dc_services() {
_autocomplete "$(docker compose config --services 2>/dev/null)"
# Autocomplete with available container names.
function _dc_containers() {
_autocomplete "$(docker ps --format '"'{{.Names}}"\"")"
complete -F _dc_services dcu dcd dcp dcl dcul dcdu dcr dcs dcpu
complete -F _dc_containers docker_volumes docker_ip

View file

@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
{ ... }:
text = ''
# Burn specified iso file to DVD.
# Usage: dvd_burn_iso <FILE.iso>
function dvd_burn_iso() {
local iso="''${1}"
if [[ "''${iso}" = "" ]]; then
help dvd_burn_iso
return 2
growisofs -dvd-compat -speed=8 -use-the-force-luke=tty -Z /dev/sr0="''${iso}"
# Burn specified iso file to CD.
# Usage: cd_burn_iso <FILE.iso>
function cd_burn_iso() {
local iso="''${1}"
if [[ "''${iso}" = "" ]]; then
help cd_burn_iso
return 2
wodim speed=8 -tao dev=/dev/sr0 "''${iso}"
# Burn specified audio files to CD.
# Usage: cd_burn_audio <FILES.wav>
function cd_burn_audio() {
if [[ "''${*}" = "" ]]; then
help cd_burn_audio
return 2
cdrecord -v dev=/dev/sr0 speed=8 -audio -pad "''${*}"
# Spawn Nix shell with required tools.
function dvd_shell() {
SHELL_NAME="dvd" tmpshell dvdplusrwtools cdrkit

View file

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
# Burn specified iso file to DVD.
# Usage: dvd_burn_iso <FILE.iso>
function dvd_burn_iso() {
local iso="${1}"
if [[ ${iso} == "" ]]; then
help dvd_burn_iso
return 2
growisofs -dvd-compat -speed=8 -use-the-force-luke=tty -Z /dev/sr0="${iso}"
# Burn specified iso file to CD.
# Usage: cd_burn_iso <FILE.iso>
function cd_burn_iso() {
local iso="${1}"
if [[ ${iso} == "" ]]; then
help cd_burn_iso
return 2
wodim speed=8 -tao dev=/dev/sr0 "${iso}"
# Burn specified audio files to CD.
# Usage: cd_burn_audio <FILES.wav>
function cd_burn_audio() {
if [[ ${*} == "" ]]; then
help cd_burn_audio
return 2
cdrecord -v dev=/dev/sr0 speed=8 -audio -pad "${*}"
# Spawn Nix shell with required tools.
function dvd_shell() {
SHELL_NAME="dvd" tmpshell dvdplusrwtools cdrkit

View file

@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
{ ... }:
text = ''
# Mux audio into containers. File names in sound and current dirrectories must match.
# Usage: ffmpeg_mux_audio <SOUND> <OUTPUT DIR>
function ffmpeg_mux_audio() {
if [[ "''${1}" = "" ]]; then
help ffmpeg_mux_audio
return 2
for file in *; do ffmpeg -i "$file" -i "$1"/"$file" -c copy -map 0:v:0 -map 1:a:0 -shortest "$2"/"$file"; done
# Mux cover into music file.
# Usage: ffmpeg_mux_cover <FORMAT> <COVER>
function ffmpeg_mux_cover() {
if [[ "''${1}" = "" ]]; then
help ffmpeg_mux_cover
return 2
local format="''${1}"
local cover="''${2}"
mkdir out
case "''${format}" in
# "mka"|"mkv")
# for file in *.''${format}; do
# ffmpeg -i "''${file}" -attach "''${cover}" -map 0 -c copy -metadata:s:t mimetype="image/''${cover##*.}" -metadata:s:t:0 filename="cover.''${cover##*.}" "./out/''${file}" || return 1
# done
# ;;
for file in *.''${format}; do
# ffmpeg -i "''${file}" -i "''${cover}" -map 0 -map 0:-v? -map 1 -codec copy -metadata:s:v title="Album cover" -metadata:s:v comment="Cover (front)" -disposition:v attached_pic ./out/"''${file}" || return 1
ffmpeg -i "''${file}" -i "''${cover}" -map 0 -map 1 -codec copy -metadata:s:v title="Album cover" -metadata:s:v comment="Cover (front)" -disposition:v attached_pic ./out/"''${file}" || return 1
mv out/* .
rm -d out/ && rm "''${2}"
# Generate music metadata from directory structure.
# Top dir is the Artist name like this: `The_Beatles`.
# Next are albums like this: `2010_My_love`.
# Inside are songs like this: `01_sample.flac`.
# Usage: ffmpeg_music_meta <FORMAT>
function ffmpeg_music_meta() {
if [[ "''${1}" = "" ]]; then
help ffmpeg_music_meta
return 2
local format="''${1}"
ls *.''${format} &> /dev/null || return 1
local artist="''${PWD%/*}"; artist="''${artist##*/}"; artist="''${artist//_/ }"
local album="''${PWD##*/}"; album="''${album#*_}"; album="''${album//_/ }"
local year="''${PWD##*/}"; year="''${year%%_*}"
# local total=$(ls *.''${format} | wc -l)
mkdir out
for file in *.''${format}; do
local track="''${file%%_*}"; track=$((10#''${track})); [[ "''${track}" = "" ]] && track=0
local title="''${file#*_}"; title="''${title%.*}"; title="''${title//_/ }"
# echo "''${artist}; ''${album}; ''${year}; ''${track}; ''${title}"
# TODO: make it format-specific.
ffmpeg -i "''${file}" -map 0 -c copy -metadata "artists=" -metadata "artist=''${artist}" -metadata "album_artist=''${artist}" -metadata "album=''${album}" -metadata "date=''${year}" -metadata "year=''${year}" -metadata "date_released=''${year}" -metadata "track=''${track}" -metadata "part_number=''${track}" -metadata "title=''${title}" ./out/"''${file}" || return 1
mv out/* .
rm -d out/
# Rotate the video clock-wise.
# Usage: ffmpeg_rotate <ANGLE> <TARGET>
function ffmpeg_rotate() {
if [[ "''${2}" = "" ]]; then
help ffmpeg_rotate
local angle="''${1}"
local target="''${2}"
ffmpeg -display_rotation ''${angle} -i ''${target} -c copy _''${target} && mv _''${target} ''${target} || rm _''${target}
# Get video FPS.
function _ffprobe_fps() {
local fps=$(ffprobe -v 0 -of csv=p=0 -select_streams v:0 -show_entries stream=r_frame_rate "''${1}")
[[ "''${fps}" = "" ]] && fps=30 || fps=$((fps))
echo "''${fps}"
# Get recommended keyframe interval for a file.
function _ffprobe_keyint() {
local fps=$(_ffprobe_fps "''${1}")
echo $((fps*5))
# Get audio bitrage. 128 by default.
function _ffprobe_ba() {
local ba=$(ffprobe -v error -select_streams a:0 -show_entries stream=bit_rate -of default=noprint_wrappers=1:nokey=1 "''${1}")
[[ "''${ba}" != "N/A" ]] && echo $((ba/1024)) || echo 128

View file

@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
# Mux audio into containers. File names in sound and current dirrectories must match.
# Usage: ffmpeg_mux_audio <SOUND> <OUTPUT DIR>
function ffmpeg_mux_audio() {
if [[ ${1} == "" ]]; then
help ffmpeg_mux_audio
return 2
for file in *; do ffmpeg -i "$file" -i "$1"/"$file" -c copy -map 0:v:0 -map 1:a:0 -shortest "$2"/"$file"; done
# Mux cover into music file.
# Usage: ffmpeg_mux_cover <FORMAT> <COVER>
function ffmpeg_mux_cover() {
if [[ ${1} == "" ]]; then
help ffmpeg_mux_cover
return 2
local format="${1}"
local cover="${2}"
mkdir out
case "${format}" in
# "mka"|"mkv")
# for file in *.${format}; do
# ffmpeg -i "${file}" -attach "${cover}" -map 0 -c copy -metadata:s:t mimetype="image/${cover##*.}" -metadata:s:t:0 filename="cover.${cover##*.}" "./out/${file}" || return 1
# done
# ;;
for file in *.${format}; do
# ffmpeg -i "${file}" -i "${cover}" -map 0 -map 0:-v? -map 1 -codec copy -metadata:s:v title="Album cover" -metadata:s:v comment="Cover (front)" -disposition:v attached_pic ./out/"${file}" || return 1
ffmpeg -i "${file}" -i "${cover}" -map 0 -map 1 -codec copy -metadata:s:v title="Album cover" -metadata:s:v comment="Cover (front)" -disposition:v attached_pic ./out/"${file}" || return 1
mv out/* .
rm -d out/ && rm "${2}"
# Generate music metadata from directory structure.
# Top dir is the Artist name like this: `The_Beatles`.
# Next are albums like this: `2010_My_love`.
# Inside are songs like this: `01_sample.flac`.
# Usage: ffmpeg_music_meta <FORMAT>
function ffmpeg_music_meta() {
if [[ ${1} == "" ]]; then
help ffmpeg_music_meta
return 2
local format="${1}"
ls *.${format} &>/dev/null || return 1
local artist="${PWD%/*}"
artist="${artist//_/ }"
local album="${PWD##*/}"
album="${album//_/ }"
local year="${PWD##*/}"
# local total=$(ls *.${format} | wc -l)
mkdir out
for file in *.${format}; do
local track="${file%%_*}"
[[ ${track} == "" ]] && track=0
local title="${file#*_}"
title="${title//_/ }"
# echo "${artist}; ${album}; ${year}; ${track}; ${title}"
# TODO: make it format-specific.
ffmpeg -i "${file}" -map 0 -c copy -metadata "artists=" -metadata "artist=${artist}" -metadata "album_artist=${artist}" -metadata "album=${album}" -metadata "date=${year}" -metadata "year=${year}" -metadata "date_released=${year}" -metadata "track=${track}" -metadata "part_number=${track}" -metadata "title=${title}" ./out/"${file}" || return 1
mv out/* .
rm -d out/
# Rotate the video clock-wise.
# Usage: ffmpeg_rotate <ANGLE> <TARGET>
function ffmpeg_rotate() {
if [[ ${2} == "" ]]; then
help ffmpeg_rotate
local angle="${1}"
local target="${2}"
ffmpeg -display_rotation ${angle} -i ${target} -c copy _${target} && mv _${target} ${target} || rm _${target}
# Get video FPS.
function _ffprobe_fps() {
local fps=$(ffprobe -v 0 -of csv=p=0 -select_streams v:0 -show_entries stream=r_frame_rate "${1}")
[[ ${fps} == "" ]] && fps=30 || fps=$((fps))
echo "${fps}"
# Get recommended keyframe interval for a file.
function _ffprobe_keyint() {
local fps=$(_ffprobe_fps "${1}")
echo $((fps * 5))
# Get audio bitrage. 128 by default.
function _ffprobe_ba() {
local ba=$(ffprobe -v error -select_streams a:0 -show_entries stream=bit_rate -of default=noprint_wrappers=1:nokey=1 "${1}")
[[ ${ba} != "N/A" ]] && echo $((ba / 1024)) || echo 128

View file

@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
{ ... }:
text = ''
# Open file/dir in GUI.
# Usage: o <FILE>
function o() {
xdg-open "''${@}"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# Open file/dir in GUI.
# Usage: o <FILE>
function o() {
xdg-open "${@}"

View file

@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
{ ... }:
text = ''
# Find all file extensions.
function find_ext() {
local types=($(find -type f | sed -e "s/.*\///" -e "s/^\.//" -e "/\./!d" -e "s/.*\.//"))
echo "''${types[@]}" | tr ' ' '\n' | sort -u

View file

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# Find all file extensions.
function find_ext() {
local types=($(find -type f | sed -e "s/.*\///" -e "s/^\.//" -e "/\./!d" -e "s/.*\.//"))
echo "${types[@]}" | tr ' ' '\n' | sort -u

View file

@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
{ ... }:
text = ''
# Fix when ethernet mistakenly detects 100 Mb instead of 1000 Mb.
# SPEED is one of 10/100/1000 etc.
# Usage: fix_ethernet_speed <DEVICE> <SPEED>
function fix_ethernet_speed() {
local device="''${1}"
local speed="''${2}"
if [[ "''${device}" = "" || "''${speed}" = "" ]]; then
help fix_ethernet_speed
return 2
ethtool -s "''${device}" speed "''${speed}"
# Delete lost Gradle lock files.
function fix_gradle_lock() {
cd "''${HOME}/.gradle" && find -type f | grep \\.lock$ | xargs -- rm
cd -

View file

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
# Fix when ethernet mistakenly detects 100 Mb instead of 1000 Mb.
# SPEED is one of 10/100/1000 etc.
# Usage: fix_ethernet_speed <DEVICE> <SPEED>
function fix_ethernet_speed() {
local device="${1}"
local speed="${2}"
if [[ ${device} == "" || ${speed} == "" ]]; then
help fix_ethernet_speed
return 2
ethtool -s "${device}" speed "${speed}"
# Delete lost Gradle lock files.
function fix_gradle_lock() {
cd "${HOME}/.gradle" && find -type f | grep \\.lock$ | xargs -- rm
cd -

