Honey wake up, a documentation update just dropped.

This commit is contained in:
Dmitry Voronin 2024-05-04 23:15:57 +03:00
parent 6236a8e65b
commit 97559710c5
Signed by: voronind
SSH key fingerprint: SHA256:3kBb4iV2ahufEBNq+vFbUe4QYfHt98DHQjN7QaptY9k
98 changed files with 711 additions and 426 deletions

Readme.md Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
# Voronind NixOS configuration.
## Screenshot.
[Wallpaper link](https://git.voronind.com/voronind/nixos/src/branch/main/part/Wallpaper.nix#L2)
## What is NixOS?
NixOS allows you to manage your systems declaratively. Which means that nothing happens outside the centralized config. System handles all the mutations when your config changes - even without reboot!
The core of the system is a thing called Nixpkgs. Nix is not your regular package manager. Smart people simplified all the complicated installation and configuration to a single generalized way of writing configuration.
This repository uses flakes for configuration. I really recomend you to start with flakes and skip channels entirely. Flakes give you one killer feature called version locking. This means that unless you update your .lock file, you'll have all the same binary versions across all the hosts. This makes thing very consistent across all your hosts. And it allows for easy rollback just by dropping .lock file update commit.
NixOS also scales well. You can have a single configuration file just for your host locally. Or, like me, you can have an online repository for any amount of hosts. All my hosts pull changes every hour from this repo. They are *not* all running the same configuration, which is a very common misconception. Here I have a bunch of "modules" like Bash, Gnome, Sway, Gaming etc. For example, I want to do heavy gaming on my desktop, so I enable Gnome+Gaming. But my laptop has *smol (kitten sized)* RAM and I go with just Sway and no Gaming :sad:.
For power users it has a heck load of goodies! For example, if you have a home server or just a powerful machine, you can use it as a cache and/or a build server. In my setup it works like this: when any of my hosts updates, builds any development shell or temporarily loads any package - it caches everything on my home lab. This means that after each flake lock update (package versions) I download everything over the Internet only once - other local hosts pull from my homelab over the fast local connection. Also if I need to build a heavy development environment i.e. for Android project - it will be built once, cached the result on homelab and then other hosts will pull the prebuild environment. You can also create Live ISO installations from your config, run in impermanence mode and so much more!
Outside of NixOS you also get things like Dev Shells. They allow you to create reproducible environments per project. This means you can run `nix develop` on any host with Nix package manager (not limited to NixOS) and have *exact* environment. By only typing two words. This creates a consistent environment, which practically destroys *"it works on my machine!"* arguments. This said, you may actually start in softcore mode: by utilizing Nix package manager and Home Manager. They do not require NixOS and can help you get aquainted with Nix ecosystem. But if it's just so happens that you distrohop now - spin it up! Learning the Nix language may be daunting, but in the long run it will save you so much time - in shipping updates,
The project started way back in 2003 and is rock solid by now.
And no, this is by far *not* the same thing as Ansible and Docker.
## NixOS learning roadmap.
0. [Nix Pills](https://nixos.org/guides/nix-pills/). This is a bit controversial one. Try it, but if it's hard to read for you - just skip it for now.
??? Where to look for stuff.
??? Nix language.
??? Nix package manager.
??? Nixpkgs.
??? Home manager.
??? (Optional) Remote builders.
??? (Optional) Live ISO.
??? (Optional) Dev Shells.
??? (Optional) Impermanence.
## Discovering my configuration.
Even tho I've tried to document everything I can in a dum-dum way, I still highly recommend you to learn the very basics of Nix language. If you can give a basic answer to these questions, you may continue:
1. What a set is?
2. How to define a function?
3. *???*
Start from the [Flake](flake.nix) file and follow the comments. If you have any questions, get in touch using [Telegram](https://t.me/voronind_com) or [Email](mailto:hi@voronind.com).
## Configuration highlights.
* [Keyd](module/common/Keyd.nix) allows you to have QMK-like keyboard remaps. Killer-feature is the ability to have remaps per-application. I have pretty common remaps like CapsLock to Ctrl/Esc combo, Right Shift to Backspace, Backspace to Delete and overlays for System/Windows/Media/Application controls as well as Macros.

