{ style, key, util, setting, ... }: let mod = key.tmux.mod; accent = style.color.accent; bg = style.color.bg.dark; fg = style.color.fg.light; in { config = util.trimTabs '' # Remap to . unbind-key C-b set-option -g prefix C-t bind-key C-${key.tmux.prefix} send-prefix # Disable escape delay. set -sg escape-time 0 # Reload config. bind -n ${mod}-${key.tmux.reload} source-file /etc/tmux.conf # Scroll. bind -n ${mod}-${key.tmux.scroll.up} copy-mode -u bind -n ${mod}-${key.tmux.scroll.down} send-keys Pagedown # Copy mode. setw -g mode-keys vi bind -n ${mod}-${key.tmux.copy.select} copy-mode bind -n ${mod}-${key.tmux.copy.paste} choose-buffer; bind -T copy-mode-vi ${key.tmux.copy.select} send -X begin-selection bind -T copy-mode-vi ${key.tmux.copy.copy} send-keys -X copy-pipe-and-cancel "pbcopy" # Remap split keys. bind -n ${mod}-${key.action.split.vertical} split-window -h -c "#{pane_current_path}" bind -n ${mod}-${key.action.split.horizontal} split-window -v -c "#{pane_current_path}" bind -n ${mod}-${key.action.resize.equalize} select-layout tiled bind -n ${mod}-${key.action.resize.up} resize-pane -U ${setting.tmux.resize.step.vertical} bind -n ${mod}-${key.action.resize.down} resize-pane -D ${setting.tmux.resize.step.vertical} bind -n ${mod}-${key.action.resize.left} resize-pane -L ${setting.tmux.resize.step.horizontal} bind -n ${mod}-${key.action.resize.right} resize-pane -R ${setting.tmux.resize.step.horizontal} bind -n ${mod}-${key.navigation.move.left} swap-pane -U bind -n ${mod}-${key.navigation.move.right} swap-pane -D unbind '"' unbind % # Swith panes. bind -n ${mod}-${key.navigation.go.left} select-pane -L bind -n ${mod}-${key.navigation.go.right} select-pane -R bind -n ${mod}-${key.navigation.go.up} select-pane -U bind -n ${mod}-${key.navigation.go.down} select-pane -D # Close pane. bind -n ${mod}-${key.action.hide} kill-pane bind -n ${mod}-${key.action.seek} kill-pane -a # Detach. bind -n ${mod}-${key.action.wait} detach-client bind -n ${mod}-${key.action.exit} detach-client -a # Switch sessions. bind -n ${mod}-${key.tmux.session.prev} switch-client -p bind -n ${mod}-${key.tmux.session.next} switch-client -n bind -n ${mod}-${key.tmux.session.choose} choose-session # Resize to smallest client. set -g window-size smallest # Selection style. set -g mode-style "fg=#${bg} bg=#${accent} bold" # Pane style. set -g pane-border-style "fg=#${bg}" set -g pane-active-border-style "fg=#${bg}" # Statusbar. bind-key -n ${mod}-${key.tmux.status.toggle} set-option -g status; bind-key -n ${mod}-${key.tmux.status.uber} run-shell 'tmux_script togglestatusbar' set -g status-interval ${setting.tmux.status.interval} set -g status-position bottom set -g status-justify left set -g status-style "fg=#${fg}" set -g status-left "#[bold] #H-#S #(tmux_script client_count #S)" set -g status-left-length ${setting.tmux.status.length} set -g status-right-length ${setting.tmux.status.length} set -g status-right "#(tmux_script statusbar) %d %a #[bold] %H:%M " set-window-option -g window-status-separator "" setw -g window-status-current-style "fg=#${accent} bold" setw -g window-status-current-format " #W " setw -g window-status-style "" setw -g window-status-format " #W " set-window-option -g visual-bell off setw -g window-status-bell-style "bold blink" # Create new window. bind -n ${mod}-${key.tmux.window.new} new-window -c "#{pane_current_path}" bind -n ${mod}-${key.tmux.window.new_compat} new-window -c "#{pane_current_path}" # Close window. bind -n ${mod}-${key.action.close} kill-window bind -n ${mod}-${key.action.kill} kill-window -a # Switch window. bind -n ${mod}-${key.navigation.go.next} next-window bind -n ${mod}-${key.navigation.go.prev} previous-window # Move window. bind -n ${mod}-${key.navigation.move.next} swap-window -t +1\; select-window -t +1 bind -n ${mod}-${key.navigation.move.prev} swap-window -t -1\; select-window -t -1 # Env. set-option -g default-terminal "tmux-256color" set-option -g focus-events on set-option -sa terminal-features "RGB" set-option -g update-environment "SSH_CLIENT SSH_TTY DOCKER_CONFIG DOCKER_HOST DISPLAY XAUTHORITY BASH_PATH" ''; script = '' #!