View file

@ -1,338 +0,0 @@
{ ... }:
text = ''
# Git push.
function gps() {
git push "''${@}"
# Git push all (branches). Useful for pushing all stuff to a new remote.
function gpsa() {
local remotes=($(git remote))
for remote in ''${remotes[@]}; do
echo -n "''${remote}: "
git push "''${remote}" --tags "refs/remotes/origin/*:refs/heads/*"
# Git force push.
function gpsf() {
git push --force "''${@}"
# Git pull.
function gpl() {
git pull "''${@}"
# Git log.
function gl() {
git log --show-signature "''${@}"
# Git status.
function gs() {
git status "''${@}"
# Git stash.
function gst() {
git stash "''${@}"
# Cd to git's root dir.
function gcd() {
local path=$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)
[[ "''${path}" = "" ]] && return 1
cd "''${path}"
# Git diff.
function gd() {
git diff --patience "''${@}"
# Git diff added.
function gda() {
git diff --cached --patience "''${@}"
# Git commit.
function gc() {
git commit -m "''${@}"
# Git clone with tree filter.
function gct() {
git clone --filter tree:0 ''${@}
# Git clone full repo.
function gcf() {
git clone ''${@}
# Git clone latest commit only.
function gcl() {
git clone --depth=1 --single-branch ''${@}
# Git signed commit.
function gcs() {
git commit -S -m "''${@}"
# Git checkout.
function gch() {
git checkout "''${@}"
# Git checkout branch.
# Usage: gchb <BRANCH>
function gchb() {
git checkout -b "''${@}"
# Git branch.
function gb() {
git branch --all "''${@}"
# Git branch delete.
# Usage: gbd <BRANCH>
function gbd() {
git branch -D "''${@}"
# Git branch delete all except current.
function gbda() {
git branch | grep -v ^* | xargs git branch -D
# Git fetch all.
function gf() {
git fetch --all -v -p
# Git tag.
function gt() {
git tag "''${@}"
# Git ignore files.
function gi() {
git ls-files -ci --exclude-standard -z | xargs -0 git rm --cached
# Git patch from staged diff.
# Usage: gpd
function gpd() {
git diff --staged --patch --binary --minimal
# Git patch from commit.
# Usage: gpc [REF] [COUNT]
function gpc() {
local ref="''${1}"
local count="''${2}"
[[ "''${ref}" = "" ]] && ref="HEAD"
[[ "''${count}" = "" ]] && count=1
git format-patch --stdout --minimal --patch --binary -''${count} "''${ref}"
# Git patch apply.
# Usage: gpa <FILE>
function gpa() {
git apply --index "''${@}"
# Unstage changes.
# Usage: grs [FILES]
function grs() {
local target=''${@}
[[ "''${target}" = "" ]] && target="."
git restore --staged "''${target}"
# Run git garbage collection.
function ggc() {
git gc --aggressive --no-cruft --prune=now
# Check git file integrity.
function gfsck() {
git fsck
# Preview diff while adding. Adds current dir by default.
# Usage: ga [FILES]
function ga() {
local target=''${@}
[[ "''${target}" = "" ]] && target="."
git diff ''${target}
git add ''${target}
# Rebase by X commits or from root. When COUNT is 0 - rebase from root. Default is 2.
# Usage: gr [COMMIT COUNT]
function gr() {
local base="''${1}"
# Rebase last 2 commits by default.
if [[ "''${base}" = "" ]]; then
# If 0, rebase from root. else from specified base.
if [[ "''${base}" = "0" ]]; then
git rebase -i --root
git rebase -i HEAD~''${base}
# Specify git user as Dmitry Voronin with provided email.
# Usage: gu [EMAIL]
function gu() {
local name="Dmitry Voronin"
local email="''${1}"
if [[ "''${name}" = "" || "''${email}" = "" ]]; then
echo "usage: gu [EMAIL]"
return 2
git config "''${name}"
git config "''${email}"
# Get my git repo.
# Usage: gg <REPO>
function gg() {
local repo="''${1}"
if [[ "''${repo}" = "" ]]; then
help gg
return 2
git clone ssh://"''${repo}"
# See diff for a specific commit. Last commit by default.
# Usage: gdc [COMMITHASH]
function gdc() {
local hash="''${1}"
[[ "''${hash}" = "" ]] && hash="HEAD"
git diff "''${hash}^!"
# Get version number based on commit count.
function gv() {
git rev-list HEAD --count
# Open the remote web url in default browser.
# Usage: gw [REMOTE]
function gw() {
local remote="''${1}"
[[ "''${remote}" = "" ]] && remote="$(git remote | head -n1)"
local url="$(git remote get-url ''${remote})"
open "''${url}"
# Search for string in whole git history.
# Usage: gsearch <STRING>
function gsearch() {
local target="''${*}"
if [[ "''${target}" = "" ]]; then
help gsearch
return 2
git log -p -G "''${target}"
# Sign the old commits. 0 to resign from root.
# Usage: gsign [COMMIT_COUNT]
function gsign() {
local base="''${1}"
# Resign last commit by default.
if [[ "''${base}" = "" ]]; then
# If 0, rebase from root. else from specified base.
if [[ "''${base}" = "0" ]]; then
git rebase --exec 'git commit --amend --no-edit -n -S' -i --root
git rebase --exec 'git commit --amend --no-edit -n -S' -i HEAD~''${base}
# Show current branch.
function _git_current_branch() {
git branch --show-current 2> /dev/null
# Show origin's url.
function _git_origin_url() {
git remote get-url origin
# Get this dotfiles url.
function _git_dotfiles_url() {
echo ''
# Check if current git repo is this dotfiles.
function _git_is_dotfiles() {
# [[ "$(_git_origin_url)" = "$(_git_dotfiles_url)" ]]
local dir="''${PWD}"
while [[ "''${dir}" != "" ]]; do
if [[ -d "''${dir}/.git" ]]; then
if [[ "''${dir}" = "''${HOME}" ]] || [[ "''${dir}" = "$(realpath ''${HOME})" ]]; then
return 0
return 1
# Autocomplete.
_completion_loader git &> /dev/null
__git_complete gps _git_push &> /dev/null
__git_complete gpsf _git_push &> /dev/null
__git_complete gpl _git_pull &> /dev/null
__git_complete gl _git_log &> /dev/null
__git_complete gs _git_status &> /dev/null
__git_complete gst _git_stash &> /dev/null
__git_complete gd _git_diff &> /dev/null
__git_complete gdc _git_diff &> /dev/null
__git_complete gc _git_commit &> /dev/null
__git_complete gch _git_checkout &> /dev/null
__git_complete gchb _git_checkout &> /dev/null
__git_complete gb _git_branch &> /dev/null
__git_complete gbd _git_branch &> /dev/null
__git_complete gf _git_fetch &> /dev/null
__git_complete gt _git_tag &> /dev/null
__git_complete gp _git_apply &> /dev/null
__git_complete ga _git_add &> /dev/null
__git_complete gw _git_pull &> /dev/null
# Autocomplete with my git emails.
function _gu() {
complete -F _gu gu

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@ -0,0 +1,333 @@
# Git push.
function gps() {
git push "${@}"
# Git push all (branches). Useful for pushing all stuff to a new remote.
function gpsa() {
local remotes=($(git remote))
for remote in ${remotes[@]}; do
echo -n "${remote}: "
git push "${remote}" --tags "refs/remotes/origin/*:refs/heads/*"
# Git force push.
function gpsf() {
git push --force "${@}"
# Git pull.
function gpl() {
git pull "${@}"
# Git log.
function gl() {
git log --show-signature "${@}"
# Git status.
function gs() {
git status "${@}"
# Git stash.
function gst() {
git stash "${@}"
# Cd to git's root dir.
function gcd() {
local path=$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)
[[ ${path} == "" ]] && return 1
cd "${path}"
# Git diff.
function gd() {
git diff --patience "${@}"
# Git diff added.
function gda() {
git diff --cached --patience "${@}"
# Git commit.
function gc() {
git commit -m "${@}"
# Git clone with tree filter.
function gct() {
git clone --filter tree:0 ${@}
# Git clone full repo.
function gcf() {
git clone ${@}
# Git clone latest commit only.
function gcl() {
git clone --depth=1 --single-branch ${@}
# Git signed commit.
function gcs() {
git commit -S -m "${@}"
# Git checkout.
function gch() {
git checkout "${@}"
# Git checkout branch.
# Usage: gchb <BRANCH>
function gchb() {
git checkout -b "${@}"
# Git branch.
function gb() {
git branch --all "${@}"
# Git branch delete.
# Usage: gbd <BRANCH>
function gbd() {
git branch -D "${@}"
# Git branch delete all except current.
function gbda() {
git branch | grep -v ^* | xargs git branch -D
# Git fetch all.
function gf() {
git fetch --all -v -p
# Git tag.
function gt() {
git tag "${@}"
# Git ignore files.
function gi() {
git ls-files -ci --exclude-standard -z | xargs -0 git rm --cached
# Git patch from staged diff.
# Usage: gpd
function gpd() {
git diff --staged --patch --binary --minimal
# Git patch from commit.
# Usage: gpc [REF] [COUNT]
function gpc() {
local ref="${1}"
local count="${2}"
[[ ${ref} == "" ]] && ref="HEAD"
[[ ${count} == "" ]] && count=1
git format-patch --stdout --minimal --patch --binary -${count} "${ref}"
# Git patch apply.
# Usage: gpa <FILE>
function gpa() {
git apply --index "${@}"
# Unstage changes.
# Usage: grs [FILES]
function grs() {
local target=${@}
[[ ${target} == "" ]] && target="."
git restore --staged "${target}"
# Run git garbage collection.
function ggc() {
git gc --aggressive --no-cruft --prune=now
# Check git file integrity.
function gfsck() {
git fsck
# Preview diff while adding. Adds current dir by default.
# Usage: ga [FILES]
function ga() {
local target=${@}
[[ ${target} == "" ]] && target="."
git diff ${target}
git add ${target}
# Rebase by X commits or from root. When COUNT is 0 - rebase from root. Default is 2.
# Usage: gr [COMMIT COUNT]
function gr() {
local base="${1}"
# Rebase last 2 commits by default.
if [[ ${base} == "" ]]; then
# If 0, rebase from root. else from specified base.
if [[ ${base} == "0" ]]; then
git rebase -i --root
git rebase -i HEAD~${base}
# Specify git user as Dmitry Voronin with provided email.
# Usage: gu [EMAIL]
function gu() {
local name="Dmitry Voronin"
local email="${1}"
if [[ ${name} == "" || ${email} == "" ]]; then
echo "usage: gu [EMAIL]"
return 2
git config "${name}"
git config "${email}"
# Get my git repo.
# Usage: gg <REPO>
function gg() {
local repo="${1}"
if [[ ${repo} == "" ]]; then
help gg
return 2
git clone ssh://"${repo}"
# See diff for a specific commit. Last commit by default.
# Usage: gdc [COMMITHASH]
function gdc() {
local hash="${1}"
[[ ${hash} == "" ]] && hash="HEAD"
git diff "${hash}^!"
# Get version number based on commit count.
function gv() {
git rev-list HEAD --count
# Open the remote web url in default browser.
# Usage: gw [REMOTE]
function gw() {
local remote="${1}"
[[ ${remote} == "" ]] && remote="$(git remote | head -n1)"
local url="$(git remote get-url ${remote})"
open "${url}"
# Search for string in whole git history.
# Usage: gsearch <STRING>
function gsearch() {
local target="${*}"
if [[ ${target} == "" ]]; then
help gsearch
return 2
git log -p -G "${target}"
# Sign the old commits. 0 to resign from root.
# Usage: gsign [COMMIT_COUNT]
function gsign() {
local base="${1}"
# Resign last commit by default.
if [[ ${base} == "" ]]; then
# If 0, rebase from root. else from specified base.
if [[ ${base} == "0" ]]; then
git rebase --exec 'git commit --amend --no-edit -n -S' -i --root
git rebase --exec 'git commit --amend --no-edit -n -S' -i HEAD~${base}
# Show current branch.
function _git_current_branch() {
git branch --show-current 2>/dev/null
# Show origin's url.
function _git_origin_url() {
git remote get-url origin
# Get this dotfiles url.
function _git_dotfiles_url() {
echo ''
# Check if current git repo is this dotfiles.
function _git_is_dotfiles() {
# [[ "$(_git_origin_url)" = "$(_git_dotfiles_url)" ]]
local dir="${PWD}"
while [[ ${dir} != "" ]]; do
if [[ -d "${dir}/.git" ]]; then
if [[ ${dir} == "${HOME}" ]] || [[ ${dir} == "$(realpath ${HOME})" ]]; then
return 0
return 1
# Autocomplete.
_completion_loader git &>/dev/null
__git_complete gps _git_push &>/dev/null
__git_complete gpsf _git_push &>/dev/null
__git_complete gpl _git_pull &>/dev/null
__git_complete gl _git_log &>/dev/null
__git_complete gs _git_status &>/dev/null
__git_complete gst _git_stash &>/dev/null
__git_complete gd _git_diff &>/dev/null
__git_complete gdc _git_diff &>/dev/null
__git_complete gc _git_commit &>/dev/null
__git_complete gch _git_checkout &>/dev/null
__git_complete gchb _git_checkout &>/dev/null
__git_complete gb _git_branch &>/dev/null
__git_complete gbd _git_branch &>/dev/null
__git_complete gf _git_fetch &>/dev/null
__git_complete gt _git_tag &>/dev/null
__git_complete gp _git_apply &>/dev/null
__git_complete ga _git_add &>/dev/null
__git_complete gw _git_pull &>/dev/null
# Autocomplete with my git emails.
function _gu() {
complete -F _gu gu

View file

@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
{ ... }:
text = ''
# Check smartcard pin.
function scunlock() {
pkill keyboxd &> /dev/null
# pkill gpg-agent &> /dev/null
echo verify | gpg --card-edit --no-tty --command-fd=0
# Encrypt files to myself.
# Usage: encrypt <FILES>
function encrypt() {
local IFS=$'\n'
local targets=(''${@})
if [[ "''${targets}" = "" ]]; then
help encrypt
return 2
process() {
gpg --encrypt --armor --recipient --output "''${target}.gpg" "''${target}"
_iterate_targets process ''${targets[@]}
# Decrypt files to myself.
# Usage: decrypt [FILES]
function decrypt() {
local IFS=$'\n'
local targets=(''${@})
[[ "''${targets}" = "" ]] && targets=(*.gpg)
process() {
gpg --decrypt --output "''${target%.gpg}" "''${target}"
_iterate_targets process ''${targets[@]}
# Sign a file.
# Usage: sign <FILES>
function sign() {
local IFS=$'\n'
local targets=(''${@})
if [[ "''${targets}" = "" ]]; then
help sign
return 2
process() {
gpg --detach-sig --armor --output "''${target}.sig" "''${target}"
_iterate_targets process ''${targets[@]}
# Verify a signature. All .sig files by default.
# Usage: verify [FILES]
function verify() {
local IFS=$'\n'
local targets=(''${@})
[[ "''${targets}" = "" ]] && targets=(*.sig)
process() {
gpg --verify "''${target}"
_iterate_targets process ''${targets[@]}
# Find user keys using keyservers.
# Usage: gpg_find <EMAIL>
function gpg_find() {
local email="''${1}"
if [[ "''${email}" = "" ]]; then
help gpg_find
return 2
gpg --locate-keys "''${email}" \
|| gpg --locate-keys --auto-key-locate hkps:// "''${email}"
# Update keys.
function gpg_refresh() {
gpg --refresh-keys

View file

@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
# Check smartcard pin.
function scunlock() {
pkill keyboxd &>/dev/null
# pkill gpg-agent &> /dev/null
echo verify | gpg --card-edit --no-tty --command-fd=0
# Encrypt files to myself.
# Usage: encrypt <FILES>
function encrypt() {
local IFS=$'\n'
local targets=(${@})
if [[ ${targets} == "" ]]; then
help encrypt
return 2
process() {
gpg --encrypt --armor --recipient --output "${target}.gpg" "${target}"
_iterate_targets process ${targets[@]}
# Decrypt files to myself.
# Usage: decrypt [FILES]
function decrypt() {
local IFS=$'\n'
local targets=(${@})
[[ ${targets} == "" ]] && targets=(*.gpg)
process() {
gpg --decrypt --output "${target%.gpg}" "${target}"
_iterate_targets process ${targets[@]}
# Sign a file.
# Usage: sign <FILES>
function sign() {
local IFS=$'\n'
local targets=(${@})
if [[ ${targets} == "" ]]; then
help sign
return 2
process() {
gpg --detach-sig --armor --output "${target}.sig" "${target}"
_iterate_targets process ${targets[@]}
# Verify a signature. All .sig files by default.
# Usage: verify [FILES]
function verify() {
local IFS=$'\n'
local targets=(${@})
[[ ${targets} == "" ]] && targets=(*.sig)
process() {
gpg --verify "${target}"
_iterate_targets process ${targets[@]}
# Find user keys using keyservers.
# Usage: gpg_find <EMAIL>
function gpg_find() {
local email="${1}"
if [[ ${email} == "" ]]; then
help gpg_find
return 2
gpg --locate-keys "${email}" ||
gpg --locate-keys --auto-key-locate hkps:// "${email}"
# Update keys.
function gpg_refresh() {
gpg --refresh-keys

