{ ... }:
  text = ''
    # Check smartcard pin.
    function scunlock() {
      pkill keyboxd   &> /dev/null
      # pkill gpg-agent &> /dev/null
      echo verify | gpg --card-edit --no-tty --command-fd=0

    # Encrypt files to myself.
    # Usage: encrypt <FILES>
    function encrypt() {
      local IFS=$'\n'
      local targets=(''${@})

      if [[ "''${targets}" = "" ]]; then
        help encrypt
        return 2

      process() {
        gpg --encrypt --armor --recipient hi@voronind.com --output "''${target}.gpg" "''${target}"

      _iterate_targets process ''${targets[@]}

    # Decrypt files to myself.
    # Usage: decrypt [FILES]
    function decrypt() {
      local IFS=$'\n'
      local targets=(''${@})

      [[ "''${targets}" = "" ]] && targets=(*.gpg)

      process() {
        gpg --decrypt --output "''${target%.gpg}" "''${target}"

      _iterate_targets process ''${targets[@]}

    # Sign a file.
    # Usage: sign <FILES>
    function sign() {
      local IFS=$'\n'
      local targets=(''${@})

      if [[ "''${targets}" = "" ]]; then
        help sign
        return 2

      process() {
        gpg --detach-sig --armor --output "''${target}.sig" "''${target}"

      _iterate_targets process ''${targets[@]}

    # Verify a signature. All .sig files by default.
    # Usage: verify [FILES]
    function verify() {
      local IFS=$'\n'
      local targets=(''${@})

      [[ "''${targets}" = "" ]] && targets=(*.sig)

      process() {
        gpg --verify "''${target}"

      _iterate_targets process ''${targets[@]}