View file

@ -1,21 +1,40 @@
# This is a configuration entry-point called "Flake".
# Here you define your inputs (dependencies) and outputs (hosts).
# Those are external dependencies.
inputs = {
# System.
# Core system.
# Homepage: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs
# Manual: https://nixos.org/manual/nixos/stable
# Search: https://search.nixos.org/packages and https://search.nixos.org/options
nixpkgs.url = "github:nixos/nixpkgs/nixos-unstable";
stylix.url = "github:danth/stylix";
# This thing manages user's /home directroies. Because NixOS only manages system itself.
# Homepage: https://github.com/nix-community/home-manager
# Manual: https://nix-community.github.io/home-manager
# Search: https://home-manager-options.extranix.com
home-manager = {
url = "github:nix-community/home-manager";
# This means that home-manager and our Flake both depend on the same nixpkgs version.
inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
# Android.
# This allows automatic styling based on active Wallpaper.
# Homepage: https://github.com/danth/stylix
# Manual: https://danth.github.io/stylix
stylix.url = "github:danth/stylix";
# Nix on Android (inside Termux). It has no NixOS modules, but still allows the use of Nixpkgs arm packages with Home-Manager configurations.
# Homepage: https://github.com/nix-community/nix-on-droid
# Manual: https://github.com/nix-community/nix-on-droid/blob/master/README.md
nix-on-droid = {
url = "github:t184256/nix-on-droid/release-23.05";
inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
inputs.home-manager.follows = "home-manager";
# Nvim plugins.
# Those are Nvim plugins. I do not use package managers like Packer or Lazy, instead I use Nix to download them and later configure in [Neovim module](module/common/Nvim.nix).
nvimAlign = {
url = "github:echasnovski/mini.align";
flake = false;
@ -98,6 +117,10 @@
# Those are outputs (hosts, configurations) that can be produced by this whole config.
# Here you see a set of inputs we defined above, like nixpkgs, home-manager and so on.
# `...` at the end of a set means "ignore other arguments provided to this function".
# @inputs means aliasing all the inputs to the `inputs` name, so we can pass them all at once later.
outputs = { self, nixpkgs, nix-on-droid, home-manager, stylix, ... } @inputs: {
# Constant values.
const = {
@ -107,51 +130,78 @@
url = "https://git.voronind.com/voronind/nixos.git";
# Common modules used across all hosts.
# Common modules used across all the hosts.
nixosModules.common = let
# This function allows me to get the list of all the files from the directories I need.
# It differs from the util.ls function because it also filters out all the directories.
lsFiles = path: map (f: "${path}/${f}") (
builtins.filter (i: builtins.readFileType "${path}/${i}" == "regular") (
builtins.attrNames (builtins.readDir path)
in {
# Here I import everything from those directories.
imports = (lsFiles ./module/common) ++ (lsFiles ./overlay) ++ [ ./user/Root.nix ];
# Function to create a host.
# Function to create a host. It does basic setup, like adding common modules.
mkHost = { system, hostname, modules } @args: nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem {
# `Inherit` is just an alias for `system = system;`, which means that
# keep the `system` argument as a property in a resulting set.
inherit system;
# List of modules to use by defualt for all the hosts.
modules = [
{ networking.hostName = hostname; }
{ system.stateVersion = self.const.stateVersion; }
] ++ modules;
# There I put host-specific configurations.
# Make a device hostname match the one from this config.
{ networking.hostName = hostname; }
# Specify current release version.
{ system.stateVersion = self.const.stateVersion; }
# Add common modules.
# Add Home Manager module.
# Add Stylix module.
# Also add host-specific modules from mkHost args.
++ modules;
# SpecialArgs allows you to pass objects down to other NixOS modules.
specialArgs = let
pkgs = nixpkgs.legacyPackages.${system}.pkgs;
config = self.nixosConfigurations.${hostname}.config;
in {
const = self.const;
flake = self;
inputs = inputs;
key = import ./part/Key.nix {};
secret = import ./part/Secret.nix {};
setting = import ./part/Setting.nix {};
style = import ./part/Style.nix { config = config; };
util = import ./part/Util.nix { pkgs = pkgs; };
wallpaper = import ./part/Wallpaper.nix { pkgs = pkgs; };
const = self.const; # Constant values.
flake = self; # This Flake itself.
inputs = inputs; # Our dependencies.
key = import ./part/Key.nix {}; # Keyboard keys config.
secret = import ./part/Secret.nix {}; # Secrets (public keys).
setting = import ./part/Setting.nix {}; # My own global settings.
style = import ./part/Style.nix { config = config; }; # Style abstraction.
util = import ./part/Util.nix { pkgs = pkgs; }; # Util functions.
wallpaper = import ./part/Wallpaper.nix { pkgs = pkgs; }; # Wallpaper.
# List of all hosts bellow.
# Bellow is the list of all the hosts I currently use.
# They call the `mkHost` function that I defined above
# with their specific parameters.
# You might be interested in `live` and `nixOnDroidConfiguration`
# for Live ISO and Android configurations respectively.
nixosConfigurations.basic = self.mkHost {
hostname = "basic";
system = "x86_64-linux";
hostname = "basic"; # Hostname to use.
system = "x86_64-linux"; # System architecture.
# Host-specific modules.
modules = [
# Force LTS kernel.
({ pkgs, ... }: { boot.kernelPackages = nixpkgs.lib.mkForce pkgs.linuxPackages; })
@ -161,11 +211,14 @@
system = "x86_64-linux";
modules = [
@ -177,7 +230,7 @@
# ./module/Ollama.nix
# ./module/Ollama.nix # ISSUE: Currently broken.
@ -215,26 +268,42 @@
modules = [
# Live ISO configuration.
nixosConfigurations.live = self.mkHost {
hostname = "live";
system = "x86_64-linux";
modules = [
# Those are basic modules for Live ISO image.
# You can discover other possible base images here:
# https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/tree/master/nixos/modules/installer/cd-dvd
{ networking.wireless.enable = nixpkgs.lib.mkForce false; }
# This is required for Live ISO in my case because I use NetworkManager,
# but base Live images require this.
{ networking.wireless.enable = nixpkgs.lib.mkForce false; }
# Override my settings to allow SSH logins using root password.
{ services.openssh.settings.PasswordAuthentication = nixpkgs.lib.mkForce true; }
{ services.openssh.settings.PermitRootLogin = nixpkgs.lib.mkForce "yes"; }
{ system.autoUpgrade.enable = nixpkgs.lib.mkForce false; }
({ pkgs, ... }: { boot.kernelPackages = nixpkgs.lib.mkForce pkgs.linuxPackages; })
# Disable auto-updates as they are not possible for Live ISO.
{ systemd.services.autoupdate.enable = nixpkgs.lib.mkForce false; }
# Base Live images also require the LTS kernel.
({ pkgs, ... }: { boot.kernelPackages = nixpkgs.lib.mkForce pkgs.linuxPackages; })
@ -243,8 +312,7 @@
system = "x86_64-linux";
modules = [
# ./module/Ollama.nix
@ -256,22 +324,28 @@
# Android.
nixOnDroidConfigurations.default = nix-on-droid.lib.nixOnDroidConfiguration {
modules = [
# Android release version.
{ system.stateVersion = inputs.self.const.droidStateVersion; }
# I put all my Android configuration there.
# SpecialArgs allows you to pass objects down to other configuration.
extraSpecialArgs = let
# We want arm64 packages for Android.
pkgs = nixpkgs.legacyPackages."aarch64-linux".pkgs;
in {
const = self.const;
flake = self;
inputs = inputs;
key = import ./part/Key.nix {};
secret = import ./part/Secret.nix {};
setting = import ./part/Setting.nix {};
style = import ./part/Style.nix { config = import ./part/style/Gruvbox.nix {}; };
util = import ./part/Util.nix { pkgs = pkgs; };
const = self.const; # Constant values.
flake = self; # This Flake itself.
inputs = inputs; # Our dependencies.
key = import ./part/Key.nix {}; # Keyboard keys config.
secret = import ./part/Secret.nix {}; # Secrets (public keys).
setting = import ./part/Setting.nix {}; # My own global settings.
style = import ./part/Style.nix { config = import ./part/style/Gruvbox.nix {}; }; # Style abstraction. Stylix is not available for Android so I provide static Gruvbox style.
util = import ./part/Util.nix { pkgs = pkgs; }; # Util functions.
# That's it!

host/basic/default.nix Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# Basic host is a dummy and has no specific configuration.
# I don't really need it, this is just a failsafe that I can definitely install and run.
{ ... }: {
imports = [ ];

View file

@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
{ lib, ... }: {
imports = [
# Disable keyd.