View file

@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
{ ... }:
text = ''
# Group files by extension.
# Usage: group_ext [FILES]
function group_ext() {
local IFS=$'\n'
local targets=(''${@})
[[ "''${targets}" = "" ]] && targets=($(_ls_file))
process() {
local ext=''${target##*.}
[[ -d "''${target}" ]] && { _iterate_skip "Is a directory."; return 0; }
[[ "''${ext}" = "''${target}" ]] && { _iterate_skip "No extension."; return 0; }
mkdir ''${ext} 2> /dev/null
mv -- ''${target} ./''${ext}/''${target}
_iterate_targets process ''${targets[@]}
# Group files and dirs by year.
# Usage: group_year [FILES]
function group_year() {
local IFS=$'\n'
local targets=(''${@})
[[ "''${targets}" = "" ]] && targets=($(ls))
process() {
local year=$(stat --format=%y ''${target})
mkdir ''${year} 2> /dev/null
mv -- ''${target} ./''${year}/''${target}
_iterate_targets process ''${targets[@]}
# Copy files from current year to the named dir.
# Usage: group_year_copy <YEAR> [FILES]
function group_year_copy() {
local IFS=$'\n'
local selected_year="''${1}"
local targets=(''${@:2})
if [[ "''${selected_year}" = "" ]]; then
help group_year_copy
return 2
# All files by default.
[[ "''${targets}" = "" ]] && targets=($(ls))
mkdir ''${selected_year} 2> /dev/null
process() {
local year=$(stat --format=%y ''${target})
if [[ "''${year}" = "''${selected_year}" ]]; then
rcp -- ''${target} ./''${selected_year}/
_iterate_skip "Skip: ''${year}"
_iterate_targets process ''${targets[@]}

View file

@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
# Group files by extension.
# Usage: group_ext [FILES]
function group_ext() {
local IFS=$'\n'
local targets=(${@})
[[ ${targets} == "" ]] && targets=($(_ls_file))
process() {
local ext=${target##*.}
[[ -d ${target} ]] && {
_iterate_skip "Is a directory."
return 0
[[ ${ext} == "${target}" ]] && {
_iterate_skip "No extension."
return 0
mkdir ${ext} 2>/dev/null
mv -- ${target} ./${ext}/${target}
_iterate_targets process ${targets[@]}
# Group files and dirs by year.
# Usage: group_year [FILES]
function group_year() {
local IFS=$'\n'
local targets=(${@})
[[ ${targets} == "" ]] && targets=($(ls))
process() {
local year=$(stat --format=%y ${target})
mkdir ${year} 2>/dev/null
mv -- ${target} ./${year}/${target}
_iterate_targets process ${targets[@]}
# Copy files from current year to the named dir.
# Usage: group_year_copy <YEAR> [FILES]
function group_year_copy() {
local IFS=$'\n'
local selected_year="${1}"
local targets=(${@:2})
if [[ ${selected_year} == "" ]]; then
help group_year_copy
return 2
# All files by default.
[[ ${targets} == "" ]] && targets=($(ls))
mkdir ${selected_year} 2>/dev/null
process() {
local year=$(stat --format=%y ${target})
if [[ ${year} == "${selected_year}" ]]; then
rcp -- ${target} ./${selected_year}/
_iterate_skip "Skip: ${year}"
_iterate_targets process ${targets[@]}

View file

@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
{ ... }:
text = ''
# Get help about dotfiles bash function.
# Usage: help <FUNCTION>
function help() {
local fun="''${1}"
if [[ "''${fun}" = "" ]] || [[ "$(find_function | grep ''${fun})" = "" ]]; then
help help
return 2
cat ~/.bashrc | sed -n -e "/^function ''${fun}()/q;p" | tac | sed -n -e "/^[^#]/q;p" | tac | sed -e "s/^# \+//" -e "\$i \ " | sed "1{/^$/d}" | sed "1{/^ *$/d}"
# Short for help.
# Usage: h <FUNCTION>
function h() {
help "''${@}"
# Autocomplete with available functions.
function _help_functions() {
_autocomplete $(find_function)
complete -F _help_functions help h

View file

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
# Get help about dotfiles bash function.
# Usage: help <FUNCTION>
function help() {
local fun="${1}"
if [[ ${fun} == "" ]] || [[ "$(find_function | grep ${fun})" == "" ]]; then
help help
return 2
cat ~/.bashrc | sed -n -e "/^function ${fun}()/q;p" | tac | sed -n -e "/^[^#]/q;p" | tac | sed -e "s/^# \+//" -e "\$i \ " | sed "1{/^$/d}" | sed "1{/^ *$/d}"
# Short for help.
# Usage: h <FUNCTION>
function h() {
help "${@}"
# Autocomplete with available functions.
function _help_functions() {
_autocomplete $(find_function)
complete -F _help_functions help h

View file

@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
{ ... }:
text = ''
# Unset possible system-defined aliases.
unalias l ll lll llll la lla &> /dev/null
unset l ll lll llll la lla &> /dev/null
# List files in dirs.
# Current dir by default.
# Usage: l [DIRS]
function l() {
# ls -lhv --si --group-directories-first --color=auto -- "$@"
ccd "$@"
# List last modified files first.
# Current dir by default.
# Usage: ll [DIRS]
function ll() {
ls -lhv --si --group-directories-first --color=auto -- "$@"
# ls -lhvtr --si --color=auto -- "$@"
# List files in tree structure.
# Current dir by default.
# Depth can be omitted by passing `-` (dash).
# Usage: lll [DEPTH] [DIRS]
function lll() {
local IFS=$'\n'
local depth="''${1}"
local target=("''${@:2}")
[[ "''${target}" = "" ]] && target="."
[[ "''${depth}" = "" ]] && depth=666
[[ "''${depth}" = "-" ]] && depth=666
tree -a -L "''${depth}" -- "''${target[@]}"
# List files recursively.
# Current dir by default.
# Usage: llll [DIRS]
function llll() {
ls -RlAhv --si --group-directories-first --color=auto -- "$@"
# List all files in dirs, incl. hidden files.
# Current dir by default.
# Usage: la [DIRS]
function la() {
ls -lAh --si --group-directories-first --color=auto -- "$@"
# List all files in dirs, incl. hidden files, sorted by mtime.
# Current dir by default.
# Usage: lla [DIRS]
function lla() {
ls -lAhtr --si --color=auto -- "$@"
# List only files.
function _ls_file() {
ls --classify | grep -v \/$
# List only dirs.
function _ls_dir() {
ls --classify | grep \/$ | sed -e "s/\/$//"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
# Unset possible system-defined aliases.
unalias l ll lll llll la lla &>/dev/null
unset l ll lll llll la lla &>/dev/null
# List files in dirs.
# Current dir by default.
# Usage: l [DIRS]
function l() {
# ls -lhv --si --group-directories-first --color=auto -- "$@"
ccd "$@"
# List last modified files first.
# Current dir by default.
# Usage: ll [DIRS]
function ll() {
ls -lhv --si --group-directories-first --color=auto -- "$@"
# ls -lhvtr --si --color=auto -- "$@"
# List files in tree structure.
# Current dir by default.
# Depth can be omitted by passing `-` (dash).
# Usage: lll [DEPTH] [DIRS]
function lll() {
local IFS=$'\n'
local depth="${1}"
local target=("${@:2}")
[[ ${target} == "" ]] && target="."
[[ ${depth} == "" ]] && depth=666
[[ ${depth} == "-" ]] && depth=666
tree -a -L "${depth}" -- "${target[@]}"
# List files recursively.
# Current dir by default.
# Usage: llll [DIRS]
function llll() {
ls -RlAhv --si --group-directories-first --color=auto -- "$@"
# List all files in dirs, incl. hidden files.
# Current dir by default.
# Usage: la [DIRS]
function la() {
ls -lAh --si --group-directories-first --color=auto -- "$@"
# List all files in dirs, incl. hidden files, sorted by mtime.
# Current dir by default.
# Usage: lla [DIRS]
function lla() {
ls -lAhtr --si --color=auto -- "$@"
# List only files.
function _ls_file() {
ls --classify | grep -v \/$
# List only dirs.
function _ls_dir() {
ls --classify | grep \/$ | sed -e "s/\/$//"

View file

@ -1,400 +0,0 @@
{ ... }:
text = ''
# Rename dirs to `snake_case` and files to `PascalCase`. Careful with structured file names like archives!
# Usage: name [FILES]
function name() {
local IFS=$'\n'
local targets=(''${@})
[[ "''${targets}" = "" ]] && targets=($(ls))
process() {
# Skip archive.
if $(_is_archive "''${target}"); then
_iterate_skip "File is an archive, skip."
return 0
if [[ -d "''${target}" ]]; then
local new_name=$(parse_snake ''${target})
[[ -e "''${new_name}" ]] && return 0
mv -- ''${target} ''${new_name} && echo ''${new_name}
local ext=".''${target##*.}"
local name=''${target%.*}
[[ "''${ext}" = ".''${target}" ]] && ext=""
local new_name="$(parse_pascal ''${name})''${ext}"
[[ -e "''${new_name}" ]] && return 0
mv -- ''${target} ''${new_name} && echo ''${new_name}
_iterate_targets process ''${targets[@]}
# Rename files with provided parser, i.e. `parse_simple`.
# All files by default.
# Usage: name_parse <PARSER> [FILES]
function name_parse() {
local IFS=$'\n'
local parser=''${1}
local targets=(''${@:2})
[[ "''${targets}" = "" ]] && targets=([^.]*)
if [[ "''${parser}" = "" ]]; then
help name_parse
return 2
process() {
# Skip archive.
if $(_is_archive "''${target}"); then
_iterate_skip "File is an archive, skip."
return 0
# parse new name.
local ext=""
local name="''${target}"
# ext only for files.
if [[ -f "''${target}" ]]; then
# Files w/o extension support.
[[ "''${ext#.}" = "''${name}" ]] && ext=""
# Get new name.
local new_name=$(''${parser} "''${name}")''${ext,,}
# check if same name.
[[ "''${target}" = "''${new_name}" ]] && return 0
# check if target name already exists.
if [[ -f "''${new_name}" ]]; then
_error "''${new_name}: Already exists!"
return 1
# rename target.
mv -- "''${target}" "''${new_name}" && echo "''${new_name}"
_iterate_targets process ''${targets[@]}
# Rename all files to their hashes while keeping extensions.
# All files by default.
# Usage: name_hash [FILES]
function name_hash() {
local IFS=$'\n'
local targets=(''${@})
[[ "''${targets}" = "" ]] && targets=($(_ls_file))
process() {
# extract extension.
local extension="''${target##*.}"
if [[ "''${extension}" = "''${target}" ]]; then
# hash the new name.
local hash=$(pv "''${target}" | sha1sum | cut -d\ -f1)
# check if same name.
[[ "''${target}" = "''${new_name}" ]] && return 0
# rename target.
mv -- ''${target} ''${new_name} && echo ''${new_name}
_iterate_targets process ''${targets[@]}
# Check hashes for previously renamed files.
# All files by default.
# Usage: name_hash_check [FILES]
function name_hash_check() {
local IFS=$'\n'
local targets=(''${@})
[[ "''${targets}" = "" ]] && targets=([^.]*)
process() {
# extract hashes.
local stored="''${target%%.*}"
local actual=$(pv "''${target}" | sha1sum | cut -d\ -f1)
# compare hashes.
if [[ "''${stored}" != "''${actual}" ]]; then
_error "Failed."
return 1
_iterate_targets process ''${targets[@]}
# Rename files for Jellyfin shows, i.e. `Episode S01E01.mkv`
# All files by default.
# Usage: name_show [FILES]
function name_show() {
local IFS=$'\n'
local season="$(realpath .)"; season="''${season##*\ }"
local episode=0
local targets=(''${@})
[[ "''${targets}" = "" ]] && targets=($(_ls_file))
# Error when no season number specified.
if [[ "''${season}" = "" ]]; then
_error "Could not determine season number."
return 2
process() {
# extract new name.
local new_name="Episode S''${season}E$(printf %02d ''${episode}).''${target##*.}"
# Skip on no change.
[[ "''${target}" = "''${new_name}" ]] && return 0
# rename target.
mv -- ''${target} ''${new_name} && echo ''${new_name}
_iterate_targets process ''${targets[@]}
# Rename files for Kavita manga format.
# All files by default.
# Usage: name_manga <SEASON> [FILES]
function name_manga() {
local IFS=$'\n'
local manga=''${PWD##*/}
local season=''${1}
local episode=0
local targets=(''${@:2})
[[ "''${targets}" = "" ]] && targets=($(_ls_file))
# Error when no season number specified.
if [[ "''${season}" = "" ]]; then
help name_manga
return 2
process() {
# Extract new name.
local new_name="''${manga} Vol.''${season} Ch.''${episode}.''${target##*.}"
# Skip on no change.
[[ "''${target}" = "''${new_name}" ]] && return 0
# Rename target.
mv -- ''${target} ''${new_name} && echo ''${new_name}
_iterate_targets process ''${targets[@]}
# Rename files for ffmpeg_music_meta format.
# All files by default.
# Usage: name_music [FILES]
function name_music() {
local IFS=$'\n'
local targets=(''${@})
[[ "''${targets}" = "" ]] && targets=($(ls))
process() {
# Extract new name.
local ext=''${target##*.}
if [[ -d "''${target}" ]]; then
local new_name="$(parse_startcase $(parse_simple ''${target%.*}))"
local new_name="$(parse_startcase $(parse_simple ''${target%.*})).''${ext}"
# Skip on no change.
[[ "''${target%/}" = "''${new_name}" ]] && return 0
# Rename target.
mv -- ''${target} ''${new_name} && echo ''${new_name}
_iterate_targets process ''${targets[@]}
# Rename files with new extension.
# All files by default.
# Usage: name_ext <EXTENSION> [FILES]
function name_ext() {
local IFS=$'\n'
local extension=''${1}
local targets=(''${@:2})
[[ "''${targets}" = "" ]] && targets=($(_ls_file))
# Error when no new extension specified.
if [[ "''${extension}" = "" ]]; then
help name_ext
return 2
process() {
# Extract new name.
local new_name="''${target%.*}"."''${extension}"
# Skip on no change.
[[ "''${target}" = "''${new_name}" ]] && return 0
# Rename target.
mv -- ''${target} ''${new_name} && echo ''${new_name}
_iterate_targets process ''${targets[@]}
# Change file name prefix.
# All matching files by default.
# Usage: name_prefix <OLD> <NEW> [FILES]
function name_prefix() {
local IFS=$'\n'
local old=''${1}
local new=''${2}
local targets=(''${@:3})
[[ "''${targets}" = "" ]] && targets=(''${old}*)
process() {
# Create new name.
local new_name="''${new}''${target#$old}"
# Skip on no change.
[[ "''${target}" = "''${new_name}" ]] && return 0
# Rename.
mv -- ''${target} ''${new_name} && echo ''${new_name}
_iterate_targets process ''${targets[@]}
# Change file name postfix.
# All matching files by default.
# Usage: name_postfix <OLD> <NEW> [FILES]
function name_postfix() {
local IFS=$'\n'
local old=''${1}
local new=''${2}
local targets=(''${@:3})
[[ "''${targets}" = "" ]] && targets=(*''${old})
process() {
# Create new name.
local new_name="''${target%$old}''${new}"
# Skip on no change.
[[ "''${target}" = "''${new_name}" ]] && return 0
# Rename.
mv -- ''${target} ''${new_name} && echo ''${new_name}
_iterate_targets process ''${targets[@]}
# Replace part of the name.
# All matching files by default.
# Usage: name_replace <OLD> <NEW> [FILES]
function name_replace() {
local IFS=$'\n'
local old=''${1}
local new=''${2}
local targets=(''${@:3})
[[ "''${targets}" = "" ]] && targets=(*''${old}*)
process() {
# Create new name.
local new_name="''${target//$old/$new}"
# Skip on no change.
[[ "''${target}" = "''${new_name}" ]] && return 0
# Rename.
mv -- ''${target} ''${new_name} && echo ''${new_name}
_iterate_targets process ''${targets[@]}
# Fix numbering for numbered files. I.e if there are 10 items and some of them start without zero, then append zero to it. 1..10 -> 01..10.
# Usage: name_fix_numbering [FILES]
function name_fix_numbering() {
local IFS=$'\n'
local highest=0
local power=0
local targets=(''${@})
[[ "''${targets}" = "" ]] && targets=($(ls | grep "^[0-9]"))
# Count leading zeroes.
for target in "''${targets[@]}"; do
# Check that starts with a digit.
[[ "''${target}" =~ ^[0-9] ]] || continue
local digits=($(parse_ints "''${target}"))
local digit="''${digits[0]}"
[[ "''${digit}" -gt "''${highest}" ]] && highest="''${digit}"
local i=''${highest}
while [[ i -gt 0 ]]; do
process() {
# Check that starts with a digit.
if [[ ! "''${target}" =~ ^[0-9] ]]; then
_error "Does not start with a digit!"
return 1
# Prepare new name.
local digits=($(parse_ints "''${target}"))
local digit="''${digits[0]}"
local new_name=$(printf "%0''${power}d" "''${digit}")"''${target#''${digits[0]}}"
# Skip if the same name.
[[ "''${target}" = "''${new_name}" ]] && return 0
# Check that file does not exist.
if [[ -e "''${new_name}" ]]; then
_error "''${new_name}: File exists!"
return 1
mv -- ''${target} ''${new_name} && echo ''${new_name}
_iterate_targets process ''${targets[@]}
function _comp_name_parse() {
_autocomplete $(find_function | grep ^parse)
complete -o filenames -F _comp_name_parse name_parse

