}: let
	cfg = config.module.builder;
	serverKeyPath      = "/root/.nixbuilder";
	serverSshPublicKey = "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIFqr7zKGOy/2bbAQCD85Ol+NoGGtvdMbSy3jGb98jM+f"; # Use ssh-keyscan.
in {
	options.module.builder = {
		server.enable = lib.mkEnableOption "the builder server.";
		client.enable = lib.mkEnableOption "the builder client.";

	config = lib.mkMerge [
		(lib.mkIf cfg.server.enable {
			# Service that generates new key on boot if not present.
			# Don't forget to add new public key to secret.ssh.buildKeys.
			systemd.services.generate-nix-cache-key = {
				wantedBy = [
				serviceConfig = {
					Type = "oneshot";
				path = [
				script = ''
					[[ -f "${serverKeyPath}/private-key" ]] && exit
					mkdir ${serverKeyPath} || true
					nix-store --generate-binary-cache-key "nixbuilder-1" "${serverKeyPath}/private-key" "${serverKeyPath}/public-key"
					nix store sign --all -k "${serverKeyPath}/private-key"

			# Add `nixbuilder` restricted user.
			users.groups.nixbuilder = { };
			users.users.nixbuilder = {
				createHome   = lib.mkForce false;
				description  = "Nix Remote Builder";
				group        = "nixbuilder";
				home         = "/";
				isNormalUser = true;
				openssh.authorizedKeys.keys = secret.ssh.buildKeys;
				uid = 1234;

			# Sign store automatically.
			# Sign existing store with: nix store sign --all -k /path/to/secret-key-file
			nix.settings = {
				trusted-users = [
				secret-key-files = [

		(lib.mkIf cfg.client.enable {
			# NOTE: Requires host public key to be present in secret.ssh.builderKeys.
			nix = {
				distributedBuilds = true;
				buildMachines = [{
					hostName    = "nixbuilder";
					maxJobs     = 16;
					protocol    = "ssh-ng";
					speedFactor = 2;
					mandatoryFeatures = [ ];
					systems = [
					supportedFeatures = [
				settings = let
					substituters = [
				in {
					builders-use-substitutes = true;
					max-jobs = 0;
					substituters = lib.mkForce substituters;
					trusted-substituters = substituters ++ [
					trusted-public-keys = [
					# require-sigs = false;
					# substitute = false;
			services.openssh.knownHosts.nixbuilder = {
				publicKey = serverSshPublicKey;
				extraHostNames = [