/usr/bin/env bash function _tmux_battery() { local IFS=$'\n' local batteries=($(ls /sys/class/power_supply/ | grep ^BAT[0-9]$)) [[ "''${batteries}" = "" ]] && return 1 local battery="/sys/class/power_supply/''${batteries[0]}" local level=$(cat ''${battery}/capacity) local status=$(cat ''${battery}/status) local is_charging=false [[ "''${status}" = "Charging" ]] && is_charging=true local icon if ((level>=${setting.tmux.status.battery.threshold.high})) then icon="󱊣" elif ((level>=${setting.tmux.status.battery.threshold.medium})) then icon="󱊢" elif ((level>=${setting.tmux.status.battery.threshold.low})) then icon="󱊡" else icon="󰂎" fi echo -n "''${icon}" ''${is_charging} && echo -n "󱐋" echo echo -n "''${level}" } function _tmux_volume() { local IFS=$'\n' local level=$(wpctl get-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ | cut -d\ -f2 | sed -e "s/^0//" -e "s/\.//") [[ "''${level}" = "" ]] && return 1 [[ "''${level}" = "00" ]] && level="0" local icon if ((level>=${setting.tmux.status.volume.threshold.high})) then icon="󰕾" elif ((level>=${setting.tmux.status.volume.threshold.medium})) then icon="󰖀" elif ((level>=${setting.tmux.status.volume.threshold.low})) then icon="" else icon="󰝟" fi local muted=$(wpctl get-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ | grep '[MUTED]') if [[ "''${muted}" != "" ]]; then icon="󰸈" fi echo "''${icon}" echo -n "''${level}" } function _tmux_statusbar() { local IFS=$'\n' local sep="" local thr_volume=${setting.tmux.status.volume.threshold.show} local thr_battery=${setting.tmux.status.battery.threshold.show} local is_uber=$(cat "/tmp/.tmux_uber" || echo -n false) # Get data. battery=($(_tmux_battery)) volume=($(_tmux_volume)) # Prepare separators. sep_batvol=" " if ''${is_uber} || [[ "''${battery[1]}" -lt "''${thr_battery}" ]] || [[ "''${volume[1]}" -gt "''${thr_volume}" ]]; then sep_batvol=" ''${sep} " fi if [[ "''${battery[0]}" = "" ]]; then sep_batvol="" fi # Print. echo -n " " # Assemble. if ''${is_uber}; then local lang=($(_tmux_language)) [[ "''${lang[0]}" != "" ]] && { echo -n "''${lang[0]} ''${sep} " }; [[ "''${volume[0]}" != "" ]] && echo -n "''${volume[0]} ''${volume[1]}%''${sep_batvol}" [[ "''${battery[0]}" != "" ]] && echo -n "''${battery[0]} ''${battery[1]}%" else [[ "''${volume[0]}" != "" ]] && { echo -n "''${volume[0]}" [[ "''${volume[1]}" -gt 100 ]] && echo -n " ''${volume[1]}%" echo -n "''${sep_batvol}" }; [[ "''${battery[0]}" != "" ]] && { echo -n "''${battery[0]}" [[ "''${battery[1]}" -lt 40 ]] && echo -n " ''${battery[1]}%" }; fi echo -n " " } function _tmux_language() { local IFS=$'\n' local lang=$(swaymsg -t get_inputs | jq 'map(select(has("xkb_active_layout_name")))[0].xkb_active_layout_name') echo -n ''${lang:1:2} } function _tmux_client_count() { local IFS=$'\n' local session=''${1} local count=$(tmux list-clients -t ''${session} | wc -l) [ ''${count} -gt 1 ] && echo -n "+''${count} " } function _tmux_toggle_statusbar() { local file="/tmp/.tmux_uber" if [[ ! -f ''${file} ]]; then echo "true" > ''${file} elif $(cat ''${file}); then echo "false" > ''${file} else echo "true" > ''${file} fi } IFS=$'\n' action=''${1} session=''${2} case "''${action}" in "statusbar") _tmux_statusbar ;; "client_count") _tmux_client_count ''${session} ;; "togglestatusbar") _tmux_toggle_statusbar ;; esac ''; }