View file

@ -0,0 +1,396 @@
# Rename dirs to `snake_case` and files to `PascalCase`. Careful with structured file names like archives!
# Usage: name [FILES]
function name() {
local IFS=$'\n'
local targets=(${@})
[[ ${targets} == "" ]] && targets=($(ls))
process() {
# Skip archive.
if $(_is_archive "${target}"); then
_iterate_skip "File is an archive, skip."
return 0
if [[ -d ${target} ]]; then
local new_name=$(parse_snake ${target})
[[ -e ${new_name} ]] && return 0
mv -- ${target} ${new_name} && echo ${new_name}
local ext=".${target##*.}"
local name=${target%.*}
[[ ${ext} == ".${target}" ]] && ext=""
local new_name="$(parse_pascal ${name})${ext}"
[[ -e ${new_name} ]] && return 0
mv -- ${target} ${new_name} && echo ${new_name}
_iterate_targets process ${targets[@]}
# Rename files with provided parser, i.e. `parse_simple`.
# All files by default.
# Usage: name_parse <PARSER> [FILES]
function name_parse() {
local IFS=$'\n'
local parser=${1}
local targets=(${@:2})
[[ ${targets} == "" ]] && targets=("[^.]*")
if [[ ${parser} == "" ]]; then
help name_parse
return 2
process() {
# Skip archive.
if $(_is_archive "${target}"); then
_iterate_skip "File is an archive, skip."
return 0
# parse new name.
local ext=""
local name="${target}"
# ext only for files.
if [[ -f ${target} ]]; then
# Files w/o extension support.
[[ ${ext#.} == "${name}" ]] && ext=""
# Get new name.
local new_name=$(${parser} "${name}")${ext,,}
# check if same name.
[[ ${target} == "${new_name}" ]] && return 0
# check if target name already exists.
if [[ -f ${new_name} ]]; then
_error "${new_name}: Already exists!"
return 1
# rename target.
mv -- "${target}" "${new_name}" && echo "${new_name}"
_iterate_targets process ${targets[@]}
# Rename all files to their hashes while keeping extensions.
# All files by default.
# Usage: name_hash [FILES]
function name_hash() {
local IFS=$'\n'
local targets=(${@})
[[ ${targets} == "" ]] && targets=($(_ls_file))
process() {
# extract extension.
local extension="${target##*.}"
if [[ ${extension} == "${target}" ]]; then
# hash the new name.
local hash=$(pv "${target}" | sha1sum | cut -d\ -f1)
# check if same name.
[[ ${target} == "${new_name}" ]] && return 0
# rename target.
mv -- ${target} ${new_name} && echo ${new_name}
_iterate_targets process ${targets[@]}
# Check hashes for previously renamed files.
# All files by default.
# Usage: name_hash_check [FILES]
function name_hash_check() {
local IFS=$'\n'
local targets=(${@})
[[ ${targets} == "" ]] && targets=("[^.]*")
process() {
# extract hashes.
local stored="${target%%.*}"
local actual=$(pv "${target}" | sha1sum | cut -d\ -f1)
# compare hashes.
if [[ ${stored} != "${actual}" ]]; then
_error "Failed."
return 1
_iterate_targets process ${targets[@]}
# Rename files for Jellyfin shows, i.e. `Episode S01E01.mkv`
# All files by default.
# Usage: name_show [FILES]
function name_show() {
local IFS=$'\n'
local season="$(realpath .)"
season="${season##*\ }"
local episode=0
local targets=(${@})
[[ ${targets} == "" ]] && targets=($(_ls_file))
# Error when no season number specified.
if [[ ${season} == "" ]]; then
_error "Could not determine season number."
return 2
process() {
# extract new name.
local new_name="Episode S${season}E$(printf %02d ${episode}).${target##*.}"
# Skip on no change.
[[ ${target} == "${new_name}" ]] && return 0
# rename target.
mv -- ${target} ${new_name} && echo ${new_name}
_iterate_targets process ${targets[@]}
# Rename files for Kavita manga format.
# All files by default.
# Usage: name_manga <SEASON> [FILES]
function name_manga() {
local IFS=$'\n'
local manga=${PWD##*/}
local season=${1}
local episode=0
local targets=(${@:2})
[[ ${targets} == "" ]] && targets=($(_ls_file))
# Error when no season number specified.
if [[ ${season} == "" ]]; then
help name_manga
return 2
process() {
# Extract new name.
local new_name="${manga} Vol.${season} Ch.${episode}.${target##*.}"
# Skip on no change.
[[ ${target} == "${new_name}" ]] && return 0
# Rename target.
mv -- ${target} ${new_name} && echo ${new_name}
_iterate_targets process ${targets[@]}
# Rename files for ffmpeg_music_meta format.
# All files by default.
# Usage: name_music [FILES]
function name_music() {
local IFS=$'\n'
local targets=(${@})
[[ ${targets} == "" ]] && targets=($(ls))
process() {
# Extract new name.
local ext=${target##*.}
if [[ -d ${target} ]]; then
local new_name="$(parse_startcase $(parse_simple ${target%.*}))"
local new_name="$(parse_startcase $(parse_simple ${target%.*})).${ext}"
# Skip on no change.
[[ ${target%/} == "${new_name}" ]] && return 0
# Rename target.
mv -- ${target} ${new_name} && echo ${new_name}
_iterate_targets process ${targets[@]}
# Rename files with new extension.
# All files by default.
# Usage: name_ext <EXTENSION> [FILES]
function name_ext() {
local IFS=$'\n'
local extension=${1}
local targets=(${@:2})
[[ ${targets} == "" ]] && targets=($(_ls_file))
# Error when no new extension specified.
if [[ ${extension} == "" ]]; then
help name_ext
return 2
process() {
# Extract new name.
local new_name="${target%.*}"."${extension}"
# Skip on no change.
[[ ${target} == "${new_name}" ]] && return 0
# Rename target.
mv -- ${target} ${new_name} && echo ${new_name}
_iterate_targets process ${targets[@]}
# Change file name prefix.
# All matching files by default.
# Usage: name_prefix <OLD> <NEW> [FILES]
function name_prefix() {
local IFS=$'\n'
local old=${1}
local new=${2}
local targets=(${@:3})
[[ ${targets} == "" ]] && targets=(${old}*)
process() {
# Create new name.
local new_name="${new}${target#$old}"
# Skip on no change.
[[ ${target} == "${new_name}" ]] && return 0
# Rename.
mv -- ${target} ${new_name} && echo ${new_name}
_iterate_targets process ${targets[@]}
# Change file name postfix.
# All matching files by default.
# Usage: name_postfix <OLD> <NEW> [FILES]
function name_postfix() {
local IFS=$'\n'
local old=${1}
local new=${2}
local targets=(${@:3})
[[ ${targets} == "" ]] && targets=(*${old})
process() {
# Create new name.
local new_name="${target%$old}${new}"
# Skip on no change.
[[ ${target} == "${new_name}" ]] && return 0
# Rename.
mv -- ${target} ${new_name} && echo ${new_name}
_iterate_targets process ${targets[@]}
# Replace part of the name.
# All matching files by default.
# Usage: name_replace <OLD> <NEW> [FILES]
function name_replace() {
local IFS=$'\n'
local old=${1}
local new=${2}
local targets=(${@:3})
[[ ${targets} == "" ]] && targets=(*${old}*)
process() {
# Create new name.
local new_name="${target//$old/$new}"
# Skip on no change.
[[ ${target} == "${new_name}" ]] && return 0
# Rename.
mv -- ${target} ${new_name} && echo ${new_name}
_iterate_targets process ${targets[@]}
# Fix numbering for numbered files. I.e if there are 10 items and some of them start without zero, then append zero to it. 1..10 -> 01..10.
# Usage: name_fix_numbering [FILES]
function name_fix_numbering() {
local IFS=$'\n'
local highest=0
local power=0
local targets=(${@})
[[ ${targets} == "" ]] && targets=($(ls | grep "^[0-9]"))
# Count leading zeroes.
for target in "${targets[@]}"; do
# Check that starts with a digit.
[[ ${target} =~ ^[0-9] ]] || continue
local digits=($(parse_ints "${target}"))
local digit="${digits[0]}"
[[ ${digit} -gt ${highest} ]] && highest="${digit}"
local i=${highest}
while [[ i -gt 0 ]]; do
i=$((i / 10))
process() {
# Check that starts with a digit.
if [[ ! ${target} =~ ^[0-9] ]]; then
_error "Does not start with a digit!"
return 1
# Prepare new name.
local digits=($(parse_ints "${target}"))
local digit="${digits[0]}"
local new_name=$(printf "%0${power}d" "${digit}")"${target#${digits[0]}}"
# Skip if the same name.
[[ ${target} == "${new_name}" ]] && return 0
# Check that file does not exist.
if [[ -e ${new_name} ]]; then
_error "${new_name}: File exists!"
return 1
mv -- ${target} ${new_name} && echo ${new_name}
_iterate_targets process ${targets[@]}
function _comp_name_parse() {
_autocomplete $(find_function | grep ^parse)
complete -o filenames -F _comp_name_parse name_parse

View file

@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
{ ... }:
text = ''
# Spawn shell with specified nix environment.
# Uses flake.nix in current dir by default.
# Usage: shell [NAME]
function shell() {
local target="''${1}"
[[ "''${target}" = "" ]] && target="default"
SHELL_NAME="''${target}" nix develop ".#''${target}"
# Spawn temporary nix-shell with specified packages.
# Usage: tmpshell <PACKAGES>
function tmpshell() {
local IFS=$'\n'
local input=("''${@}")
local pkgs=()
local tag="''${1}"
if [[ "''${input}" = "" ]]; then
help tmpshell
return 2
for pkg in ''${input[@]}; do
SHELL_NAME="''${tag}" NIXPKGS_ALLOW_INSECURE=1 NIXPKGS_ALLOW_UNFREE=1 nix shell --impure ''${pkgs[@]}
function nix_depends() {
nix why-depends /run/current-system nixpkgs#''${1}
# Run stuff directrly from Nixpks.
# Usage: nixpkgs_run <REV> <PACKAGE> [COMMAND]
function nixpkgs_run() {
local rev="''${1}"
local pkg="''${2}"
local cmd="''${@:3}"
if [[ "''${pkg}" = "" ]]; then
help nixpkgs_run
return 2
[[ "''${cmd}" = "" ]] && cmd="''${pkg}"
SHELL_NAME="''${pkg}" NIXPKGS_ALLOW_INSECURE=1 NIXPKGS_ALLOW_UNFREE=1 nix shell --impure github:NixOS/nixpkgs/''${rev}#''${pkg} -c ''${cmd}
# Prefetch to nix store.
# Usage: prefetch <URL>
function prefetch() {
local url="''${1}"
local name="''${1##*/}"
name=$(parse_alnum "''${name%%\?*}")
if [[ "''${url}" = "" ]]; then
help prefetch
return 2
local result=$(nix hash convert --to sri --hash-algo sha256 $(nix-prefetch-url --name "''${name}" "''${url}"))
printf "%s" ''${result} | copy
printf "%s\n" ''${result}
# Run nix locally with no builders.
# Usage: nix_local <COMMAND>
function nix_local() {
nix --option max-jobs $(_core_count) --builders "" --substituters ''${@}
# Run test app from other people PRs.
# Usage: nix_test github:user/nixpkgs/<REV>#<PKG>
function nix_test() {
if [[ "''${@}" = "" ]]; then
help nix_test
return 2
local name=''${*##*#}
SHELL_NAME="''${name}" NIXPKGS_ALLOW_INSECURE=1 NIXPKGS_ALLOW_UNFREE=1 nix --option max-jobs $(_core_count) --builders "" --substituters shell --impure ''${@}