View file

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
{ lib, ... }: {
# This host is running inside BIOS VM so it needs the Grub.
boot.loader.systemd-boot.enable = lib.mkForce false;
boot.loader.efi.canTouchEfiVariables = lib.mkForce false;
boot.loader.grub.enable = true;

View file

@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
{ lib, ... }: {
# Force specific PW for this host.
users.users.root.hashedPassword = lib.mkForce "$y$j9T$d4HfwutZr.eNHuLJYRuro/$7swZfgCNS6jEXHFCxsW5um/68jX9BRiiZD1BYcm/gD/";
# Allow login with PW for others.
# services.openssh.settings.PasswordAuthentication = lib.mkForce true;
# services.openssh.settings.PermitRootLogin = lib.mkForce "yes";

View file

@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
{ lib, ... }: {
imports = [
# Disable keyd.

View file

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
{ ... }: {
imports = [ ];

View file

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
# AMD Rocm support (for Blender).
{ nixpkgs, pkgs, ... }: {
nixpkgs.config.rocmSupport = true;
systemd.tmpfiles.rules = [

View file

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
# AMD CPU specific configuration.
{ lib, config, ... }: {
boot.kernelModules = [ "kvm-amd" ];
hardware.cpu.amd.updateMicrocode = lib.mkDefault config.hardware.enableRedistributableFirmware;

View file

@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
# AMD GPU specific configuration.
# No, I do not own any Nvidia/Intel GPUs, so I have no configuration for them.
{ nixpkgs, pkgs, ... }: {
boot.initrd.kernelModules = [ "amdgpu" ];
services.xserver.videoDrivers = [ "amdgpu" ];

module/CapsToggle.nix Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
# Toggle language with CapsLock. My wife prefers this.
{ lib, ... }: {
services.xserver.xkb = {
options = lib.mkForce "grp:caps_toggle";

View file

@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
{ pkgs, lib, ... }: let
list = "~/.config/linux/Flatpak.txt";
in {
# Enable Flatpaks.
services.flatpak.enable = true;
# Bootstrap apps on boot.
systemd.services.flatpakinstall = {
description = "Install Flatpak apps.";
wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ];
wants = [ "dotfiles.service" ];
after = [ "dotfiles.service" ];
serviceConfig.Type = "oneshot";
script = ''
${lib.getExe pkgs.flatpak} remote-add --if-not-exists flathub https://dl.flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo
[[ -f ${list} ]] && cat ${list} | cut -f2 | ${lib.getExe pkgs.parallel} -j1 -- ${lib.getExe pkgs.flatpak} install -y --system {}

View file

@ -4,17 +4,15 @@
environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [
gnome.gnome-tweaks # Gnome "hidden" settings.
openssl # It was needed for something, can't remember.
# Disable some Gnome apps.
services.gnome.gnome-keyring.enable = lib.mkForce false;
environment.gnome.excludePackages = with pkgs.gnome; [
# baobab # Disk usage analyzer.

View file

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
# Intel CPU specific configuration.
{ ... }: {
boot.kernelModules = [ "kvm-intel" ];

View file

@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
{ pkgs, inputs, const, style, util, key, setting, secret, ... } @args: let
homePath = "/data/data/com.termux.nix/files/home";
tmux = import ./common/tmux args;
bash = import ./common/bash args;
nvim = import ./common/nvim args;
ssh = import ./common/ssh args;
font = pkgs.runCommandNoCC "font" {} ''
cp ${pkgs.nerdfonts.override { fonts = [ "Terminus" ]; }}/share/fonts/truetype/NerdFonts/TerminessNerdFontMono-Regular.ttf $out
colors = ''
in {
time.timeZone = const.timeZone;
nix.extraOptions = ''
experimental-features = nix-command flakes
home-manager.config = {
home = {
stateVersion = const.droidStateVersion;
file = {
".dotfiles".source = inputs.self;
".ssh/config".text = ssh.config;
".termux/_font.ttf".source = font;
".termux/_colors.properties".text = colors;
sessionVariables = {
EDITOR = "nvim";
MANPAGER = "nvim +Man!";
NIX_CURRENT_SYSTEM = "${pkgs.stdenv.system}";
TERM = "xterm-256color";
programs = {
bash = {
enable = true;
bashrcExtra = bash.config + ''
[[ -f ~/.termux/font.ttf ]] || {
cp ~/.termux/_font.ttf ~/.termux/font.ttf
cp ~/.termux/_colors.properties ~/.termux/colors.properties
_warn "Termux config installed, please restart."
tmux = {
enable = true;
extraConfig = tmux.config;
git = {
enable = true;
extraConfig = {
credential.helper = "store";
init.defaultBranch = "main";
pull.rebase = true;
push.autoSetupRemote = true;
rebase.autoStash = true;
user.signingkey = builtins.readFile secret.crypto.sign.key;
gpg.ssh.allowedSignersFile = toString(secret.crypto.sign.allowed);
gpg.format = secret.crypto.sign.format;
neovim = {
enable = true;
viAlias = true;
vimAlias = true;
extraConfig = nvim.config;
gpg = {
enable = true;
publicKeys = secret.crypto.publicKeys;
environment.packages = with pkgs; [
gzip xz
zip unzip

View file

@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
{ pkgs, lib, ... }: {
# Add Ollama CLI app.
environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ ollama ];
# Enable Ollama server.
systemd.services.ollama = {
description = "Ollama LLM server.";
wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ];
@ -10,6 +13,8 @@
HOME=/root ${lib.getExe pkgs.ollama} serve
# Download Ollama models.
systemd.services.ollamamodel = {
description = "Ollama LLM model.";
wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ];

