This repository has been archived on 2024-01-20. You can view files and clone it, but cannot push or open issues or pull requests.

268 lines
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// Defaults for all classes
//sensitivity 3;
//sensitivity 6;
alias +dammit "voicemenu 2 5; +attack; spec_next"
alias -dammit -attack
bind mouse1 +dammit
// Bug prevention: Reset sticking keys
//Graphics aliasses
alias good_g "exec good_graphics"
alias comp_g "exec comp_graphics"
alias ultra_g "exec ultra_graphics"
//Fun scripts
alias firstperson "toggle cl_first_person_uses_world_model 0 1; toggle tf_taunt_first_person 0 1"
alias tauntkill ";use tf_weapon_bat_wood;use tf_weapon_bat;use tf_weapon_shovel;use tf_weapon_shotgun_pyro;use tf_weapon_flaregun;use tf_weapon_sword;use tf_weapon_katana;use tf_weapon_fists;use tf_weapon_sentry_revenge;use tf_weapon_robot_arm;use tf_weapon_bonesaw;use tf_weapon_compound_bow;use tf_weapon_knife;taunt"
alias +rj "spec_mode;-duck;+cr;alias checkrj +cr; trashcan_cycle; autocall"
alias -rj "-cr;checkduck;alias checkrj none"
alias +crouch "-cr;+duck;alias checkduck +duck"
alias -crouch "-duck;checkrj;alias checkduck none"
alias checkduck none
alias checkrj none
alias +cr "+jump;+duck"
alias -cr "-duck;-jump"
alias none ""
alias +crouchjump "+jump; +duck"
alias -crouchjump "-duck; -jump"
//Viewmodel Script
alias hideflames "viewmodel_fov 1; r_drawviewmodel 0"
alias pyrovmoff "alias fov hideflames; fovtest"
alias pyrovmon "alias fov none; normalvmfov"
alias fovteston "alias fovtest fov"
alias fovtestoff "alias fovtest none"
alias pyrovmtoggle pyrovmtoggle2 //Change this into "pyrovmtoggle2" if you removed hideflames down below.
alias pyrovmtoggle1 "pyrovmon; alias pyrovmtoggle pyrovmtoggle2"
alias pyrovmtoggle2 "pyrovmoff; alias pyrovmtoggle pyrovmtoggle1"
alias +mfwd "-back;+forward;alias checkfwd +forward; trashcan_cycle; autocall"
alias +mback "-forward;+back;alias checkback +back; trashcan_cycle; autocall"
alias +mleft "-moveright;+moveleft;alias checkleft +moveleft; trashcan_cycle; autocall"
alias +mright "-moveleft;+moveright;alias checkright +moveright; trashcan_cycle; autocall"
alias -mfwd "-forward;checkback;alias checkfwd none"
alias -mback "-back;checkfwd;alias checkback none"
alias -mleft "-moveleft;checkright;alias checkleft none"
alias -mright "-moveright;checkleft;alias checkright none"
alias checkfwd none
alias checkback none
alias checkleft none
alias checkright none
alias none ""
// Cvars for all classes
cl_autoreload "1"
alias resetcrosshair "cl_crosshair_file crosshair7; cl_crosshair_scale 30; cl_crosshair_blue 0.0; cl_crosshair_red 0.0; cl_crosshair_green 255.0; cl_crosshair_blue 0.000000"
hud_classautokill 0
cl_autorezoom 1
tf_simple_disguise_menu 1
tf_scoreboard_mouse_mode 2
tf_scoreboard_ping_as_text 1
hud_medicautocallers 1
hud_medicautocallersthreshold 75.000000
//Voice keybinds
alias spray "impulse 201"
alias voice_r "bind r v_no"
alias voice_e "bind e v_yes"
alias voice_f "bind f v_thanks"
alias voice_g "bind g v_niceshot"
alias voice_q "bind q zoomtoggle"
alias voice_c "bind c trashcan_result; trashcan_cycle"
alias normal_r "bind r +reload"
alias normal_e "bind e +use_action_slot_item"
alias normal_f "bind f +inspect"
alias normal_g "bind g +taunt"
alias normal_q "bind q +special"
alias normal_t "bind t spray"
alias normal_c "bind c voice_menu_2"
alias voiceon "voice_r; voice_e; voice_f; voice_g; voice_q; voice_t; voice_c"
alias voiceoff "normal_r; normal_e; normal_f; normal_g; normal_q; normal_t; normal_c"
//Class switching
alias joinclasson "alias key_1 scout; alias key_2 soldier; alias key_3 pyro; alias key_4 demoman; alias key_5 heavy; alias key_6 engineer; alias key_7 medic; alias key_8 sniper; alias key_9 spy"
alias joinclassoff "alias key_1 slot1; alias key_2 slot2; alias key_3 slot3; alias key_4 slot4; alias key_5 slot5; alias key_6 slot6; alias key_7 slot7; alias key_8 slot8; alias key_9 slot9"
alias scout "join_class scout; echo;echo;echo;echo Playing Scout!; echo; echo; echo"