View file

@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
# Spawn shell with specified nix environment.
# Uses flake.nix in current dir by default.
# Usage: shell [NAME]
function shell() {
local target="${1}"
[[ ${target} == "" ]] && target="default"
SHELL_NAME="${target}" nix develop ".#${target}"
# Spawn temporary nix-shell with specified packages.
# Usage: tmpshell <PACKAGES>
function tmpshell() {
local IFS=$'\n'
local input=("${@}")
local pkgs=()
local tag="${1}"
if [[ ${input} == "" ]]; then
help tmpshell
return 2
for pkg in ${input[@]}; do
SHELL_NAME="${tag}" NIXPKGS_ALLOW_INSECURE=1 NIXPKGS_ALLOW_UNFREE=1 nix shell --impure ${pkgs[@]}
function nix_depends() {
nix why-depends /run/current-system nixpkgs#${1}
# Run stuff directrly from Nixpks.
# Usage: nixpkgs_run <REV> <PACKAGE> [COMMAND]
function nixpkgs_run() {
local rev="${1}"
local pkg="${2}"
local cmd="${@:3}"
if [[ ${pkg} == "" ]]; then
help nixpkgs_run
return 2
[[ ${cmd} == "" ]] && cmd="${pkg}"
SHELL_NAME="${pkg}" NIXPKGS_ALLOW_INSECURE=1 NIXPKGS_ALLOW_UNFREE=1 nix shell --impure github:NixOS/nixpkgs/${rev}#${pkg} -c ${cmd}
# Prefetch to nix store.
# Usage: prefetch <URL>
function prefetch() {
local url="${1}"
local name="${1##*/}"
name=$(parse_alnum "${name%%\?*}")
if [[ ${url} == "" ]]; then
help prefetch
return 2
local result=$(nix hash convert --to sri --hash-algo sha256 $(nix-prefetch-url --name "${name}" "${url}"))
printf "%s" ${result} | copy
printf "%s\n" ${result}
# Run nix locally with no builders.
# Usage: nix_local <COMMAND>
function nix_local() {
nix --option max-jobs $(_core_count) --builders "" --substituters ${@}
# Run test app from other people PRs.
# Usage: nix_test github:user/nixpkgs/<REV>#<PKG>
function nix_test() {
if [[ ${@} == "" ]]; then
help nix_test
return 2
local name=${*##*#}
SHELL_NAME="${name}" NIXPKGS_ALLOW_INSECURE=1 NIXPKGS_ALLOW_UNFREE=1 nix --option max-jobs $(_core_count) --builders "" --substituters shell --impure ${@}

View file

@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
{ secret, ... }:
text = ''
# Send Telegram notification.
# Usage: notify <MESSAGE>
function notify() {
curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: Application/json' -d "${ "false"}" ${} &> /dev/null
# Send silent Telegram notification.
# Usage: notify_silent <MESSAGE>
function notify_silent() {
curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: Application/json' -d "${ "true"}" ${} &> /dev/null

View file

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
# Send Telegram notification.
# Usage: notify <MESSAGE>
function notify() {
curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: Application/json' -d "@tgdata@" @tgbot@ &>/dev/null
# Send silent Telegram notification.
# Usage: notify_silent <MESSAGE>
function notify_silent() {
curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: Application/json' -d "@tgdatasilent@" @tgbot@ &>/dev/null

View file

@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
{ ... }:
text = ''
# Change file ownership to specified user id and restrict access to him.
# Root user by default. This directory recursively by default.
# Usage: own [USER] [FILES]
function own() {
local IFS=$'\n'
local files=("''${@:2}")
local user="''${1}"
local group="''${1}"
# default to current dir.
if [ "''${files[*]}" = "" ]; then
# default to current user.
if [ "''${user}" = "" ]; then
# If not root, default to users group.
[[ "''${user}" = 0 ]] && group="0" || group="100"
for file in "''${files[@]}"; do
# set ownership.
chown "''${user}":"''${group}" -R "''${file}" &> /dev/null
# remove access from group and others.
chmod -077 -R "''${file}"
function _complete_own() {
_autocomplete $(_get_users)
complete -F _complete_own own

View file

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
# Change file ownership to specified user id and restrict access to him.
# Root user by default. This directory recursively by default.
# Usage: own [USER] [FILES]
function own() {
local IFS=$'\n'
local files=("${@:2}")
local user="${1}"
local group="${1}"
# default to current dir.
if [ "${files[*]}" = "" ]; then
# default to current user.
if [ "${user}" = "" ]; then
# If not root, default to users group.
[[ ${user} == 0 ]] && group="0" || group="100"
for file in "${files[@]}"; do
# set ownership.
chown "${user}":"${group}" -R "${file}" &>/dev/null
# remove access from group and others.
chmod -077 -R "${file}"
function _complete_own() {
_autocomplete $(_get_users)
complete -F _complete_own own

View file

@ -1,209 +0,0 @@
{ ... }:
text = ''
export _unpack_supported=".tar$|.tgz$|.txz$|.tar.gz$|.tar.xz$|.zip$|.iso$|.rar$"
# Pack files into desired format.
# All files and directories by default.
# Usage: pack <TARGET.ext> [FILES]
function pack() {
local IFS=$'\n'
local output="''${1}"
local targets=("''${@:2}")
local format="''${output##*.}"
local name="''${output%.*}"
# report no output.
if [[ "''${output}" = "" ]]; then
help pack
return 2
# report no format.
if [[ "''${format}" = "" ]]; then
_error "Could not determine output format."
help pack
return 2
# All targets by default.
[[ "''${targets}" = "" ]] && targets=(*)
case "''${format}" in
_pack_tgz "''${output}" "''${targets[@]}"
_pack_txz "''${output}" "''${targets[@]}"
_pack_tar "''${output}" "''${targets[@]}"
_pack_zip "''${output}" "''${targets[@]}"
_pack_gz "''${output}" "''${targets[@]}"
_pack_xz "''${output}" "''${targets[@]}"
_pack_iso "''${output}" "''${targets[@]}"
_error "''${target}: Format not supported."
return 2
# Attempt to unpack.
# All supported formats by default.
# Usage: unpack [FILES]
function unpack() {
local IFS=$'\n'
local targets=(''${@})
[[ "''${targets}" = "" ]] && targets=($(_ls_files | grep -E ''${_unpack_supported}))
process() {
# Use full path to file.
target=''$(realpath "''${target}")
# Check for archive.
if $(_is_archive "''${target}"); then
unarchive "''${target}"
return 0
# Unpack file type.
local type="''${target##*.}"
[[ "''${target}" =~ .tar.gz$ ]] && type="tar.gz"
[[ "''${target}" =~ .tar.xz$ ]] && type="tar.xz"
# Make a dir for files.
local dir="''${target%.$type}"; dir="''${dir##*/}"
mkdir "''${dir}" > /dev/null
pushd "''${dir}" > /dev/null
# Unpack content.
case "''${type,,}" in
_unpack_zip "''${target}"
_unpack_7z "''${target}"
_unpack_tgz "''${target}"
_unpack_txz "''${target}"
_unpack_tar "''${target}"
_unpack_iso "''${target}"
_unpack_rar "''${target}"
_unpack_xz "''${target}"
_unpack_gz "''${target}"
_error "''${target}: Format not supported."
return 2
# Cd back.
popd > /dev/null
_iterate_targets process ''${targets[@]}
function _pack_zip() {
zip -9 -r "''${@}"
function _pack_tgz() {
tar -c "''${@:2}" | pv -s $(/usr/bin/env du -csb "''${@:2}" | sed -n -e '$p' | awk '{print $1}') | gzip -1 > "''${1}"
function _pack_txz() {
tar -c "''${@:2}" | pv -s $(/usr/bin/env du -csb "''${@:2}" | sed -n -e '$p' | awk '{print $1}') | xz -9e > "''${1}"
function _pack_tar() {
tar -c "''${@:2}" | pv -s $(/usr/bin/env du -csb "''${@:2}" | sed -n -e '$p' | awk '{print $1}') > "''${1}"
function _pack_gz() {
pv "''${2}" | gzip -1 > "''${1}"
function _pack_xz() {
pv "''${2}" | xz -9e > "''${1}"
function _pack_iso() {
local input=("''${@:2}")
local output="''${1}"
local args=()
for arg in ''${input[@]}; do
[[ -d "''${arg}" ]] || {
_error "''${arg} is not a directory."
return 1
genisoimage -J -r -pad -o "''${output}" -graft-points "''${args[@]}"
function _unpack_zip() {
unzip "''${1}"
function _unpack_7z() {
7za x "''${1}"
function _unpack_tgz() {
pv "''${1}" | gzip -d | tar -xf -
function _unpack_txz() {
pv "''${1}" | xz -d | tar -xf -
function _unpack_tar() {
pv "''${1}" | tar -xf -
function _unpack_iso() {
7za x "''${1}"
function _unpack_rar() {
unrar x "''${1}"
function _unpack_gz() {
pv "''${1}" | gzip -d > "''${1%.gz}"
function _unpack_xz() {
pv "''${1}" | xz -d > "''${1%.xz}"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
export _unpack_supported=".tar$|.tgz$|.txz$|.tar.gz$|.tar.xz$|.zip$|.iso$|.rar$"
# Pack files into desired format.
# All files and directories by default.
# Usage: pack <TARGET.ext> [FILES]
function pack() {
local IFS=$'\n'
local output="${1}"
local targets=("${@:2}")
local format="${output##*.}"
local name="${output%.*}"
# report no output.
if [[ ${output} == "" ]]; then
help pack
return 2
# report no format.
if [[ ${format} == "" ]]; then
_error "Could not determine output format."
help pack
return 2
# All targets by default.
[[ ${targets} == "" ]] && targets=(*)
case "${format}" in
_pack_tgz "${output}" "${targets[@]}"
_pack_txz "${output}" "${targets[@]}"
_pack_tar "${output}" "${targets[@]}"
_pack_zip "${output}" "${targets[@]}"
_pack_gz "${output}" "${targets[@]}"
_pack_xz "${output}" "${targets[@]}"
_pack_iso "${output}" "${targets[@]}"
_error "${target}: Format not supported."
return 2
# Attempt to unpack.
# All supported formats by default.
# Usage: unpack [FILES]
function unpack() {
local IFS=$'\n'
local targets=(${@})
[[ ${targets} == "" ]] && targets=($(_ls_files | grep -E ${_unpack_supported}))
process() {
# Use full path to file.
target=$(realpath "${target}")
# Check for archive.
if $(_is_archive "${target}"); then
unarchive "${target}"
return 0
# Unpack file type.
local type="${target##*.}"
[[ ${target} =~ .tar.gz$ ]] && type="tar.gz"
[[ ${target} =~ .tar.xz$ ]] && type="tar.xz"
# Make a dir for files.
local dir="${target%.$type}"
mkdir "${dir}" >/dev/null
pushd "${dir}" >/dev/null
# Unpack content.
case "${type,,}" in
_unpack_zip "${target}"
_unpack_7z "${target}"
"tgz" | "tar.gz")
_unpack_tgz "${target}"
"txz" | "tar.xz")
_unpack_txz "${target}"
_unpack_tar "${target}"
_unpack_iso "${target}"
_unpack_rar "${target}"
_unpack_xz "${target}"
_unpack_gz "${target}"
_error "${target}: Format not supported."
return 2
# Cd back.
popd >/dev/null
_iterate_targets process ${targets[@]}
function _pack_zip() {
zip -9 -r "${@}"
function _pack_tgz() {
tar -c "${@:2}" | pv -s $(/usr/bin/env du -csb "${@:2}" | sed -n -e '$p' | awk '{print $1}') | gzip -1 >"${1}"
function _pack_txz() {
tar -c "${@:2}" | pv -s $(/usr/bin/env du -csb "${@:2}" | sed -n -e '$p' | awk '{print $1}') | xz -9e >"${1}"
function _pack_tar() {
tar -c "${@:2}" | pv -s $(/usr/bin/env du -csb "${@:2}" | sed -n -e '$p' | awk '{print $1}') >"${1}"
function _pack_gz() {
pv "${2}" | gzip -1 >"${1}"
function _pack_xz() {
pv "${2}" | xz -9e >"${1}"
function _pack_iso() {
local input=("${@:2}")
local output="${1}"
local args=()
for arg in ${input[@]}; do
[[ -d ${arg} ]] || {
_error "${arg} is not a directory."
return 1
genisoimage -J -r -pad -o "${output}" -graft-points "${args[@]}"
function _unpack_zip() {
unzip "${1}"
function _unpack_7z() {
7za x "${1}"
function _unpack_tgz() {
pv "${1}" | gzip -d | tar -xf -
function _unpack_txz() {
pv "${1}" | xz -d | tar -xf -
function _unpack_tar() {
pv "${1}" | tar -xf -
function _unpack_iso() {
7za x "${1}"
function _unpack_rar() {
unrar x "${1}"
function _unpack_gz() {
pv "${1}" | gzip -d >"${1%.gz}"
function _unpack_xz() {
pv "${1}" | xz -d >"${1%.xz}"