View file

@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
{ pkgs, lib, ... }: let
controlFileMin = "/sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/charge_control_start_threshold";
controlFileMax = "/sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/charge_control_end_threshold";
onMin = "40";
onMax = "80";
offMin = "90";
offMax = "95";
script = pkgs.writeShellScriptBin "powerlimit" ''
function toggle() {
if status; then
echo ${offMax} > ${controlFileMax}
echo ${offMin} > ${controlFileMin}
echo ${onMin} > ${controlFileMin}
echo ${onMax} > ${controlFileMax}
function waybar() {
status || echo -n ""
function status() {
local current=$(cat ${controlFileMax})
local enabled="${onMax}"
[[ "''${current}" = "''${enabled}" ]]
in {
systemd = {
services.powerlimit = {
description = "Limit battery charge.";
enable = true;
wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ];
serviceConfig = {
Type = "simple";
RemainAfterExit = "yes";
ExecStart = "${lib.getExe pkgs.bash} -c 'echo 40 > ${controlFileMin}; echo 80 > ${controlFileMax};'";
ExecStop = "${lib.getExe pkgs.bash} -c 'echo 95 > ${controlFileMax}; echo 90 > ${controlFileMin};'";
# HACK: Allow user access.
tmpfiles.rules = [
"z ${controlFileMax} 0777 - - - -"
"z ${controlFileMin} 0777 - - - -"
environment.systemPackages = [ script ];

View file

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
# ThinkPad charge limits.
{ pkgs, lib, ... } @args: let
controlFileMin = "/sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/charge_control_start_threshold";
controlFileMax = "/sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/charge_control_end_threshold";
onMin = "40";
onMax = "80";
offMin = "90";
offMax = "95";
script = pkgs.writeShellScriptBin "powerlimit" (import ./powerlimit/Script.nix {
inherit controlFileMax;
inherit controlFileMin;
inherit onMin;
inherit onMax;
inherit offMin;
inherit offMax;
in {
imports = [
(import ./powerlimit ({
inherit controlFileMax;
inherit controlFileMin;
inherit onMin;
inherit onMax;
inherit offMin;
inherit offMax;
} // args))
environment.systemPackages = [ script ];

View file

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
# AMD CPU boost control.
{ pkgs, ... } @args: let
controlFile = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/boost";
enable = "0";

View file

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
# Intel CPU boost control.
{ pkgs, ... } @args: let
controlFile = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/intel_pstate/no_turbo";
enable = "1";

View file

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
# Module that enables remote builds. This is a client configuration.
{ config, pkgs, ... }: {
# NOTE: Requires key to be present in secret.ssh.builderKeys.
# NOTE: Requires host private key to be present in secret.ssh.builderKeys.
nix.buildMachines = [{
hostName = "nixbuilder";
protocol = "ssh-ng";

View file

@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
# Module that enables remote builds. This is a server configuration.
{ pkgs, secret, lib, ... }: let
keyPath = "/root/.nixbuilder";
in {
# Service that generates new key on boot if not present.
# Don't forget to add new key to secret.ssh.builderKeys.
systemd.services.generate-nix-cache-key = {
wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ];
serviceConfig.Type = "oneshot";
@ -13,6 +16,7 @@ in {
# Add `nixbuilder` restricted user.
users.groups.nixbuilder = {};
users.users.nixbuilder = {
openssh.authorizedKeys.keys = secret.ssh.builderKeys;
@ -24,7 +28,8 @@ in {
group = "nixbuilder";
# To apply: nix store sign --all -k /path/to/secret-key-file
# Sign store automatically.
# Sign existing store with: nix store sign --all -k /path/to/secret-key-file
nix.extraOptions = ''
trusted-users = nixbuilder
secret-key-files = ${keyPath}/private-key

View file

@ -8,23 +8,20 @@ in {
services.gnome.gnome-keyring.enable = lib.mkForce false;
systemd.services.keyd.path = [ script pkgs.sway ];
environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [
gnome.adwaita-icon-theme # GTK icons.
grim slurp # Screenshot.
mako # Notification system.
networkmanagerapplet # Internet configuration.
pamixer pavucontrol pulseaudio # Audio.
playerctl # Multimedia controls.
wl-clipboard # Clipboard.

View file

@ -8,5 +8,4 @@
# glib
gnome3.adwaita-icon-theme # default gnome cursors,

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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
{ pkgs, ... }: {
variables = {
EDITOR = "nvim";
MANPAGER = "nvim +Man!";
NIX_CURRENT_SYSTEM = "${pkgs.stdenv.system}";
TERM = "xterm-256color";

module/android/Git.nix Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
{ secret, ... }: {
config = {
credential.helper = "store";
gpg.format = secret.crypto.sign.format;
gpg.ssh.allowedSignersFile = toString(secret.crypto.sign.allowed);
init.defaultBranch = "main";
pull.rebase = true;
push.autoSetupRemote = true;
rebase.autoStash = true;
user.signingkey = builtins.readFile secret.crypto.sign.key;

module/android/Nix.nix Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
{ ... }: {
extraOptions = ''
experimental-features = nix-command flakes

View file

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
{ pkgs, ... }: {
list = with pkgs; [
coreutils diffutils findutils utillinux
gawk gnused gnugrep gnumake ripgrep
gnutar gzip xz
zip unzip

module/android/Termux.nix Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
{ pkgs, style, util, ... }: {
font = pkgs.runCommandNoCC "font" {} ''
cp ${pkgs.nerdfonts.override { fonts = [ "Terminus" ]; }}/share/fonts/truetype/NerdFonts/TerminessNerdFontMono-Regular.ttf $out
colors = util.trimTabs ''
initScript = util.trimTabs ''
[[ -f ~/.termux/font.ttf ]] || {
cp ~/.termux/_font.ttf ~/.termux/font.ttf
cp ~/.termux/_colors.properties ~/.termux/colors.properties
_warn "Termux config installed, please restart."

View file

@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
{ pkgs, inputs, const, style, util, key, setting, secret, ... } @args: let
# Path where Termux stores user data.
homePath = "/data/data/com.termux.nix/files/home";
# Android modules.
environment = import ./Environment.nix args;
git = import ./Git.nix args;
nix = import ./Nix.nix args;
package = import ./Package.nix args;
termux = import ./Termux.nix args;
# External modules.
bash = import ../common/bash args;
nvim = import ../common/nvim args;
ssh = import ../common/ssh args;
tmux = import ../common/tmux args;
in {
time.timeZone = const.timeZone;
nix.extraOptions = nix.extraOptions;
environment.packages = package.list;
home-manager.config = {
home = {
stateVersion = const.droidStateVersion;
sessionVariables = environment.variables;
file = {
".dotfiles".source = inputs.self;
".ssh/config".text = ssh.config;
".termux/_font.ttf".source = termux.font;
".termux/_colors.properties".text = termux.colors;
programs = {
bash = {
enable = true;
bashrcExtra = bash.config + termux.initScript;
tmux = {
enable = true;
extraConfig = tmux.config;
git = {
enable = true;
extraConfig = git.config;
neovim = {
enable = true;
extraConfig = nvim.config;
gpg = {
enable = true;
publicKeys = secret.crypto.publicKeys;

