427 lines
14 KiB
427 lines
14 KiB
}: let
bookmarks = [
(mkBookmark "Dashboard" "https://home.voronind.com")
(mkBookmark "Watch" "https://watch.voronind.com")
(mkBookmark "Telegram" "https://web.telegram.org/a")
(mkBookmark "WorkChat" "https://fsmm.fsight.ru/fmp")
(mkBookmark "Mail" "https://mail.voronind.com")
(mkBookmark "WorkMail" "https://mail.fsight.ru")
(mkBookmark "Git" "https://git.voronind.com")
(mkBookmark "WorkGit" "https://git.fmp.fsight.world")
(mkBookmark "WorkBoard" "https://support.fsight.ru")
(mkBookmark "Hass" "https://iot.voronind.com")
(mkBookmark "Cloud" "https://cloud.voronind.com")
(mkBookmark "GitHub" "https://github.com/notifications")
searchEngines = [
(mkSearchEngine "4pda" "4pda" "https://4pda.to/forum/index.php?act=search&forums[]=all&source=all&query={searchTerms}")
(mkSearchEngine "aw" "Arch Wiki" "https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php?search={searchTerms}")
(mkSearchEngine "gh" "GitHub" "https://github.com/search?q={searchTerms}")
(mkSearchEngine "ghc" "GitHub Code" "https://github.com/search?q={searchTerms}&type=code")
(mkSearchEngine "ghn" "GitHub Notif" "https://github.com/notifications?query={searchTerms}")
(mkSearchEngine "hm" "Home Manager" "https://home-manager-options.extranix.com/?query={searchTerms}")
(mkSearchEngine "no" "NixOS Options" "https://search.nixos.org/options?query={searchTerms}")
(mkSearchEngine "np" "NixOS Packages" "https://search.nixos.org/packages?query={searchTerms}")
(mkSearchEngine "re" "Reddit" "https://www.reddit.com/search/?q={searchTerms}")
(mkSearchEngine "rt" "RuTracker" "https://rutracker.org/forum/tracker.php?nm={searchTerms}")
(mkSearchEngine "s" "SearX" "https://search.voronind.com/search?q={searchTerms}")
(mkSearchEngine "so" "Stack Overflow" "https://stackoverflow.com/search?tab=votes&q={searchTerms}")
(mkSearchEngine "st" "Steam" "https://store.steampowered.com/search/?term={searchTerms}")
(mkSearchEngine "yt" "YouTube" "https://yt.voronind.com/search?q={searchTerms}")
extensions = [
# TODO: Use this after https://github.com/darkreader/darkreader/pull/12920 gets merged.
# (mkExtension "addon@darkreader.org" "https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/downloads/latest/darkreader/latest.xpi")
(mkExtension "addon@darkreader.org" "file://${pkgs.callPackage <package/darkreader> { }}/latest.xpi")
(mkExtension "cliget@zaidabdulla.com" "https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/downloads/latest/cliget/latest.xpi")
(mkExtension "foxyproxy@eric.h.jung" "https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/downloads/latest/foxyproxy-standard/latest.xpi")
(mkExtension "uBlock0@raymondhill.net" "https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/downloads/latest/ublock-origin/latest.xpi")
(mkExtension "{446900e4-71c2-419f-a6a7-df9c091e268b}" "https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/downloads/latest/bitwarden-password-manager/latest.xpi")
(mkExtension "{a6c4a591-f1b2-4f03-b3ff-767e5bedf4e7}" "https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/downloads/latest/user-agent-string-switcher/latest.xpi")
(mkExtension "{d7742d87-e61d-4b78-b8a1-b469842139fa}" "https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/downloads/latest/vimium-ff/latest.xpi")
(mkExtension "{e7625f06-e252-479d-ac7a-db68aeaff2cb}" "https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/downloads/latest/togglefonts/latest.xpi")
