* update LE certs: * exec wildcard script in certbot. * exec mail script on host. * restart proxy. * update calendar event at LE cert expiration. * rotate passwords: * desktop: root, user. * work: fs, root, user. * dasha: root. * home: root, backup. * phone: user. * pass: user. * laptop: fs, root, user. * external drives: backpack HDD + SSD, keys thumb drive. * Telegram: 2fa. * backup: * copy backup drive to cold storage (home, desktop, dasha). * copy backup drive to external backup (backpack HDD + SSD, keys thumb drive). * update: * system: home, desktop, work, dasha, laptop, vpn, fsight, phone, tablet, dashaphone. * apps: home, desktop, work, dasha, laptop, vpn, fsight, phone, tablet, dashaphone. * home: docker & nextcloud apps. * router: firmware. * termux: phone, tablet.