View file

@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
# System automatic updates.
# This is a systemd service that pulls updates every hour.
# Unlike system.autoUpgrade, this script also verifies my git signature
# to prevent unathorized changes to hosts.
{ const, pkgs, lib, secret, util, ... }: {
systemd.services.autoupdate = util.mkStaticSystemdService {
enable = true;

View file

@ -1,9 +1,14 @@
{ lib, style, util, pkgs, ... } @args: let
bash = import ./bash args;
in {
# Add my bash configuration to all *interactive* shells.
programs.bash.interactiveShellInit = bash.config;
# Remove default aliases for `l`, `ll` etc as they break my function definitions.
environment.shellAliases = lib.mkForce {};
environment.variables = {
# Specify terminal mode.
TERM = "xterm-256color";

View file

@ -7,17 +7,24 @@
loader = {
efi.canTouchEfiVariables = true;
# Use systemd to boot.
systemd-boot = {
enable = true;
# Limit the amound of generations availabe for rollback.
# This helps to save storage space.
configurationLimit = 10;
tmp.useTmpfs = true;
initrd = {
kernelModules = [
# Mount /tmp on tmpfs.
tmp.useTmpfs = true;
initrd = {
# Don't really know if I need it. Kept from hardware-configuration.
kernelModules = [ "dm-snapshot" ];
# Kernel modules available for all the hosts.
availableKernelModules = [

View file

@ -12,16 +12,16 @@
services.pcscd.enable = true;
# Yubikey touch notification.
# ISSUE: Not working on Sway with Mako for some reason.
# programs.yubikey-touch-detector.enable = true;
# Extra packages.
environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [
yubikey-manager # Yubikey Manager.
# yubioath-desktop # OTP.
# Store GPG data on tmpfs.
environment.variables = {
# GNUPGHOME = "$(mktemp -d -t gnupg-$(date +%Y-%m-%d)-XXXXXXXXXX)";
# environment.variables = {
# GNUPGHOME = "$(mktemp -d -t gnupg-$(date +%Y-%m-%d)-XXXXXXXXXX)";
# };

View file

@ -1,13 +1,8 @@
{ pkgs, ... }: {
# Distrobox works best with Podman, so enable it here.
imports = [ ./Podman.nix ];
environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [
virtualisation = {
podman = {
enable = true;
defaultNetwork.settings.dns_enabled = false;
dockerCompat = false;

View file

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
{ inputs, ... }: {
# Easy to find copy just in case.
# Add a link for the active configuration to /etc/dotfiles.
environment.etc.dotfiles.source = inputs.self;

View file

@ -1,9 +1,12 @@
# I use the same layout on all hosts with GPT labels.
# This way I can configure system's FS in one place here.
{ ... }: {
fileSystems."/" = {
device = "/dev/disk/by-partlabel/NIXROOT";
fsType = "ext4";
options = [ "noatime" ];
fileSystems."/boot" = {
device = "/dev/disk/by-partlabel/NIXBOOT";
fsType = "vfat";

View file

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
{ ... }: {
# Disable firewall as I configure firewall on my router.
networking.firewall.enable = false;

View file

@ -1,7 +1,12 @@
{ pkgs, ... }: {
fonts.packages = with pkgs; [
# Use Apple fonts for system and text.
(pkgs.callPackage ./applefont {})
# Use Nerd version of Terminus for monospaced fonts.
(nerdfonts.override { fonts = [ "Terminus" ]; })
# I don't use FA, but add it for compatibility.

View file

@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
# Use latest kernel.
boot.kernelPackages = pkgs.linuxPackages_latest;
# Sysctl.
boot.kernel.sysctl = {
# Spoof protection.
"net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter" = 1;

View file

@ -12,11 +12,11 @@
compose = "layer(layer_macro)"; # Input macros.
esc = "${key.sysctrl}"; # System controls.
leftcontrol = "overload(layer_alternative, leftcontrol)"; # Alternative layer for home, end etc.
rightalt = "capslock"; # Language toggle.
rightcontrol = "layer(layer_control)"; # Media and other controls.
rightshift = "backspace"; # Backspace.
# Alternative navigation.
layer_alternative = {
w = "pageup";
a = "home";
@ -29,9 +29,10 @@
j = "down";
k = "up";
l = "right";
# space = "macro2(1, 100, macro(space))"; # NOTE: Possible bhop example.
# space = "macro2(1, 100, macro(space))"; # NOTE: Possible bhop example. Use in per-application, not here.
# Media controls.
layer_control = {
space = "playpause";
w = "volumeup";
@ -53,5 +54,6 @@
users.groups.keyd = {};
systemd.services.keyd.serviceConfig.CapabilityBoundingSet = [ "CAP_SETGID" ];
# Debug toggle just in case I need it again.
# systemd.services.keyd.environment.KEYD_DEBUG = "1";

View file

@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
{ pkgs, ... }: {
# This thing allow you to run ELF (binary) files just like in other distros.
# The only difference is that we need to specify their linking dependencies
# bellow in `libraries` section.
programs.nix-ld = {
enable = true;
package = pkgs.nix-ld;

View file

@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
{ const, ... }: {
time.timeZone = const.timeZone;
i18n.defaultLocale = "en_US.UTF-8";
# You can customize your Locale in detail like that.
# i18n.extraLocaleSettings = {
# LC_ADDRESS = "ru_RU.UTF-8";