View file

@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
{ ... }:
text = ''
export _PARSE_SPLIT_CHARS="\.\ _-"
# Parse data and output simplified format.
# Usage: parse_simple <STRING>
function parse_simple() {
echo "''${*}" | sed \
-e "s/[''${_PARSE_SPLIT_CHARS}]/_/g" \
-e "s/[^[:alnum:]''${_PARSE_ALLOWED_CHARS}]//g" \
-e "s/_\+/_/g" -e "s/-\+/-/g" \
-e "s/_-/_/g" -e "s/-_/_/g" \
-e "s/_\+/_/g" \
-e "s/^_//" -e "s/_$//"
# Parse to PascalCase.
# Usage: parse_pascal <STRING>
function parse_pascal() {
local parts=($(_get_parts $(parse_simple "''${*}")))
local result
for part in "''${parts[@]}"; do
local word="''${part,,}"
echo "''${result}"
# Parse to snake_case.
# Usage: parse_snake <STRING>
function parse_snake() {
local parts=($(_get_parts $(parse_simple "''${*}")))
local result
for part in "''${parts[@]}"; do
local word="''${part,,}"
echo "''${result#_}"
# Parse to kebab-case.
# Usage: parse_kebab <STRING>
function parse_kebab() {
local parts=($(_get_parts $(parse_simple "''${*}")))
local result
for part in "''${parts[@]}"; do
local word="''${part,,}"
echo "''${result#-}"
# Parse to camelCase.
# Usage: parse_camel <STRING>
function parse_camel() {
local parts=($(_get_parts $(parse_simple "''${*}")))
local result
for part in "''${parts[@]}"; do
local word="''${part,,}"
echo "''${result,}"
# Parse to SNAKE_CASE_UPPERCASE. **NOT STABLE! Repeating results in different output.**
# Usage: parse_snake_uppercase <STRING>
function parse_snake_uppercase() {
local parts=($(_get_parts $(parse_simple "''${*}")))
local result
for part in "''${parts[@]}"; do
local word="''${part^^}"
echo "''${result#_}"
# Parse data keeping only alphanumeric characters.
# Usage: parse_alnum <STRING>
function parse_alnum() {
echo "''${*}" | sed -e "s/[^[:alnum:]]//g"
# Parse integers from mixed string.
# Usage: parse_ints <STRING>
function parse_ints() {
echo "''${*}" | tr '\n' ' ' | sed -e 's/[^0-9]/ /g' -e 's/^ *//g' -e 's/ *$//g' | tr -s ' ' | sed 's/ /\n/g'
# Parse string to lowercase.
# Usage: parse_lowercase <STRING>
function parse_lowercase() {
echo "''${*,,}"
# Parse string to uppercase.
# Usage: parse_uppercase <STRING>
function parse_uppercase() {
echo "''${*^^}"
# Parse string to title case.
# Usage: parse_titlecase <STRING>
function parse_titlecase() {
local IFS=$'\n'
local parts=($(_parse_split ''${@}))
local minors=("is" "at" "of" "to" "in" "for" "the" "a" "an" "and" "but" "or" "on" "was" "were" "been" "be" "do" "did" "does")
echo -n "$(parse_sentencecase ''${parts[0]})"
for part in ''${parts[@]:1}; do
if _contains $(echo ''${part,,} | sed -e "s/[''${_PARSE_SPLIT_CHARS}]//g") ''${minors[@]}; then
echo -n "''${part,,}"
echo -n "$(parse_sentencecase ''${part})"
# Parse string to sentence case.
# Usage: parse_sentencecase <STRING>
function parse_sentencecase() {
local lower="''${*,,}"
echo "''${lower^}"
# Parse string to start case.
# Usage: parse_startcase <STRING>
function parse_startcase() {
local IFS=$'\n'
local lower="''${*,,}"
local parts=($(_parse_split ''${lower}))
for part in ''${parts[@]}; do
echo -n "''${part^}"
# Parse string to pretty Json.
# Usage: parse_json <STRING>
function parse_json() {
echo "''${*}" | jq
# Split string by separators.
# Usage: _parse_split <STRING>
function _parse_split() {
echo "''${*}" | sed -e "s/[A-Z]\+/\n&/g" -e "s/[0-9]\+/\n&\n/g" -e "s/[''${_PARSE_SPLIT_CHARS}]/&\n/g" | sed -e "/^$/d"
# Get name parts.
# Usage: _get_parts <STRING>
function _get_parts() {
_parse_split "''${*}" | sed -e "s/[''${_PARSE_SPLIT_CHARS}]//g" | sed -e "/^$/d"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
export _PARSE_SPLIT_CHARS="\.\ _-"
# Parse data and output simplified format.
# Usage: parse_simple <STRING>
function parse_simple() {
echo "${*}" | sed \
-e "s/[${_PARSE_SPLIT_CHARS}]/_/g" \
-e "s/[^[:alnum:]${_PARSE_ALLOWED_CHARS}]//g" \
-e "s/_\+/_/g" -e "s/-\+/-/g" \
-e "s/_-/_/g" -e "s/-_/_/g" \
-e "s/_\+/_/g" \
-e "s/^_//" -e "s/_$//"
# Parse to PascalCase.
# Usage: parse_pascal <STRING>
function parse_pascal() {
local parts=($(_get_parts $(parse_simple "${*}")))
local result
for part in "${parts[@]}"; do
local word="${part,,}"
echo "${result}"
# Parse to snake_case.
# Usage: parse_snake <STRING>
function parse_snake() {
local parts=($(_get_parts $(parse_simple "${*}")))
local result
for part in "${parts[@]}"; do
local word="${part,,}"
echo "${result#_}"
# Parse to kebab-case.
# Usage: parse_kebab <STRING>
function parse_kebab() {
local parts=($(_get_parts $(parse_simple "${*}")))
local result
for part in "${parts[@]}"; do
local word="${part,,}"
echo "${result#-}"
# Parse to camelCase.
# Usage: parse_camel <STRING>
function parse_camel() {
local parts=($(_get_parts $(parse_simple "${*}")))
local result
for part in "${parts[@]}"; do
local word="${part,,}"
echo "${result,}"
# Parse to SNAKE_CASE_UPPERCASE. **NOT STABLE! Repeating results in different output.**
# Usage: parse_snake_uppercase <STRING>
function parse_snake_uppercase() {
local parts=($(_get_parts $(parse_simple "${*}")))
local result
for part in "${parts[@]}"; do
local word="${part^^}"
echo "${result#_}"
# Parse data keeping only alphanumeric characters.
# Usage: parse_alnum <STRING>
function parse_alnum() {
echo "${*}" | sed -e "s/[^[:alnum:]]//g"
# Parse integers from mixed string.
# Usage: parse_ints <STRING>
function parse_ints() {
echo "${*}" | tr '\n' ' ' | sed -e 's/[^0-9]/ /g' -e 's/^ *//g' -e 's/ *$//g' | tr -s ' ' | sed 's/ /\n/g'
# Parse string to lowercase.
# Usage: parse_lowercase <STRING>
function parse_lowercase() {
echo "${*,,}"
# Parse string to uppercase.
# Usage: parse_uppercase <STRING>
function parse_uppercase() {
echo "${*^^}"
# Parse string to title case.
# Usage: parse_titlecase <STRING>
function parse_titlecase() {
local IFS=$'\n'
local parts=($(_parse_split ${@}))
local minors=("is" "at" "of" "to" "in" "for" "the" "a" "an" "and" "but" "or" "on" "was" "were" "been" "be" "do" "did" "does")
echo -n "$(parse_sentencecase ${parts[0]})"
for part in ${parts[@]:1}; do
if _contains $(echo ${part,,} | sed -e "s/[${_PARSE_SPLIT_CHARS}]//g") ${minors[@]}; then
echo -n "${part,,}"
echo -n "$(parse_sentencecase ${part})"
# Parse string to sentence case.
# Usage: parse_sentencecase <STRING>
function parse_sentencecase() {
local lower="${*,,}"
echo "${lower^}"
# Parse string to start case.
# Usage: parse_startcase <STRING>
function parse_startcase() {
local IFS=$'\n'
local lower="${*,,}"
local parts=($(_parse_split ${lower}))
for part in ${parts[@]}; do
echo -n "${part^}"
# Parse string to pretty Json.
# Usage: parse_json <STRING>
function parse_json() {
echo "${*}" | jq
# Split string by separators.
# Usage: _parse_split <STRING>
function _parse_split() {
echo "${*}" | sed -e "s/[A-Z]\+/\n&/g" -e "s/[0-9]\+/\n&\n/g" -e "s/[${_PARSE_SPLIT_CHARS}]/&\n/g" | sed -e "/^$/d"
# Get name parts.
# Usage: _get_parts <STRING>
function _get_parts() {
_parse_split "${*}" | sed -e "s/[${_PARSE_SPLIT_CHARS}]//g" | sed -e "/^$/d"

View file

@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
{ ... }:
text = ''
# Recursively change permissions to allow read sharing with group and others.
function perm_share() {
find . -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;; find . -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;
# Recursively change permissions to restrict access for group and others.
function perm() {
find . -type d -exec chmod 700 {} \;; find . -type f -exec chmod 600 {} \;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
# Recursively change permissions to allow read sharing with group and others.
function perm_share() {
find . -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;
find . -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;
# Recursively change permissions to restrict access for group and others.
function perm() {
find . -type d -exec chmod 700 {} \;
find . -type f -exec chmod 600 {} \;

View file

@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
{ ... }:
text = ''
# Quick edit a picture and copy to clipboard.
# Usage: pic_copy <FILE>
function pic_copy() {
swappy -f "''${1}" -o - | copy
# Quick edit a pictures inplace.
# Usage: pic_edit <FILES>
function pic_edit() {
local IFS=$'\n'
for file in "''${@}"; do
swappy -f "''${file}" -o "''${file}"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
# Quick edit a picture and copy to clipboard.
# Usage: pic_copy <FILE>
function pic_copy() {
swappy -f "${1}" -o - | copy
# Quick edit a pictures inplace.
# Usage: pic_edit <FILES>
function pic_edit() {
local IFS=$'\n'
for file in "${@}"; do
swappy -f "${file}" -o "${file}"

View file

@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
{ ... }:
text = ''
# Printf shortcut.
# Usage: print [TEXT]
function print() {
printf "%s" "''${*}"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# Printf shortcut.
# Usage: print [TEXT]
function print() {
printf "%s" "${*}"

View file

@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
{ ... }:
text = ''
# Find process and filter.
# Usage: fps [PROCESS]
function fps() {
local process="''${1}"
if [[ "''${process}" = "" ]]; then
ps aux
ps aux | sed -n -e "1p" -e "/''${process}/Ip" | sed -e "/sed -n -e 1p -e/d"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
# Find process and filter.
# Usage: fps [PROCESS]
function fps() {
local process="${1}"
if [[ ${process} == "" ]]; then
ps aux
ps aux | sed -n -e "1p" -e "/${process}/Ip" | sed -e "/sed -n -e 1p -e/d"

View file

@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
{ config, ... }:
accent = "${};${};${}";
negative = "${};${};${}";
neutral = "${};${};${}";
positive = "${};${};${}";
text = ''
export PROMPT_COMMAND=(__prompt_command "''${PROMPT_COMMAND[@]}")
function __prompt_color() {
local color="''${1}"
if [[ "''${color}" = "" ]]; then
printf "\[\x1b[0m\]"
printf "\[\x1b[38;2;''${color}m\]"
# Custom terminal prompt format.
function __prompt_command() {
local last_status="''${?}"
local is_error=false
local is_root=false
if [[ ''${last_status} != 0 && ''${last_status} != 130 ]]; then
if [[ "''${UID}" -eq 0 ]]; then
# Add newline.
# Set error red.
if ''${is_error}; then
PS1+="$(__prompt_color '${negative}')"
# Add time.
# PS1+="$(__prompt_color '${accent}')"
# PS1+="$(date +%H:%M) "
# Set root red.
if ''${is_root}; then
PS1+="$(__prompt_color '${negative}')"
PS1+="$(__prompt_color '${neutral}')"
# Add user, host and working dir.
PS1+="\u@\h "
PS1+="$(__prompt_color '${positive}')"
# PS1+="\''${PWD}"
# Add git branch if available.
local git_branch="$(_git_current_branch)"
if [[ "''${git_branch}" != "" ]]; then
PS1+=" $(__prompt_color '${accent}')@''${git_branch}"
# Set error red.
if ''${is_error}; then
PS1+="$(__prompt_color '${negative}')"
PS1+="] "
PS1+="] "
# If error, show code.
if ''${is_error}; then
PS1+="$(__prompt_color '${negative}')("
local error_type="$(_ps1error ''${last_status})"
[[ "''${error_type}" != "" ]] && PS1+=" ''${error_type}"
PS1+=")$(__prompt_color) "
# Command on new line.
# Show nix shell name or shell depth.
if [ -n "''${SHELL_NAME}" ]; then
PS1+="''${SHELL_NAME} "
# Show remote connections.
if [ -n "''${SSH_TTY}" ]; then
# Set user tag.
if ''${is_root}; then
PS1+="# "
PS1+="$ "
# Reset color.
# Convert error code into short description.
# Usage: _ps1error <CODE>
function _ps1error() {
local type
case ''${1} in
1) type="GENERAL" ;;
2) type="MISUSE" ;;
126) type="CANTEXEC" ;;
127) type="CMDNF" ;;
129) type="SIGHUP" ;;
130) type="SIGINT" ;;
131) type="SIGQUIT" ;;
132) type="SIGILL" ;;
133) type="SIGTRAP" ;;
134) type="SIGABRT" ;;
135) type="SIGBUS" ;;
136) type="SIGFPE" ;;
137) type="SIGKILL" ;;
138) type="SIGUSR1" ;;
139) type="SIGSEGV" ;;
140) type="SIGUSR2" ;;
141) type="SIGPIPE" ;;
142) type="SIGALRM" ;;
143) type="SIGTERM" ;;
144) type="" ;;
145) type="SIGCHLD" ;;
146) type="SIGCONT" ;;
147) type="SIGSTOP" ;;
148) type="SIGTSTP" ;;
149) type="SIGTTIN" ;;
150) type="SIGTTOU" ;;
151) type="SIGURG" ;;
152) type="SIGXCPU" ;;
153) type="SIGXFSZ" ;;
154) type="SIGVTALRM" ;;
155) type="SIGPROF" ;;
156) type="SIGWINCH" ;;
157) type="SIGIO" ;;
158) type="SIGPWR" ;;
159) type="SIGSYS" ;;
*) type="" ;;
echo -n "''${type}"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
export PROMPT_COMMAND=(__prompt_command "${PROMPT_COMMAND[@]}")
function __prompt_color() {
local color="${1}"
if [[ ${color} == "" ]]; then
printf "\[\x1b[0m\]"
printf "\[\x1b[38;2;${color}m\]"
# Custom terminal prompt format.
function __prompt_command() {
local last_status="${?}"
local is_error=false
local is_root=false
if [[ ${last_status} != 0 && ${last_status} != 130 ]]; then
if [[ ${UID} -eq 0 ]]; then
# Add newline.
# Set error red.
if ${is_error}; then
PS1+="$(__prompt_color '@negative@')"
# Set root red.
if ${is_root}; then
PS1+="$(__prompt_color '@negative@')"
PS1+="$(__prompt_color '@neutral@')"
# Add user, host and working dir.
PS1+="\u@\h "
PS1+="$(__prompt_color '@positive@')"
# PS1+="\${PWD}"
# Add git branch if available.
local git_branch="$(_git_current_branch)"
if [[ ${git_branch} != "" ]]; then
PS1+=" $(__prompt_color '@accent@')@${git_branch}"
# Set error red.
if ${is_error}; then
PS1+="$(__prompt_color '@negative@')"
PS1+="] "
PS1+="] "
# If error, show code.
if ${is_error}; then
PS1+="$(__prompt_color '@negative@')("
local error_type="$(_ps1error ${last_status})"
[[ ${error_type} != "" ]] && PS1+=" ${error_type}"
PS1+=")$(__prompt_color) "
# Command on new line.
# Show nix shell name or shell depth.
if [ -n "${SHELL_NAME}" ]; then
# Show remote connections.
if [ -n "${SSH_TTY}" ]; then
# Set user tag.
if ${is_root}; then
PS1+="# "
PS1+="$ "
# Reset color.
# Convert error code into short description.
# Usage: _ps1error <CODE>
function _ps1error() {
local type
case ${1} in
1) type="GENERAL" ;;
2) type="MISUSE" ;;
126) type="CANTEXEC" ;;
127) type="CMDNF" ;;
129) type="SIGHUP" ;;
130) type="SIGINT" ;;
131) type="SIGQUIT" ;;
132) type="SIGILL" ;;
133) type="SIGTRAP" ;;
134) type="SIGABRT" ;;
135) type="SIGBUS" ;;
136) type="SIGFPE" ;;
137) type="SIGKILL" ;;
138) type="SIGUSR1" ;;
139) type="SIGSEGV" ;;
140) type="SIGUSR2" ;;
141) type="SIGPIPE" ;;
142) type="SIGALRM" ;;
143) type="SIGTERM" ;;
144) type="" ;;
145) type="SIGCHLD" ;;
146) type="SIGCONT" ;;
147) type="SIGSTOP" ;;
148) type="SIGTSTP" ;;
149) type="SIGTTIN" ;;
150) type="SIGTTOU" ;;
151) type="SIGURG" ;;
152) type="SIGXCPU" ;;
153) type="SIGXFSZ" ;;
154) type="SIGVTALRM" ;;
155) type="SIGPROF" ;;
156) type="SIGWINCH" ;;
157) type="SIGIO" ;;
158) type="SIGPWR" ;;
159) type="SIGSYS" ;;
*) type="" ;;
echo -n "${type}"

View file

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
{ ... }:
text = ''
function qr() {
qrencode -t ansiutf8

View file

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
function qr() {
qrencode -t ansiutf8

View file

@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
{ ... }:
text = ''
# Adjust ryzen temp limit.
# Usage: radj [TEMP]
function radj() {
local limit="''${1}"
if [[ "''${limit}" = "" ]]; then
systemctl start radj.service
systemctl stop radj.service
ryzenadj --tctl-temp=''${limit}

