# Navigation.

Navigation principles are shared between Gnome, Tmux and Nvim. The only difference is the *"Leader"* key. Gnome uses *Super* key, Tmux uses *Meta (alt)* key and Nvim uses *Space*. The rest somewhat repeats itself.

## Gnome

`Super+Esc`|Lauch Terminal emulator.
`Super+q`|Switch to the left workspace.
`Super+e`|Switch to the right workspace.
`Super+Q`|Move window to the left workspace.
`Super+E`|Move window to the right workspace.
`Super+w`|Toggle window maximize.
`Super+s`|Minimize window.
`Super+a`|Snap window to the left.
`Super+d`|Snap window to the right.
`Super+z`|Lock session.
`Super+Z`|Power off.
`Super+x`|Close window.
`Super+c`|Minimize all windows.
`Super+v`|Take a screenshot.
`Super+f`|Toggle window fullscreen.

## Tmux.

`Meta+Esc`, `Meta+t`|New window. `Meta+t` is for the Termux Android app as it can't send the `Meta+Esc` combo.
`Meta+q`|Switch to the left window.
`Meta+e`|Switch to the right window.
`Meta+Q`|Move window to the left.
`Meta+E`|Move window to the right.
`Meta+w`|Switch to the above split.
`Meta+s`|Switch to the below split.
`Meta+a`|Switch to the left split.
`Meta+d`|Switch to the right split.
`Meta+z`|Detach from session.
`Meta+Z`|Detach all other clients from session.
`Meta+x`|Close window.
`Meta+x`|Close all other windows.
`Meta+c`|Close split.
`Meta+c`|Close all other splits.
`Meta+v`|Visual selection. `y` to copy.
`Meta+\\`|Split vertically.
`Meta+-`|Split horizontally.
`Meta+=`|Equalize splits.
`Meta+W`|Resize split to the up.
`Meta+S`|Resize split to the down.
`Meta+A`|Resize split to the left.
`Meta+D`|Resize split to the right.
`Meta+p`|Scroll up.
`Meta+n`|Scroll down.
`Meta+g`|Switch sessions.
`Meta+9`|Switch to the previous session.
`Meta+0`|Switch to the next session.

## Nvim.

`Space+q`|Switch to the left buffer.
`Space+e`|Switch to the right buffer.
`Space+Q`|Move buffer to the left.
`Space+E`|Move buffer to the right.
`Space+w`|Switch to the above split.
`Space+s`|Switch to the below split.
`Space+a`|Switch to the left split.
`Space+d`|Switch to the right split.
`Space+z`|Save all and exit.
`Space+x`|Close buffer.
`Space+c`|Close split.
`Space+v`|Visual selection (or just default `v`).
`Space+\|`|Split vertically.
`Space+-`|Split horizontally.
`Space+=`|Equalize splits.
`Space+W`|Resize split to the up.
`Space+S`|Resize split to the down.
`Space+A`|Resize split to the left.
`Space+D`|Resize split to the right.

More info in [Nvim doc.](Nvim.md)