View file

@ -1,10 +1,23 @@
{ pkgs, ... }: {
environment.variables = {
# Allow running of proprietary software.
NIX_CURRENT_SYSTEM = "${pkgs.stdenv.system}";
# I use this env variable to get currently running architecture.
NIX_CURRENT_SYSTEM = "${pkgs.stdenv.system}";
nixpkgs.config.allowUnfree = true;
# Allow installation of proprietary software.
nixpkgs.config.allowUnfree = true;
# Deduplicate store automatically. Slows down switches a bit, but saves space.
nix.settings.auto-optimise-store = true;
# Extra configuration line-by-line:
# 1. Allow use of flakes.
# 2. When running GC, keep .drv files.
# 3. When running GC, keep build dependencies.
# 4. Run GC automatically when there's a 50 GB or less free space.
nix.extraOptions = ''
experimental-features = nix-command flakes
keep-derivations = true
@ -12,7 +25,11 @@
min-free = ${toString(50 * 1000 * 1000 * 1000)}
# max-free = ${toString(10 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024)}
# NOTE: Currently I run GC completely, but this setting (put above near min-free)
# can stop GC when you hit 101 GB of free space available.
# max-free = ${toString(101 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024)}
# NOTE: Enable this if you want to run GC on schedule. I instead use `min-free`.
# nix.gc = {
# automatic = true;
# dates = "weekly";

View file

@ -3,19 +3,16 @@
in {
environment = {
variables = {
EDITOR = "nvim";
MANPAGER = "nvim +Man!";
EDITOR = "nvim"; # Use Nvim as a default editor.
MANPAGER = "nvim +Man!"; # Use Nvim to read man pages.
systemPackages = with pkgs; [
gcc # Required for Treesitter parsers.
programs.neovim = {
enable = true;
viAlias = true;
vimAlias = true;
configure = {
customRC = nvim.config;
enable = true;
configure.customRC = nvim.config;

View file

@ -1,41 +1,40 @@
{ pkgs, ... }: {
# List of common packages I use.
environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [
btop htop
ddrescue testdisk
jdk jdk11 jdk19 jdk20
zip unzip
binwalk # Can analyze files for other files inside them.
btop htop # System monitors.
coreutils usbutils # Common utilities.
cryptsetup # Filesystem encryption (LUKS).
curl # CLI http client.
ddrescue testdisk # Apps to recover data from drives.
fastfetch # Systeminfo summary.
ffmpeg # Video/audio converter.
file # Get general info about a file.
gcc # C compiler.
gdu # TUI storage analyzer.
gnumake gnused # GNU utils.
gparted parted # GUI/CLI disk partition tool.
imagemagick # Image converter and transformation tool.
jdk # Java.
jq # Json parser.
lm_sensors # Hardware sensors, like temperature and fan speeds.
lshw # Detailed hardware info tool.
lsof # Find current file users.
ltex-ls # Latex LSP for neovim spellcheck.
nixd # Nix LSP.
nmap # Network analyzer.
parallel # Run programs in parallel.
pv # IO progress bar.
ripgrep # Grep for file search.
scanmem # Memory edit tool.
smartmontools # S.M.A.R.T. tools.
sqlite # Serverless file-based database engine.
tree # Show directory stricture as a tree.
ventoy # Boot multiple ISO/images from a single USB stick.
wget # CLI http download tool.
zip unzip # Zip archive/unarchive tools.
universal-android-debloater # Debloat Android devices.
# Special packages.

module/common/Podman.nix Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
{ ... }: {
virtualisation = {
podman = {
enable = true;
# Free the 53 port ffs.
defaultNetwork.settings.dns_enabled = false;
# Do not interfere with Docker so we can have both installed at the same time.
# Podman can't replace Docker anyway.
dockerCompat = false;

View file

@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
{ pkgs, util, ... } @args: let
ssh = import ./ssh args;
in {
programs.ssh.extraConfig = ssh.config;
# Add SSHFS to mount remote filesystems over SSH.
environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ sshfs ];
programs.ssh.extraConfig = ssh.config;

View file

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
{ secret, ... }: {
users.users.root.openssh.authorizedKeys.keys = secret.ssh.trustedKeys;
services.openssh = {
enable = true;
allowSFTP = true;

View file

@ -1,7 +1,11 @@
{ pkgs, config, wallpaper, ... }: let
# Sometimes stylix does not generate enough contrast for text.
# This setting forces white text to ensure contrast on dark backgrounds.
forceWhiteText = false;
in {
# Add a permanent link for the wallpaper to /etc/wallpaper.
environment.etc.wallpaper.source = wallpaper.path;
stylix = {
image = wallpaper.path;
autoEnable = true;

View file

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
{ ... }: {
zramSwap.enable = true;
swapDevices = [ ];

View file

@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
{ ... }: {
# Default UMASK.
security.loginDefs.settings.UMASK = "077";
# Disallow users modification outside of this config.
users.mutableUsers = false;

View file

@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
{ pkgs, ... }: {
# Instead of overlaying and rebuilding YtDlp I download the release from
# GitHub and patch it for Nix.
environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [
(pkgs.callPackage ./ytdlp {})

View file

@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
# Apple San Francisco and New York fonts.
# They are not available in Nixpkgs repo, so this script
# downloads the fonts from Apple website and adds them to Nix store.
{ lib, stdenv, fetchurl, p7zip }: let
pro = fetchurl {
url = "https://devimages-cdn.apple.com/design/resources/download/SF-Pro.dmg";

View file

@ -4,12 +4,7 @@
in {
inherit modules;
config = util.trimTabs (''
# If not running interactively, don't do anything.
# [[ "$-" != *i* ]] && return
'') + modules + util.trimTabs (''
config = modules + util.trimTabs (''
# Find all functions.
function find_function() {
/usr/bin/env cat ${modulesFile} | /usr/bin/env grep "^function.*()" | /usr/bin/env sed -e "s/^function //" -e "s/().*//"

View file

@ -1,17 +1,19 @@
{ inputs, pkgs, util, key, ... } @args: let
nvimRc = { runtimes, cfgs }: let
runtimeRc = builtins.foldl' (acc: r:
# Create Neovim configuration.
nvimRc = { runtimes, configs }: let
# Plugin paths to install.
runtimeRc = util.trimTabs (builtins.foldl' (acc: r:
acc + "set runtimepath+=${r}\n"
) "" runtimes;
) "" runtimes);
config = pkgs.writeText "nvimRc" (builtins.foldl' (acc: cfg:
acc + (import cfg args).text
) "" cfgs);
# My configuration files combined into one big file.
config = pkgs.writeText "nvimRc" (util.catText configs args);
cfgRc = "lua dofile(\"${config}\")";
in runtimeRc + cfgRc;
# Tell Neovim to load this file.
configRc = "lua dofile(\"${config}\")";
in runtimeRc + configRc;
in {
config = util.trimTabs (nvimRc {
config = nvimRc {
runtimes = [
@ -36,7 +38,8 @@ in {
cfgs = [
configs = [
@ -79,5 +82,5 @@ in {

View file

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
# SSH client configuration.
{ util, ... }: {
config = util.trimTabs ''
Host dasha

View file

@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
scheme: "Gruvbox"
author: "voronind"
base00: "121212" # Background.
base01: "212526" # Line cursor.
base02: "38403f" # Statusline.
base03: "47433e" # Line numbers.
base04: "6e78a1" # Selected line number.
base05: "b3afaf" # Foreground.
base06: "d8a9a9" # Function.
base07: "fcf4de" # Bright yellow.
base08: "a74049" # Cyan.
base09: "d35f5a" # Blue.
base0A: "ac5d5d" # Yellow.
base0B: "9f7b7b" # String green.
base0C: "3a877e" # Comment green.
base0D: "686995" # Purple.
base0E: "84abab" # Orange.
base0F: "9e446f" # Gray.