# NOTE: This extension is helpful to find the required parameters for this config.
# Or find them yourself inside the `about:support`.
# (mkExtension "queryamoid@kaply.com" "https://github.com/mkaply/queryamoid/releases/download/v0.1/query_amo_addon_id-0.1-fx.xpi")
prefs = [
# WARN: Remove when Dark Reader policies gets merged.
(mkLockedPref "xpinstall.signatures.required" false)
# Bookmarks.
(mkLockedPref "browser.microsummary.enabled" true)
(mkLockedPref "browser.places.importBookmarksHTML" true)
(mkLockedPref "browser.toolbars.bookmarks.visibility" "never")
# Fonts.
(mkUserPref "browser.display.use_document_fonts" 0)
(mkLockedPref "font.minimum-size.x-cyrillic" (toString config.module.style.font.size.application))
(mkLockedPref "font.minimum-size.x-unicode" (toString config.module.style.font.size.application))
(mkLockedPref "font.minimum-size.x-western" (toString config.module.style.font.size.application))
(mkLockedPref "font.name.monospace.x-cyrillic" config.module.style.font.monospace.name)
(mkLockedPref "font.name.monospace.x-unicode" config.module.style.font.monospace.name)
(mkLockedPref "font.name.monospace.x-western" config.module.style.font.monospace.name)
(mkLockedPref "font.name.sans-serif.x-cyrillic" config.module.style.font.sansSerif.name)
(mkLockedPref "font.name.sans-serif.x-unicode" config.module.style.font.sansSerif.name)
(mkLockedPref "font.name.sans-serif.x-western" config.module.style.font.sansSerif.name)
(mkLockedPref "font.name.serif.x-cyrillic" config.module.style.font.serif.name)
(mkLockedPref "font.name.serif.x-unicode" config.module.style.font.serif.name)
(mkLockedPref "font.name.serif.x-western" config.module.style.font.serif.name)
# Animations.
(mkLockedPref "browser.fullscreen.animateUp" 0)
(mkLockedPref "browser.fullscreen.autohide" true)
# Formats.
(mkLockedPref "image.jxl.enabled" true)
# Disable HTTP3.
# (mkLockedPref "network.http.http3.enable" false)
# Style.
(mkLockedPref "toolkit.legacyUserProfileCustomizations.stylesheets" true)
userChrome = ''
* {
font-family: "${config.module.style.font.serif.name}" !important;
font-size: ${toString config.module.style.font.size.application}pt !important;
userContent = ''
@-moz-document url(about:home), url(about:newtab), url(about:privatebrowsing), url(about:blank) {
.click-target-container *, .top-sites-list * {
color: #fff !important ;
text-shadow: 2px 2px 2px #222 !important ;
body::before {
content: "" ;
z-index: -1 ;
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top: 0 ;
left: 0 ;
background: #f9a no-repeat url("${config.module.wallpaper.path}?raw=true") center ;
background-color: #222;
background-size: cover ;
/* filter: blur(4px) ; */
width: 100vw ;
height: 100vh ;
/* .logo { background-image: url("{repo}/logo.png?raw=true") !important; } */
/* .logo { background-image: none !important; } */
mkExtension = id: install_url: {
${id} = {
inherit install_url;
installation_mode = "force_installed";
mkBookmark = name: url: { inherit name url; };
mkSearchEngine = Alias: Description: URLTemplate: {
inherit Alias Description URLTemplate;
Method = "GET";
Name = Description;
mkPref = Name: Value: Status: {
${Name} = { inherit Value Status; };
mkLockedPref = Name: Value: mkPref Name Value "locked";
mkUserPref = Name: Value: mkPref Name Value "user";
in {
enable = true;
package = pkgs.firefox-esr;
# languagePacks = [ "en-US" "ru" ];
profiles.default = {
inherit userChrome userContent;
# REF: https://mozilla.github.io/policy-templates/
policies = {
AppAutoUpdate = false;
AutofillAddressEnabled = true;
AutofillCreditCardEnabled = false;
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CaptivePortal = true;
DisableBuiltinPDFViewer = true;
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DisableFirefoxStudies = true;
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DisablePasswordReveal = true;
DisablePocket = true;
DisableProfileImport = true;
DisableSafeMode = true;
DisableSetDesktopBackground = true;