View file

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
# Adjust ryzen temp limit.
# Usage: radj [TEMP]
function radj() {
local limit="${1}"
if [[ ${limit} == "" ]]; then
systemctl start radj.service
systemctl stop radj.service
ryzenadj --tctl-temp=${limit}

View file

@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
{ ... }:
text = ''
# Generate random string.
# Usage: random <LENGTH>
function random() {
local length="''${1}"
if [[ "''${length}" = "" ]]; then
help random
return 2
head /dev/urandom | tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 | head -c''${length}
# Picks a random file or directory.
function random_file() {
local IFS=$'\n'
local dirs=($(ls))
local total=''${#dirs[@]}
local index=$(shuf -i 0-''${total} -n 1)
printf "%s" ''${dirs[$index]}

View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
# Generate random string.
# Usage: random <LENGTH>
function random() {
local length="${1}"
if [[ ${length} == "" ]]; then
help random
return 2
head /dev/urandom | tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 | head -c${length}
# Picks a random file or directory.
function random_file() {
local IFS=$'\n'
local dirs=($(ls))
local total=${#dirs[@]}
local index=$(shuf -i 0-${total} -n 1)
printf "%s" ${dirs[$index]}

View file

@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
{ ... }:
text = ''
# Run something recursively over all directories.
# Usage: recursive <COMMAND>
function recursive() {
if [[ "''${*}" = "" ]]; then
help recursive
return 2
local IFS=$'\n'
local current="''${PWD}"
local dirs=$(find -type d)
local total=$(find -type d | wc -l) # TODO: don't call find twice. won't work with "echo ''${dirs}".
local count=0
local failed=0
for dir in ''${dirs}; do
# increment counter.
# cd into the next dir.
cd "''${current}" || failed=''${?}
cd "''${dir}" || failed=''${?}
# echo status.
echo -e "''${color_bblue}[''${count}/''${total}] ''${dir}''${color_default}"
# run command.
''${*} || failed=''${?}
# Add newline if not the last one.
[[ "''${count}" = "''${total}" ]] || echo
# return back on complete.
cd "''${current}" || failed=''${?}
return ''${failed}
# Run something recursively over directories of 1 depth (excluding current dir).
# Usage: recursive1 <COMMAND>
function recursive1() {
if [[ "''${*}" = "" ]]; then
help recursive1
return 2
local IFS=$'\n'
local current="''${PWD}"
local dirs=$(find -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d)
local total=$(find -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d | wc -l) # TODO: don't call find twice. won't work with "echo ''${dirs}".
local count=0
local failed=0
for dir in ''${dirs}; do
# increment counter.
# cd into the next dir.
cd "''${current}"
cd "''${dir}"
# echo status.
echo -e "''${color_bblue}[''${count}/''${total}] ''${dir}''${color_default}"
# run command.
''${*} || failed=''${?}
# Add newline if not the last one.
[[ "''${count}" = "''${total}" ]] || echo
# return back on complete.
cd "''${current}"
return ''${failed}
# autocomplete.
complete -F _autocomplete_nested recursive recursive1

View file

@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
# Run something recursively over all directories.
# Usage: recursive <COMMAND>
function recursive() {
if [[ ${*} == "" ]]; then
help recursive
return 2
local IFS=$'\n'
local current="${PWD}"
local dirs=$(find -type d)
local total=$(find -type d | wc -l) # TODO: don't call find twice. won't work with "echo ${dirs}".
local count=0
local failed=0
for dir in ${dirs}; do
# increment counter.
# cd into the next dir.
cd "${current}" || failed=${?}
cd "${dir}" || failed=${?}
# echo status.
echo -e "${color_bblue}[${count}/${total}] ${dir}${color_default}"
# run command.
${*} || failed=${?}
# Add newline if not the last one.
[[ ${count} == "${total}" ]] || echo
# return back on complete.
cd "${current}" || failed=${?}
return ${failed}
# Run something recursively over directories of 1 depth (excluding current dir).
# Usage: recursive1 <COMMAND>
function recursive1() {
if [[ ${*} == "" ]]; then
help recursive1
return 2
local IFS=$'\n'
local current="${PWD}"
local dirs=$(find -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d)
local total=$(find -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d | wc -l) # TODO: don't call find twice. won't work with "echo ${dirs}".
local count=0
local failed=0
for dir in ${dirs}; do
# increment counter.
# cd into the next dir.
cd "${current}"
cd "${dir}"
# echo status.
echo -e "${color_bblue}[${count}/${total}] ${dir}${color_default}"
# run command.
${*} || failed=${?}
# Add newline if not the last one.
[[ ${count} == "${total}" ]] || echo
# return back on complete.
cd "${current}"
return ${failed}
# autocomplete.
complete -F _autocomplete_nested recursive recursive1

View file

@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
{ ... }:
text = ''
function reload() {
source ~/.bashrc
trap reload USR1

View file

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
function reload() {
source ~/.bashrc
trap reload USR1

View file

@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
{ ... }:
text = ''
shopt -s dotglob
shopt -s globstar
shopt -s autocd
shopt -s extglob
# Enable vim mode.
bind 'set editing-mode vi'
bind 'set show-mode-in-prompt on'
bind 'set keyseq-timeout 0'
# Set the mode string and cursor to indicate the vim mode
# For the number after `\e[`:
# 0: blinking block
# 1: blinking block (default)
# 2: steady block
# 3: blinking underline
# 4: steady underline
# 5: blinking bar (xterm)
# 6: steady bar (xterm)
bind 'set vi-ins-mode-string \1\e[6 q\2'
bind 'set vi-cmd-mode-string \1\e[2 q\2'
exec {BASH_XTRACEFD}>/dev/null

View file

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
shopt -s dotglob
shopt -s globstar
shopt -s autocd
shopt -s extglob
# Enable vim mode.
bind 'set editing-mode vi'
bind 'set show-mode-in-prompt on'
bind 'set keyseq-timeout 0'
# Set the mode string and cursor to indicate the vim mode
# For the number after `\e[`:
# 0: blinking block
# 1: blinking block (default)
# 2: steady block
# 3: blinking underline
# 4: steady underline
# 5: blinking bar (xterm)
# 6: steady bar (xterm)
bind 'set vi-ins-mode-string \1\e[6 q\2'
bind 'set vi-cmd-mode-string \1\e[2 q\2'
exec {BASH_XTRACEFD}>/dev/null

View file

@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
{ ... }:
text = ''
# Kill all ssh sockets.
function sshka() {
rm ~/.ssh/*.socket

View file

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
# Kill all ssh sockets.
function sshka() {
rm ~/.ssh/*.socket

View file

@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
{ ... }:
text = ''
# Su shortcut for lazy me.
# Root by default.
# Usage: s [USER]
function s() {
su - ''${1}
alias su="SHELL_NAME=su su"
# Run something as root. Runs command as a current user if su is not available.
# Usage: sudo <COMMAND>
function sudo() {
if command -v su &> /dev/null; then
su -c "$(echo ''${*} | tr '\n' ' ')"
# Run something as current user. If fails, try to run with sudo.
# Usage: trysudo <COMMAND>
function trysudo() {
''${*} || sudo ''${*}
function _complete_s() {
_autocomplete $(_get_users)
complete -F _complete_s s
complete -F _autocomplete_nested sudo trysudo

View file

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
# Su shortcut for lazy me.
# Root by default.
# Usage: s [USER]
function s() {
su - ${1}
alias su="SHELL_NAME=su su"
# Run something as root. Runs command as a current user if su is not available.
# Usage: sudo <COMMAND>
function sudo() {
if command -v su &>/dev/null; then
su -c "$(echo ${*} | tr '\n' ' ')"
# Run something as current user. If fails, try to run with sudo.
# Usage: trysudo <COMMAND>
function trysudo() {
${*} || sudo ${*}
function _complete_s() {
_autocomplete $(_get_users)
complete -F _complete_s s
complete -F _autocomplete_nested sudo trysudo

View file

@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
{ ... }:
text = ''
# Install on a Nintendo Switch.
# Usage: switch_install <FILES>
function switch_install() {
local IFS=$'\n'
local targets=(''${@})
[[ "''${targets}" = "" ]] && targets=(*.ns[pz])
local id=$(_switch_id)
install() {
gio copy -p "''${target}" ''${id}5:\ SD\ Card\ install/
_iterate_targets install ''${targets[@]}
# Backup a Nintendo Switch saves and album.
function switch_backup() {
local id=$(_switch_id)
mkdir switch_backup || rm -r switch_backup/*
mkdir switch_backup/{save,album}
pushd switch_backup/save
cp -r /run/user/''${UID}/gvfs/mtp\:host\=-_DBI_*/7\:\ Saves/* .
pushd switch_backup/album
cp -r /run/user/''${UID}/gvfs/mtp\:host\=-_DBI_*/8\:\ Album/* .
pushd switch_backup
archive_fast album
archive save
function _switch_id() {
gio mount -l -i | rg 'mtp://-_DBI_' | sed "s/^.*=//" | head -1
function _switch_mount() {
test -d /run/user/''${UID}/gvfs/mtp\:host\=-_DBI_* || gio mount "$(_switch_id)"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
# Install on a Nintendo Switch.
# Usage: switch_install <FILES>
function switch_install() {
local IFS=$'\n'
local targets=(${@})
[[ ${targets} == "" ]] && targets=("*.ns[pz]")
local id=$(_switch_id)
install() {
gio copy -p "${target}" ${id}5:\ SD\ Card\ install/
_iterate_targets install ${targets[@]}
# Backup a Nintendo Switch saves and album.
function switch_backup() {
local id=$(_switch_id)
mkdir switch_backup || rm -r switch_backup/*
mkdir switch_backup/{save,album}
pushd switch_backup/save
cp -r /run/user/${UID}/gvfs/mtp\:host\=-_DBI_*/7\:\ Saves/* .
pushd switch_backup/album
cp -r /run/user/${UID}/gvfs/mtp\:host\=-_DBI_*/8\:\ Album/* .
pushd switch_backup
archive_fast album
archive save
function _switch_id() {
gio mount -l -i | rg 'mtp://-_DBI_' | sed "s/^.*=//" | head -1
function _switch_mount() {
test -d /run/user/${UID}/gvfs/mtp\:host\=-_DBI_* || gio mount "$(_switch_id)"

View file

@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
{ ... }:
text = ''
# Create/attach to named session.
# By default uses current dir name.
# Usage: ta [NAME]
function ta() {
local name="''${1}"
# Set default name.
# [[ "''${name}" = "" ]] && name="main"
[[ "''${name}" = "" ]] && name=$(parse_alnum "''${PWD##*/}")
# Create session.
tmux new-session -s "''${name}" -d &> /dev/null
# Attach to session.
if _is_tmux; then
tmux switch-client -t "''${name}"
tmux attach-session -t "''${name}"
# Detach from running session.
function td() {
tmux detach-client
# Detach all other tmux clients.
function tda() {
tmux detach-client -s $(tmux display-message -p '#S')
# List running sessions.
function tl() {
tmux list-sessions
# Assign name to session. Uses current dir name by default.
# Usage: tns [NAME]
function tns() {
local name="''${1}"
[[ "''${name}" = "" ]] && name=$(parse_alnum "''${PWD##*/}")
tmux rename-session "''${name}"
# Assign name to window. Uses current dir name by default.
# Usage: tnw [NAME]
function tnw() {
local name="''${1}"
[[ "''${name}" = "" ]] && name=$(parse_alnum "''${PWD##*/}")
tmux rename-window "''${name}"
# Kill specified session.
# By default uses current dir name.
# Usage: tk [NAME]
function tk() {
local name="''${1}"
[[ "''${name}" = "" ]] && name=$(parse_alnum "''${PWD##*/}")
tmux kill-session -t "''${name}"
# Kill all sessions.
function tka() {
local sessions=$(tmux list-sessions | sed -e 's/:.*//')
for session in $sessions; do
tmux kill-session -t "$session"
# Autocomplete with running sessions once.
function _complete_tmux_session() {
_autocomplete "$(tmux list-sessions 2> /dev/null | sed -e 's/:.*//')"
# Autocomplete with running sessions.
function _complete_tmux_sessions() {
_autocomplete "$(tmux list-sessions 2> /dev/null | sed -e 's/:.*//')"
# Autocomplete with current dir name and dirs inside this one.
function _complete_tmux_name() {
_autocomplete "''${PWD##*/}"$'\n'$(ls --classify | grep /$ | sed -e 's/\/$//')
complete -F _complete_tmux_session ta
complete -F _complete_tmux_sessions tk
complete -o nosort -F _complete_tmux_name tns tnw

View file

@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
# Create/attach to named session.
# By default uses current dir name.
# Usage: ta [NAME]
function ta() {
local name="${1}"
# Set default name.
# [[ "${name}" = "" ]] && name="main"
[[ ${name} == "" ]] && name=$(parse_alnum "${PWD##*/}")
# Create session.
tmux new-session -s "${name}" -d &>/dev/null
# Attach to session.
if _is_tmux; then
tmux switch-client -t "${name}"
tmux attach-session -t "${name}"
# Detach from running session.
function td() {
tmux detach-client
# Detach all other tmux clients.
function tda() {
tmux detach-client -s $(tmux display-message -p '#S')
# List running sessions.
function tl() {
tmux list-sessions
# Assign name to session. Uses current dir name by default.
# Usage: tns [NAME]
function tns() {
local name="${1}"
[[ ${name} == "" ]] && name=$(parse_alnum "${PWD##*/}")
tmux rename-session "${name}"
# Assign name to window. Uses current dir name by default.
# Usage: tnw [NAME]
function tnw() {
local name="${1}"
[[ ${name} == "" ]] && name=$(parse_alnum "${PWD##*/}")
tmux rename-window "${name}"
# Kill specified session.
# By default uses current dir name.
# Usage: tk [NAME]
function tk() {
local name="${1}"
[[ ${name} == "" ]] && name=$(parse_alnum "${PWD##*/}")
tmux kill-session -t "${name}"
# Kill all sessions.
function tka() {
local sessions=$(tmux list-sessions | sed -e 's/:.*//')
for session in $sessions; do
tmux kill-session -t "$session"
# Autocomplete with running sessions once.
function _complete_tmux_session() {
_autocomplete "$(tmux list-sessions 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/:.*//')"
# Autocomplete with running sessions.
function _complete_tmux_sessions() {
_autocomplete "$(tmux list-sessions 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/:.*//')"
# Autocomplete with current dir name and dirs inside this one.
function _complete_tmux_name() {
_autocomplete "${PWD##*/}"$'\n'$(ls --classify | grep /$ | sed -e 's/\/$//')
complete -F _complete_tmux_session ta
complete -F _complete_tmux_sessions tk
complete -o nosort -F _complete_tmux_name tns tnw