View file

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
mod = key.tmux.mod;
in {
text = ''
unbind-key C-b
bind -n ${mod}-${key.tmux.reload} source-file /etc/tmux.conf

View file

@ -30,21 +30,28 @@ in {
environment = {
systemPackages = with pkgs; [
android-studio jetbrains.idea-community
bottles dxvk gamescope pkgs.mangohud vkd3d wine64
(mpv.override {scripts = [mpvScripts.mpris];})
adwsteamgtk # Steam GTK theme. Need to run the app to apply.
appimage-run # Tool to run .AppImage files in NixOS.
aseprite # Pixel Art draw app. WARNING: Always builds from source.
blender-hip # Blender with HiP support.
calibre # Book library manager.
evince # Document viewer.
gimp # Image manipulation program.
gnome.adwaita-icon-theme # GTK icons.
gnome.gnome-calculator # Calculator.
gnome.gnome-font-viewer # Font viewer.
gnome.nautilus # File manager.
godot_4 # Game development engine.
jellyfin-media-player # Jellyfin client (self-hosted Netflix).
loupe # Image viewer.
obs-studio # Streaming/recording app.
onlyoffice-bin # Office documents app suite.
steam-run # Run native apps in Steam environment, like Minecraft. For Windows games use Bottles.
tor-browser # Privacy browser.
android-studio jetbrains.idea-community # JetBrans IDEs.
bottles dxvk gamescope pkgs.mangohud vkd3d wine64 # Gaming!
(mpv.override {scripts = [mpvScripts.mpris];}) # Media player.
variables = {
@ -58,6 +65,12 @@ in {
# File manager file previews.
services.gnome.sushi.enable = true;
# File manager network features.
services.gvfs.enable = true;
# Special packages.
programs.steam.enable = true;

View file

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
{ lib, key, ... }: let
mod = key.gnome.mod;
in {
# Gnome DE and GTK apps configuration.
programs.dconf.enable = true;
programs.dconf.profiles.user = {
enableUserDb = true; # Delete `~/.config/dconf/user` to reset user settings.

View file

@ -4,6 +4,6 @@
services.xserver.desktopManager.gnome.enable = true;
services.xserver.xkb = {
layout = "us,ru";
options = "grp:caps_toggle,lv3:ralt_switch";
options = "grp:toggle";

View file

@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
{ pkgs, ... }: {
environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [
# gnome.gnome-keyring
# Nautilus previews.
services.gnome.sushi.enable = true;
# Nautilus network.
services.gvfs.enable = true;

View file

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
# Polkit agent is used by apps to ask for Root password with a popup.
{ pkgs, lib, ... }: {
security.polkit.enable = true;
systemd = {

View file

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
# Portals are needed for Wayland apps to select files, screen shares etc.
{ pkgs, ... }: {
xdg.portal = {
enable = true;

View file

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
# Improve DE performance.
{ ... }: {
security.pam.loginLimits = [
{ domain = "@users"; item = "rtprio"; type = "-"; value = 1; }

View file

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
{ ... }: {
# Systemd custom target for Sway.
systemd.user.targets.gui-session = {
after = [ "graphical-session-pre.target" ];
bindsTo = [ "graphical-session.target" ];

View file

@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
waybar = import ./waybar args;
in {
programs.waybar.enable = true;
environment.variables.WAYBAR_CONFIG = pkgs.writeText "waybarConfig" waybar.config;
environment.variables.WAYBAR_STYLE = pkgs.writeText "waybarStyle" waybar.style;
environment.variables = {
WAYBAR_CONFIG = pkgs.writeText "waybarConfig" waybar.config;
WAYBAR_STYLE = pkgs.writeText "waybarStyle" waybar.style;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
{ pkgs, ... }: {
environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [

View file

@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ in {
ExtensionUpdate = true;
ExtensionSettings = {
# Block extension installation outside of this config.
"*" = {
install_sources = [ "*" ];
installation_mode = "blocked";
@ -45,9 +46,11 @@ in {
"{446900e4-71c2-419f-a6a7-df9c091e268b}" = mkExtension "https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/downloads/latest/bitwarden-password-manager/latest.xpi";
"{d7742d87-e61d-4b78-b8a1-b469842139fa}" = mkExtension "https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/downloads/latest/vimium-ff/latest.xpi";
"{e7625f06-e252-479d-ac7a-db68aeaff2cb}" = mkExtension "https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/downloads/latest/togglefonts/latest.xpi";
# NOTE: This extension is helpful to find the required parameters for this config.
# Or find them yourself inside the `about:support`.
# "queryamoid@kaply.com" = mkExtension "https://github.com/mkaply/queryamoid/releases/download/v0.1/query_amo_addon_id-0.1-fx.xpi";
# "{08d5243b-4236-4a27-984b-1ded22ce01c3}" = mkExtension "https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/downloads/latest/gruvboxgruvboxgruvboxgruvboxgr/latest.xpi";
# NOTE: `firefox-esr` edition is required to change default search engine.
SearchEngines = {
Default = "Whoogle";
Add = [

View file

@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
{ ... }: {
text = ''
button {
/* Use box-shadow instead of border so the text isn't offset */
box-shadow: inset 0 -3px transparent;
/* Avoid rounded borders under each button name */
border: none;
border-radius: 0;
/* https://github.com/Alexays/Waybar/wiki/FAQ#the-workspace-buttons-have-a-strange-hover-effect */
button:hover {
background: inherit;
box-shadow: inset 0 -3px #ffffff;

