Dmitry Voronin voronind
  • Joined on 2021-08-13
voronind closed issue voronind/nix#208 2024-10-19 03:47:41 +03:00
Zapret remove quora testing and add discort just in case.
voronind pushed to main at voronind/nix 2024-10-19 03:42:12 +03:00
7f2133728a Home: Remove quora from z & add discrord.
voronind opened issue voronind/nix#210 2024-10-19 03:36:32 +03:00
Package other stuff to Nixpkgs.
voronind pushed to main at voronind/nix 2024-10-19 03:34:11 +03:00
97978a4612 Home: Remove quora from z & add discrord.
voronind closed issue voronind/nix#207 2024-10-19 03:30:39 +03:00
Keyd disable set caps to esc.
voronind pushed to main at voronind/nix 2024-10-19 03:30:06 +03:00
550a9cb989 Firefox: Move config up.
voronind opened issue voronind/nix#209 2024-10-19 03:24:44 +03:00
Setup mattermost.
voronind opened issue voronind/nix#208 2024-10-18 17:30:54 +03:00
Zapret remove quora testing and add discort just in case.
voronind pushed to HEAD at voronind/nix 2024-10-18 14:44:56 +03:00
caeae2ace2 Git: Add grs.
voronind pushed to main at voronind/nix 2024-10-18 14:44:53 +03:00
caeae2ace2 Git: Add grs.
voronind pushed to HEAD at voronind/nix 2024-10-18 14:31:00 +03:00
1ed85b0f0f Git: Add --index to gp.
voronind pushed to main at voronind/nix 2024-10-18 14:30:56 +03:00
1ed85b0f0f Git: Add --index to gp.
voronind pushed to HEAD at voronind/nix 2024-10-18 14:18:55 +03:00
2f9ccd100a Git: gpc add --patch.
64581d7879 Wallpaper: Some abstract bronze waves idk.
f5eb727edc Yazi: Restore default create behaviour.
72b34359bb Package: Add tun2socks just in case I ever need it.
Compare 4 commits »
voronind pushed to main at voronind/nix 2024-10-18 14:18:46 +03:00
2f9ccd100a Git: gpc add --patch.
voronind commented on issue voronind/nix#206 2024-10-18 14:05:52 +03:00
Disable mic adjustments for FF and Chrome.


also see tg screenshots

voronind opened issue voronind/nix#207 2024-10-18 12:25:54 +03:00
Keyd disable set caps to esc.
voronind opened issue voronind/nix#206 2024-10-18 11:57:59 +03:00
Disable mic adjustments for FF and Chrome.
voronind opened issue voronind/nix#205 2024-10-18 06:40:53 +03:00
Vdl proxy use env and pass extra args.
voronind closed issue voronind/nix#204 2024-10-18 06:40:27 +03:00
Add socks2tun package.
voronind pushed to main at voronind/nix 2024-10-18 06:04:01 +03:00
64581d7879 Wallpaper: Some abstract bronze waves idk.