DisableTelemetry = true;
DontCheckDefaultBrowser = false;
ExtensionUpdate = true;
HttpsOnlyMode = "enabled";
ManagedBookmarks = [ { toplevel_name = "Pin"; } ] ++ bookmarks;
NetworkPrediction = false;
NoDefaultBookmarks = true;
OfferToSaveLogins = false;
PasswordManagerEnabled = false;
PostQuantumKeyAgreementEnabled = true;
Preferences = builtins.foldl' (acc: pref: acc // pref) { } prefs;
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SearchSuggestEnabled = false;
ShowHomeButton = false;
StartDownloadsInTempDirectory = false;
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UseSystemPrintDialog = true;
WebsiteFilter = [ ];
PopupBlocking = {
Allow = [];
Default = true;
Locked = true;
Homepage = {
Locked = true;
StartPage = "previous-session";
URL = "https://home.voronind.com";
Enabled = false;
# Fallback = false;
Locked = false;
ProviderURL = "https://dns.quad9.net/dns-query";
Cookies = {
Behavior = "reject-foreign";
AllowSession = [
Block = [
# Containers = {}; # TODO: Use containers? https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/multi-account-containers/
Certificates = {
ImportEnterpriseRoots = false;
Install = [ ];
EnableTrackingProtection = {
Value = true;
Locked = false;
Cryptomining = true;
Fingerprinting = true;
EmailTracking = true;
Exceptions = [
EncryptedMediaExtensions = {
Enabled = true;
Locked = true;
ExtensionSettings = {
# Block extension installation outside of this config.
"*" = {
install_sources = [ "*" ];
installation_mode = "blocked";
} // builtins.foldl' (acc: ext: acc // ext) { } extensions;
"3rdparty".Extensions = {
"uBlock0@raymondhill.net".adminSettings = {
userSettings = {
uiTheme = "dark";
cloudStorageEnabled = false;
# NOTE: Check in `Support` -> `Troubleshooting Information` tab.
selectedFilterLists = [
"addon@darkreader.org" = {
enabled = true;
enabledByDefault = true;
changeBrowserTheme = false;
detectDarkTheme = false;
enableContextMenus = false;
enableForPDF = false;
enableForProtectedPages = false;
fetchNews = false;
previewNewDesign = true;
syncSettings = true;
syncSitesFixes = false;
disabledFor = [
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stylesheet = "";
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enabled = false;
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activation = "18:00";
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latitude = null;
longitude = null;
"{446900e4-71c2-419f-a6a7-df9c091e268b}".environment = {
base = "https://pass.voronind.com";
# NOTE: `firefox-esr` edition is required to change search engines.
SearchEngines = {
Add = searchEngines;
Default = "SearX";
PreventInstalls = true;
Remove = [
"Wikipedia (en)"
FirefoxHome = {
Highlights = false;
Locked = true;
Pocket = false;
Search = false;
Snippets = false;
SponsoredTopSites = false;
TopSites = false;
FirefoxSuggest = {
ImproveSuggest = false;
Locked = true;
SponsoredSuggestions = false;
WebSuggestions = false;
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mimeTypes."application/pdf".action = "saveToDisk";
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pdf = {
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path = "${pkgs.evince}/bin/evince";
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Block = [ ];
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Allow = [ ];
Block = [ ];
BlockNewRequests = false;
Locked = false;
Location = {
Allow = [ ];
Block = [ ];
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Allow = [ ];
Block = [ ];
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Cookies = false;
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History = false;
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Sessions = false;
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ExtensionRecommendations = false;
FeatureRecommendations = false;
Locked = true;
MoreFromMozilla = false;
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UrlbarInterventions = false;
WhatsNew = false;