View file

@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
{ style, ... }: {
text = ''
* {
/* `otf-font-awesome` is required to be installed for icons */
font-family: "${style.font.serif.name}", "Terminess Nerd Font Propo";
font-size: ${toString(style.font.size.desktop)}px;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
{ controlFileMax
, controlFileMin
, onMax
, onMin
, offMax
, offMin
, ... }: {
script = ''
function toggle() {
if status; then
echo ${offMax} > ${controlFileMax}
echo ${offMin} > ${controlFileMin}
echo ${onMin} > ${controlFileMin}
echo ${onMax} > ${controlFileMax}
function waybar() {
status || echo -n ""
function status() {
local current=$(cat ${controlFileMax})
local enabled="${onMax}"
[[ "''${current}" = "''${enabled}" ]]

View file

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
# Control battery charge limits. Control with `powerlimit` script.
{ pkgs
, lib
, controlFileMax
, controlFileMin
, onMax
, onMin
, offMax
, offMin
, ... }: {
systemd = {
services.powerlimit = {
description = "Limit battery charge.";
enable = true;
wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ];
serviceConfig = {
Type = "simple";
RemainAfterExit = "yes";
ExecStart = "${lib.getExe pkgs.bash} -c 'echo ${onMin} > ${controlFileMin}; echo ${onMax} > ${controlFileMax};'";
ExecStop = "${lib.getExe pkgs.bash} -c 'echo ${offMax} > ${controlFileMax}; echo ${offMin} > ${controlFileMin};'";
# HACK: Allow user access.
tmpfiles.rules = [
"z ${controlFileMax} 0777 - - - -"
"z ${controlFileMin} 0777 - - - -"

View file

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
# Script to control CPU boost.
{ controlFile, enable, disable, ... }: {
script = ''
function toggle() {

View file

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
# Disable CPU boost after boot. Control with `powersave` script.
{ lib, pkgs, controlFile, enable, disable, ... }: {
systemd = {
services.powersave = {

View file

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
{ pkgs, wallpaper, style, util, setting, ... } @args: let
# Order is required for Sway configuration.
swayRc = util.catText [

View file

@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
input type:keyboard {
xkb_layout us,ru
xkb_options grp:caps_toggle
xkb_options grp:toggle
# Hide mouse cursor after a period of inactivity.

View file

@ -1,10 +1,17 @@
{ ... }: {
text = ''
export _swaymonlist=(
"AU Optronics 0x418D Unknown"
# Enable monitors.
function monon() {
on() {
for mon in ''${_swaymonlist[@]}; do
swaymsg "output \"''${mon}\" power on"
_monstate on
swaymsg 'output "ASUSTek COMPUTER INC ASUS VA24E R2LMTF127165" power on'
_sway_iterate_sockets on
@ -12,8 +19,10 @@
# Disable monitors.
function monoff() {
off() {
for mon in ''${_swaymonlist[@]}; do
swaymsg "output \"''${mon}\" power off"
_monstate off
swaymsg 'output "ASUSTek COMPUTER INC ASUS VA24E R2LMTF127165" power off'
_sway_iterate_sockets off

View file

@ -1,10 +1,16 @@
{ ... }: {
text = ''
export _swayvrrlist=(
"Huawei Technologies Co., Inc. ZQE-CBA 0xC080F622"
# Enable VRR.
function vrron() {
on() {
for vrr in ''${_swayvrrlist[@]}; do
swaymsg "output \"''${vrr}\" adaptive_sync on"
_vrrstate on
swaymsg 'output "Huawei Technologies Co., Inc. ZQE-CBA 0xC080F622" adaptive_sync on'
_sway_iterate_sockets on
@ -12,8 +18,10 @@
# Disable VRR.
function vrroff() {
off() {
for vrr in ''${_swayvrrlist[@]}; do
swaymsg "output \"''${vrr}\" adaptive_sync off"
_vrrstate off
swaymsg 'output "Huawei Technologies Co., Inc. ZQE-CBA 0xC080F622" adaptive_sync off'
_sway_iterate_sockets off

View file

@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
# Example overlay file.
# Overlays can change parameters in package builds, like source version.
# This way you can change something in package without recreating the whole build process.
# More info: https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Overlays
{ ... }: {
# nixpkgs.overlays = [ (final: prev: {
# yt-dlp = prev.yt-dlp.overrideAttrs (old: {

View file

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
# Keyboard keys configuration.
{ ... }: {
navigation = {
go = {

View file

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
# Secrets configuration.
{ ... }: {
hashedPassword = "$y$j9T$oqCB16i5E2t1t/HAWaFd5.$tTaHtAcifXaDVpTcRv.yH2/eWKxKE9xM8KcqXHfHrD7"; # Use `mkpasswd`.

View file

@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
# Global settings.
# Just like I can configure each package, here I configure my config! :O)
{ ... }: {
tmux = {
resize.step = {

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@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
# Abstraction over Stylix.
{ config, ... }: {
color = {
bg = {

View file

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
# Collection of common functions.
{ pkgs, ... }: rec {
# Remove tabs indentation,
trimTabs = text: let

View file

@ -1,4 +1,12 @@
{ const, util, style, pkgs, lib, setting, key, secret, ... } @args: {
{ const
, util
, style
, pkgs
, lib
, setting
, key
, secret
, ... } @args: {
imports = [
(import ./common (args // {
username = "dasha";

View file

@ -1,4 +1,11 @@
{ const, util, style, pkgs, setting, key, secret, ... } @args: {
{ const
, util
, style
, pkgs
, setting
, key
, secret
, ... } @args: {
imports = [
(import ./common (args // {
username = "root";

View file

@ -1,4 +1,12 @@
{ const, util, style, pkgs, lib, setting, key, secret, ... } @args: {
{ const
, util
, style
, pkgs
, lib
, setting
, key
, secret
, ... } @args: {
imports = [
(import ./common (args // {
username = "voronind";

View file

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
# This is a common user configuration.
{ const
, homeDir
, key
@ -8,6 +9,7 @@
, username
, util
, ... } @args: let
# Configuration modules.
btop = import ./top/btop args;
editorconfig = import ./editorconfig args;
foot = import ./foot args;
@ -17,6 +19,7 @@
mako = import ./mako args;
in {
home-manager = {
# If file exists, rename it with a new extension.
backupFileExtension = "old";
users.${username} = {