{ pkgs, ... }: {
	# List of common packages I use.
	environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [
		binwalk            # Can analyze files for other files inside them.
		btop htop          # System monitors.
		coreutils usbutils # Common utilities.
		cryptsetup         # Filesystem encryption (LUKS).
		curl               # CLI http client.
		ddrescue testdisk  # Apps to recover data from drives.
		fastfetch          # Systeminfo summary.
		ffmpeg             # Video/audio converter.
		file               # Get general info about a file.
		gcc                # C compiler.
		gdu                # TUI storage analyzer.
		gnumake gnused     # GNU utils.
		gparted parted     # GUI/CLI disk partition tool.
		imagemagick        # Image converter and transformation tool.
		jq                 # Json parser.
		lm_sensors         # Hardware sensors, like temperature and fan speeds.
		lshw               # Detailed hardware info tool.
		lsof               # Find current file users.
		ltex-ls            # Latex LSP for neovim spellcheck.
		nixd               # Nix LSP.
		nmap               # Network analyzer.
		parallel           # Run programs in parallel.
		pv                 # IO progress bar.
		ripgrep            # Grep for file search.
		scanmem            # Memory edit tool.
		smartmontools      # S.M.A.R.T. tools.
		sqlite             # Serverless file-based database engine.
		tree               # Show directory stricture as a tree.
		ventoy             # Boot multiple ISO/images from a single USB stick.
		wget               # CLI http download tool.
		zip unzip          # Zip archive/unarchive tools.

		universal-android-debloater # Debloat Android devices.

	# Special packages.
	programs.adb.enable     = true;
	services.udisks2.enable = true;
	programs.java.enable    = true;