{ pkgs, ... }: { list = with pkgs; [ android-tools # Android adb tool. Can be used to connect to itself via wireless debugging. binwalk # Can analyze files for other files inside them. curl # CLI http client. exiftool # Image info. ffmpeg # Video/audio converter. file # Get general info about a file. gdu # TUI storage analyzer. git # Version control system. gnutar gzip xz # Archive and compression tools. imagemagick # Image converter and transformation tool. inetutils # Things like FTP. jq # Json parser. lsof # Find current file users. man # App to read manuals. gcc # C compiler. nmap # Network analyzer. openssh # Ssh client. parallel # Run programs in parallel. pv # IO progress bar. radare2 # Hex editor. ripgrep # Grep for file search. rsync # File copy tool. sqlite # Serverless file-based database engine. tmux # Terminal multiplexor. tree # Show directory stricture as a tree. wget # CLI http download tool. wireguard-tools # Tools to work with Wireguard. yazi chafa # CLI file manager. yt-dlp # Video downloader. zip unzip # Zip archive/unarchive tools. coreutils dnsutils diffutils findutils utillinux # Common utilities. gawk gnused gnugrep gnumake ripgrep # Common Gnu utils. ]; }