View file

@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
{ ... }:
text = ''
# Convert between different formats.
# By default tries to convert all files.
# Usage: transcode <FORMAT> [FILES]
function transcode() { local IFS=$'\n'
local format=''${1}
local targets=(''${@:2})
[[ "''${targets}" = "" ]] && targets=($(_ls_file))
# Report no format.
if [[ "''${format}" = "" ]] || [[ "''${format}" =~ "." ]]; then
_error "No format specified."
help transcode
return 2
process() {
# Define context names and status.
local from="''${target##*.}"
local to="''${format}"
local output="''${target##*/}"
# Skip if file exists.
[[ -f "''${output}" ]] && { _iterate_skip "Already exists."; return 0; }
# Support multiple inputs.
[[ "''${to}" = "flac" ]] && from=""
[[ "''${to}" = "jxl" ]] && from=""
[[ "''${to}" = "mka" ]] && from=""
[[ "''${to}" = "mkv" ]] && from=""
[[ "''${to}" = "mp3" ]] && from=""
# Send convert.
case "''${from}-''${to}" in
_transcode_gz-xz "''${target}" "''${output}"
_transcode_xz-gz "''${target}" "''${output}"
_transcode_mp3 "''${target}" "''${output}"
_transcode_flac "''${target}" "''${output}"
_transcode_mka "''${target}" "''${output}"
_transcode_mkv "''${target}" "''${output}"
_transcode_jxl "''${target}" "''${output}"
_error "Conversion ''${target##*.}-''${to} not supported."
return 1
_iterate_targets process ''${targets[@]}
function _transcode_gz-xz() {
[[ -f "''${2}" ]] && return 1
pv "''${1}" | gzip -d | xz -9e > "''${2}"
function _transcode_xz-gz() {
[[ -f "''${2}" ]] && return 1
pv "''${1}" | xz -d | gzip -1 > "''${2}"
function _transcode_mp3() {
ffmpeg -n -i "''${1}" -c:a libmp3lame -b:a 320k -f mp3 "''${2}"
function _transcode_flac() {
ffmpeg -n -i "''${1}" -c:a flac -f flac "''${2}"
function _transcode_mka() {
local braudio=$(_ffprobe_ba "''${1}")
[[ ''${braudio} -gt 128 ]] && braudio=128
ffmpeg -n -i "''${1}" -ac 2 -c:a libopus -b:a ''${braudio}k -vn "''${2}"
function _transcode_mkv() {
local keyint=$(_ffprobe_keyint "''${1}")
local braudio=$(_ffprobe_ba "''${1}")
local fps=$(_ffprobe_fps "''${1}")
[[ ''${braudio} -gt 128 ]] && braudio=128
[[ ''${fps} -gt 30 ]] && fps=30
# ffmpeg -n -i "''${1}" -c:a libopus -b:a ''${braudio}k -c:v libsvtav1 -crf 30 -svtav1-params "fast-decode=1:tune=0" -preset 8 -pix_fmt yuv420p10le -g ''${keyint} -vf "scale=-2:min'(1080,ih)'" "''${2}"
ffmpeg -n -i "''${1}" -map 0 -map -v -map V -map -t -dn -c:s srt -ac 2 -c:a libopus -b:a ''${braudio}k -c:v libsvtav1 -crf 30 -svtav1-params "tune=0" -pix_fmt yuv420p10le -g ''${keyint} -vf "scale=-2:min'(1080,ih)' , fps=''${fps}" "''${2}"
function _transcode_jxl() {
cjxl -e 10 --lossless_jpeg=1 -- "''${1}" "''${2}"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
# Convert between different formats.
# By default tries to convert all files.
# Usage: transcode <FORMAT> [FILES]
function transcode() {
local IFS=$'\n'
local format=${1}
local targets=(${@:2})
[[ ${targets} == "" ]] && targets=($(_ls_file))
# Report no format.
if [[ ${format} == "" ]] || [[ ${format} =~ "." ]]; then
_error "No format specified."
help transcode
return 2
process() {
# Define context names and status.
local from="${target##*.}"
local to="${format}"
local output="${target##*/}"
# Skip if file exists.
[[ -f ${output} ]] && {
_iterate_skip "Already exists."
return 0
# Support multiple inputs.
[[ ${to} == "flac" ]] && from=""
[[ ${to} == "jxl" ]] && from=""
[[ ${to} == "mka" ]] && from=""
[[ ${to} == "mkv" ]] && from=""
[[ ${to} == "mp3" ]] && from=""
# Send convert.
case "${from}-${to}" in
"gz-xz" | "tgz-txz")
_transcode_gz-xz "${target}" "${output}"
"xz-gz" | "txz-tgz")
_transcode_xz-gz "${target}" "${output}"
_transcode_mp3 "${target}" "${output}"
_transcode_flac "${target}" "${output}"
_transcode_mka "${target}" "${output}"
_transcode_mkv "${target}" "${output}"
_transcode_jxl "${target}" "${output}"
_error "Conversion ${target##*.}-${to} not supported."
return 1
_iterate_targets process ${targets[@]}
function _transcode_gz-xz() {
[[ -f ${2} ]] && return 1
pv "${1}" | gzip -d | xz -9e >"${2}"
function _transcode_xz-gz() {
[[ -f ${2} ]] && return 1
pv "${1}" | xz -d | gzip -1 >"${2}"
function _transcode_mp3() {
ffmpeg -n -i "${1}" -c:a libmp3lame -b:a 320k -f mp3 "${2}"
function _transcode_flac() {
ffmpeg -n -i "${1}" -c:a flac -f flac "${2}"
function _transcode_mka() {
local braudio=$(_ffprobe_ba "${1}")
[[ ${braudio} -gt 128 ]] && braudio=128
ffmpeg -n -i "${1}" -ac 2 -c:a libopus -b:a ${braudio}k -vn "${2}"
function _transcode_mkv() {
local keyint=$(_ffprobe_keyint "${1}")
local braudio=$(_ffprobe_ba "${1}")
local fps=$(_ffprobe_fps "${1}")
[[ ${braudio} -gt 128 ]] && braudio=128
[[ ${fps} -gt 30 ]] && fps=30
# ffmpeg -n -i "${1}" -c:a libopus -b:a ${braudio}k -c:v libsvtav1 -crf 30 -svtav1-params "fast-decode=1:tune=0" -preset 8 -pix_fmt yuv420p10le -g ${keyint} -vf "scale=-2:min'(1080,ih)'" "${2}"
ffmpeg -n -i "${1}" -map 0 -map -v -map V -map -t -dn -c:s srt -ac 2 -c:a libopus -b:a ${braudio}k -c:v libsvtav1 -crf 30 -svtav1-params "tune=0" -pix_fmt yuv420p10le -g ${keyint} -vf "scale=-2:min'(1080,ih)' , fps=${fps}" "${2}"
function _transcode_jxl() {
cjxl -e 10 --lossless_jpeg=1 -- "${1}" "${2}"

View file

@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
{ ... }:
text = ''
# Retry command every 2 sec until it completes successfully.
# Usage: try <COMMAND>
function try() {
if [[ "''${*}" = "" ]]; then
help try
return 2
local result=-1
while [ "$result" != 0 ]; do
if [ "$result" != 0 ]; then
sleep 2
# autocomplete.
complete -F _autocomplete_nested try

View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
# Retry command every 2 sec until it completes successfully.
# Usage: try <COMMAND>
function try() {
if [[ ${*} == "" ]]; then
help try
return 2
local result=-1
while [ "$result" != 0 ]; do
if [ "$result" != 0 ]; then
sleep 2
# autocomplete.
complete -F _autocomplete_nested try

View file

@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
{ ... }:
text = ''
# Get the number of avaialble cores (threads).
function _core_count() {
cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep ^processor | wc -l
# Get the number of available memory (in mebibytes).
function _mem_free() {
free -m | sed -n -e '2p' | awk '{print $7}'
# Function-wrapper to iterate with specified function with provided files.
# By default Iterates on all non-hidden files and directories.
# List of variables available to FUNCTION: target - current file, count - current item index, total - sum of targets, failed - count of previously failed items, skipped - count of skipped files, status - status line (not recommended to use).
# Usage: _iterate_targets <FUNCTION> [FILES]
function _iterate_targets() {
local IFS=$'\n'
local foo="''${1}"
local targets=("''${@:2}")
local total=''${#targets[@]}
local count=0
local failed=0
local skipped=0
local code=0
# set dafult value to target all supported archives.
if [[ "''${targets}" = "" ]]; then
_error "No targets provided."
return 1
# iterate each target.
for target in "''${targets[@]}"; do
# increment counter.
# status info.
local status="[''${count}/''${total}] ''${target}"
_info "''${status}"
# Call function.
''${foo} "''${target}"
# Show error.
if [[ ''${?} != 0 ]]; then
_error "''${status}: Failed."
# Add newline if not the last one.
[[ "''${count}" = "''${total}" ]] || _info
# Show skipped.
if [[ ''${skipped} != 0 ]]; then
_warn "''${color_byellow}Skipped: ''${skipped}.''${color_default}"
# Show error.
if [[ ''${failed} != 0 ]]; then
[[ "''${skipped}" = 0 ]] && _error
_error "''${color_bred}Failed: ''${failed}.''${color_default}"
# Skip current iteration.
# Usage: _iterate_skip [MESSAGE]
function _iterate_skip() {
[[ "''${*}" != "" ]] && _warn "''${color_byellow}''${*}''${color_default}"
# Report an error.
# Always returns code 1.
# Usage: _error <MESSAGE>
function _error() {
>&2 echo -e "''${color_bred}''${*}''${color_default}"
return 1
# Report a warning.
# Usage: _warn <MESSAGE>
function _warn() {
>&2 echo -e "''${color_byellow}''${*}''${color_default}"
# Report a debug.
# Usage: _debug <MESSAGE>
function _debug() {
>&2 echo -e "''${color_bwhite}''${*}''${color_default}"
# Report an info.
# Usage: _info <MESSAGE>
function _info() {
>&2 echo -e "''${color_bwhite}''${*}''${color_default}"
# Check if array contains an element (strict).
# Usage: _contains <ELEMENT> <ARRAY>
function _contains() {
local IFS=$'\n'
local target="''${1}"
local array="''${@:2}"
if [[ "''${target}" = "" ]] || [[ "''${array}" = "" ]]; then
help _contains
return 2
for item in ''${array[@]}; do
[[ "''${item}" = "''${target}" ]] && return 0
return 1
# Find an index of an element in array.
# Usage: _index_of <ELEMENT> <ARRAY>
function _index_of() {
local element="''${1}"
local array="''${@:2}"
local index=0
for item in ''${array[@]}; do
[[ "''${item}" = "''${element}" ]] && break
echo "''${index}"
# Check if inside Tmux.
function _is_tmux() {
[[ "''${TERM_PROGRAM}" = "tmux" ]]
# Check if root.
function _is_root() {
[[ "''${UID}" = 0 ]]
# Ring a bell.
function _bell() {
echo -e '\a'
# Get users.
function _get_users() {
local users=("voronind" "dasha")
echo ''${users[@]}

View file

@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
# Get the number of avaialble cores (threads).
function _core_count() {
cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep ^processor | wc -l
# Get the number of available memory (in mebibytes).
function _mem_free() {
free -m | sed -n -e '2p' | awk '{print $7}'
# Function-wrapper to iterate with specified function with provided files.
# By default Iterates on all non-hidden files and directories.
# List of variables available to FUNCTION: target - current file, count - current item index, total - sum of targets, failed - count of previously failed items, skipped - count of skipped files, status - status line (not recommended to use).
# Usage: _iterate_targets <FUNCTION> [FILES]
function _iterate_targets() {
local IFS=$'\n'
local foo="${1}"
local targets=("${@:2}")
local total=${#targets[@]}
local count=0
local failed=0
local skipped=0
local code=0
# set dafult value to target all supported archives.
if [[ ${targets} == "" ]]; then
_error "No targets provided."
return 1
# iterate each target.
for target in "${targets[@]}"; do
# increment counter.
# status info.
local status="[${count}/${total}] ${target}"
_info "${status}"
# Call function.
${foo} "${target}"
# Show error.
if [[ ${?} != 0 ]]; then
_error "${status}: Failed."
# Add newline if not the last one.
[[ ${count} == "${total}" ]] || _info
# Show skipped.
if [[ ${skipped} != 0 ]]; then
_warn "${color_byellow}Skipped: ${skipped}.${color_default}"
# Show error.
if [[ ${failed} != 0 ]]; then
[[ ${skipped} == 0 ]] && _error
_error "${color_bred}Failed: ${failed}.${color_default}"
# Skip current iteration.
# Usage: _iterate_skip [MESSAGE]
function _iterate_skip() {
[[ ${*} != "" ]] && _warn "${color_byellow}${*}${color_default}"
# Report an error.
# Always returns code 1.
# Usage: _error <MESSAGE>
function _error() {
>&2 echo -e "${color_bred}${*}${color_default}"
return 1
# Report a warning.
# Usage: _warn <MESSAGE>
function _warn() {
>&2 echo -e "${color_byellow}${*}${color_default}"
# Report a debug.
# Usage: _debug <MESSAGE>
function _debug() {
>&2 echo -e "${color_bwhite}${*}${color_default}"
# Report an info.
# Usage: _info <MESSAGE>
function _info() {
>&2 echo -e "${color_bwhite}${*}${color_default}"
# Check if array contains an element (strict).
# Usage: _contains <ELEMENT> <ARRAY>
function _contains() {
local IFS=$'\n'
local target="${1}"
local array="${@:2}"
if [[ ${target} == "" ]] || [[ ${array} == "" ]]; then
help _contains
return 2
for item in ${array[@]}; do
[[ ${item} == "${target}" ]] && return 0
return 1
# Find an index of an element in array.
# Usage: _index_of <ELEMENT> <ARRAY>
function _index_of() {
local element="${1}"
local array="${@:2}"
local index=0
for item in ${array[@]}; do
[[ ${item} == "${element}" ]] && break
echo "${index}"
# Check if inside Tmux.
function _is_tmux() {
[[ ${TERM_PROGRAM} == "tmux" ]]
# Check if root.
function _is_root() {
[[ ${UID} == 0 ]]
# Ring a bell.
function _bell() {
echo -e '\a'
# Get users.
function _get_users() {
local users=("voronind" "dasha")
echo ${users[@]}

View file

@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
{ ... }:
text = ''
# Download video from URL. When no `[LINK]` specified, it tries to update previously downloaded link.
# Usage: vdl [LINK]
function vdl() {
# Check that ffmpeg and ffprobe are available.
if [[ "$(ffmpeg -version)" = "" ]] || [[ "$(ffprobe -version)" = "" ]]; then
_error "ffmpeg and ffprobe are required."
return 1
local target="''${@}" # What to download/update.
# If no [LINK] provided, try to read from `Src.txt`.
[[ "''${target}" = "" ]] && target="$(cat Src.txt)"
# If could not get [LINK] eventually, show an error and exit.
if [[ "''${target}" = "" ]]; then
_error "Could not determine [LINK] to download."
help vdl
return 2
# Save [LINK] for later use.
[[ -f "Src.txt" ]] || echo "''${target}" > Src.txt
# Download [LINK] content.
yt-dlp -4 -S 'res:1080,codec:av1,codec:vp9,codec:h264' --download-archive Index.txt --embed-thumbnail --embed-subs --write-auto-subs --embed-metadata --merge-output-format mkv -cio '%(playlist_index)000006d_%(id)s.%(ext)s' ''${target} # || _vdl_retry
# Temporary fix for vk downloads.
# Usage: vdl_vk <LINK>
function vdl_vk() {
vdl --format mp4 "''${@}"
# Download all videos from file with links.
# Usage: vdl_file <FILE>
function vdl_file() {
vdl -a "''${@}"

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show more