options = --option eval-cache false --fallback --print-build-logs --verbose flake = . hostname = $(shell hostname) help: @printf "Please specify a target.\n" android: nix-on-droid switch --flake $(flake) cp ~/.Wallpaper /sdcard/Download/Wallpaper.jpg cp ~/.Wallpaper /sdcard/Download/Wallpaper.png boot: nixos-rebuild boot $(options) --flake $(flake) cached: $(eval options := $(subst eval-cache false,eval-cache true,$(options))) check: nix flake check --show-trace # HACK: Fix ulimit switch issue. Test sometime in the future again. # fix-ulimit: # ulimit -n 999999999 # HACK: They broke switching in systemd service ffs. # https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/347315 # fix-unlock: # pkill nixos-rebuild || true nixconf: mv /etc/nix/nix.conf_ /etc/nix/nix.conf || true gc: nix-collect-garbage -d nix store gc nix-store --gc .PHONY: home home: home-manager switch -b old --flake $(flake)#$$USER housekeep: git gc --aggressive --no-cruft --prune=now git fsck # SOURCE: https://github.com/DeterminateSystems/nix-installer install-system: curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf -L https://install.determinate.systems/nix | sh -s -- install install-user: curl -L https://nixos.org/nix/install | sh /dev/stdin --no-daemon mkdir -p $$HOME/.config/nix printf "experimental-features = nix-command flakes" > $$HOME/.config/nix/nix.conf install-hm: nix-channel --add https://github.com/nix-community/home-manager/archive/master.tar.gz home-manager nix-channel --update nix-shell '<home-manager>' -A install .PHONY: live live: nix build -o live $(options) $(flake)#nixosConfigurations.live.config.system.build.isoImage no-nixconf: mv /etc/nix/nix.conf /etc/nix/nix.conf_ || true reboot: boot reboot show: nix flake show switch: nixos-rebuild switch $(options) --flake $(flake) update: nix flake update # NOTE: Run `housekeep` target to fix git fsck issues. verify: git verify-commit HEAD git fsck vm: nix run $(options) $(flake)#nixosConfigurations.$(hostname).config.system.build.vm