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Nvim config.

TODO: preserve default shortcuts, only add new ones when adding new functionality. TODO: Generate all this similar to the bash doc_bash.

General info.

  • Run :Update to update everything.
  • File tree shows everything by default, telescope ingores git-ignored files.


Common. TODO: separate visual and others from common.

Mode Key Action
Normal, Visual 5dd Repeat following command N (5) times.
Normal . Repeat input on selected line.
Normal, Visual <Leader>. Repeat command on selected line(s).
Normal zz Save all files.
Normal ZZ, <Space>z Save all and quit.
Normal ZQ Quit without saving.
Normal v, <Space>v Visual selection (cursor).
Normal V Visual selection (lines).
Normal <C-v> Visual selection (block).
Normal gh Go to the start of the line.
Normal gl Go to the end of the line.
Normal gj Go to the end of the file.
Normal gk Go to the top of the file.
Normal u Undo action.
Normal U Redo action (remaps: undo whole line), (default: <C-r>).
Visual u Convert selection to lowercase.
Visual U Convert selection to uppercase.
Visual ~ Toggle case.
Normal, Visual ; Enter command mode (default: :).
Normal <Space>0 Open shortcuts help.


Mode Key Action
Visual <Space>A Align selection from the right.
Visual <Space>a Align selection from the left.


Mode Key Action
Input <C-Space> Autocomplete.
Normal <C-Space> LSP autocomplete.


Mode Key Action
Normal, Visual <Space>/ Toggle selected line(s) comment.

File tree.

Mode Key Action
Normal <Space>1 Toggle file tree.
Normal <Tab> Toggle directory or open file for preview.
Normal a Create file/directory.
Normal x Cut file/directory.
Normal p Paste file/directory.
Normal f Filter.
Normal F Reset filter.
Normal d Delete file/directory.
Normal r Rename file.
Normal R Refresh.
Normal s Open in system app.
Normal S Search.
Normal I Toggle gitignore filter.
Normal y Copy name.
Normal Y Copy relative path.


Mode Key Action
Normal <Space>o Toggle fold.
Normal <Space>O Fold everything.


Mode Key Action
Normal <Space>g Toggle git inspection mode.


Mode Key Action
Visual mwx Unwrap selection (select the stuff inside wraps).
Visual mw" Wrap selection in ".
Visual mw3" Wrap selection in 3x ".
Visual mw' Wrap selection in '.
Visual mw( Wrap selection in ().
Visual mw{ Wrap selection in {}.
Visual mw[ Wrap selection in [].
Visual mw` Wrap selection in `.
Visual mw3` Wrap selection in 3x `.
Visual mw* Wrap selection in *.
Visual mw2* Wrap selection in 2x *.
Visual mw3* Wrap selection in 3x *.
Visual mw Wrap selection in spaces.
Normal, Visual mmx Markdown: set - [ ] as completed.
Normal, Visual mm Markdown: set - [x] as not completed.
Normal mmp Markdown: insert paragrapg (2x non-breakable spaces).
Visual mmb Markdown: make selection bold.
Visual mmi Markdown: make selection italic.
Visual mms Markdown: make selection strikethrough.
Visual mmr Markdown: make selection a reference.
Visual mmc Markdown: make selection a code block.
Normal mi Copy and increment selected line.
Normal ma Select all.


Mode Key Action
Normal <Space>w Switch to the split above.
Normal <Space>a Switch to the split left.
Normal <Space>s Switch to the split below.
Normal <Space>d Switch to the split right.
Normal <Space>q Swtich to the buffer left.
Normal <Space>e Swtich to the buffer right.
Normal <Space>Q Move the buffer left.
Normal <Space>E Move the buffer right.
Normal <Space>x Close the buffer.
Normal <Space>X Close all invisible buffers.
Normal <Space>m Move split.
Normal <Space>| Split vertically.
Normal <Space>- Split horizontally.
Normal <Space>c Close split.
Input <C-h> Move left.
Input <C-l> Move right.
Input <C-j> Move down.
Input <C-k> Move up.


Mode Key Action
Normal <Space>ff Find files.
Normal <Space>fg Find grep (find text within files).
Normal <Space>fb Find buffer.
Normal <Space>fh Find help.
Normal <Space>ft Find treesitter (vars, functions etc).
Normal <Space>fa Find all (default treesitter window).


Mode Key Action
Normal <Space>4 Open terminal.
Terminal <Esc> Detach from terminal.


Write TODO: or NOTE: to make it searchable.

Mode Key Action
Normal <Space>3 Open to-do list.


Mode Key Action
Normal <Space>2 Open LSP trouble list.

Which key.

Mode Key Action
Normal <Space>0 Show context hotkey help.

Window management.

Mode Key Action
Normal - Decrease split size vertically.
Normal _ Increase split size vertically.
Normal \ Decrease split size horizontally.
Normal | Increase split size horizontally.
Normal <Space>= Equalize split sizes.