alias soldier "join_class soldier; echo;echo;echo;echo Playing Soldier!; echo; echo; echo"
alias pyro "join_class pyro; echo echo;echo;echo;echo Playing Pyro!; echo; echo; echo"
alias demoman "join_class demoman; echo; echo;echo;echo;echo Playing Demoman!; echo; echo; echo"
alias heavy "join_class heavyweapons; echo;echo;echo;echo Playing Heavy!; echo; echo; echo"
alias engineer "join_class engineer; echo;echo;echo;echo Playing Engineer!; echo; echo; echo"
alias medic "join_class medic; echo echo;echo;echo;echo Playing Medic!; echo; echo; echo"
alias sniper "join_class sniper; echo;echo;echo;echo Playing Sniper!; echo; echo; echo"
alias spy "join_class spy; echo echo;echo;echo;echo Playing Spy!; echo; echo; echo"
//Other shifts
alias othershifton ""
alias othershiftoff ""
//Shift command
alias +shift "voiceon; joinclasson; othershifton; specialshifton"
alias -shift "voiceoff; joinclassoff; othershiftoff; specialshiftoff"
alias specialshifton ""
alias specialshiftoff ""
alias +special none
alias -special none
alias +melee "slot3; +attack"
alias -melee "-attack"
//Map aliasses
alias walkway "map tr_walkway; sv_cheats 1; sv_allow_point_servercommand always; mp_teams_unbalance_limit 0"
alias aim "map tr_aim; sv_cheats 1; sv_allow_point_servercommand always; mp_teams_unbalance_limit 0"
alias aim_training "map tr_aim_training_b13; sv_cheats 1; sv_allow_point_servercommand always; mp_teams_unbalance_limit 0"
alias rocket_shooting "map tr_rocket_shooting2; sv_cheats 1; sv_allow_point_servercommand always; mp_teams_unbalance_limit 0"
alias regen "exec regen"
alias ng "net_graph 1"
alias ng2 "net_graph 2"
//Viewmodel FOV Stuff
alias normalvmfov "viewmodel_fov 90; r_drawviewmodel 1"
//Demo stuff (no, not demoman)
//ds_dir demos
//ds_enable 2
//ds_kill_delay 2.5
//ds_log 1
//ds_min_streak 20
//ds_notify 1
//ds_prefix Tvde1
//ds_screens 0
//ds_sound 1
//ds_autodelete 1
//bind F3 ds_start
//Quick play stuff
tf_matchmaking_ping_a 20f
tf_matchmaking_ping_b 50f
tf_matchmaking_ping_c 80f
tf_matchmaking_max_search_time 3
tf_matchmaking_numbers_serverfull_headroom 2
tf_matchmaking_server_player_count_score 3
tf_matchmaking_numbers_increase_maxplayers_penalty 50
tf_matchmaking_server_player_count_score 50
alias pub "gamemenucommand openserverbrowser"
tf_dingalingaling 1
tf_dingaling_volume .6
tf_dingaling_pitchmindmg 140
tf_dingaling_pitchmaxdmg 5
//Random CVARS
tf_hud_target_id_disable_floating_health 1
con_enable 1
mat_forcehardwaresync 0
mat_levelflush 1
m_rawinput 1
//mat_vsync 0
in_usekeyboardsampletime 0
//fps_max 180
//Text to HUD
alias showonscreen "developer 1; clear; d_separator; wait 10; message; wait 10; d_separator; echo; contimes 6; con_notifytime 10; wait 440; developer 0; con_notifytime 8 ; contimes 8"
alias d_separator "echo [------------------------------------------------------------]"
alias message "echo No message..."
alias autocallon "alias execscript execscriptnormal; autocallWaitTester"
alias autocalloff "alias autocall none; automaticautocalloff; alias execscript execscriptnormal"
alias execscriptnormal "exec autocaller; auto1; auto2"
//alias execscript "exec autocaller; auto1; auto2"
alias autocalltext "execscript; wait 10; automaticautocall"
alias automaticautocallon "alias automaticautocall autocalltext; automaticautocall"
alias automaticautocalloff "alias automaticautocall none"
alias autocallWaitTester "alias autocallWaitTest autocallWaitPositive; wait; autocallWaitTest"
alias wait "alias autocallWaitTest autocallWaitNegative"
alias autocallWaitPositive "echo Wait is enabled on this server.; automaticautocallon; alias autocall none"
alias autocallWaitNegative "echo Wait is DISABLED on this server!; automaticautocalloff; alias autocall execscript"
// zoooooom
alias zoomin "fov_desired 75; alias zoomtoggle zoomout"
alias zoomout "fov_desired 90; alias zoomtoggle zoomin"
alias zoomtoggle zoomin
exec binds //For swiching between classes
exec chat //For using the chat binds
echo #-#-# All classes config has been loaded. #-#-#