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Bash reference file.

To get help with usage info run:

$ help <COMMAND>


Command Description
emulator [NAME] Start an Android emulator. Default name is "default".
archive [DIRS] Archive directories. All directories by default.
archive_fast [DIRS] Archive directories with fast compression. All directories by default.
archive_check [FILES] Check archives integrity. Checks all archives by default.
archive_prune [NAME] Delete old versions of archives. All archives by default.
unarchive [FILES] Extract previously created archive with checksum validation.
archive_name [ARCHIVE] [NAME] Rename archives. If no name specified, it simplifies archive's name. If no archives specified, apply to all archives.
archive_convert Convert old archives to a new format. TODO: remove me after some time when there won't be any old archives.
battery_level Print current battery level.
bootstrap_rust Install Cargo/Rust.
bootstrap_texlive Install TeXLive.
bootstrap_grub Install grub theme.
bootstrap_ffmpeg Install ffmpeg.
cdd CD (back) to directory. Finds first directory that matches the input (case-insensitive).
checksum_create [FILES] Save file checksums. For file with a name "file" it will create a new file called ".file.sha1" with hash in it. All files by default.
checksum_check [FILES] Check stored values against actual files. All files by default.
checksum Calculate hashes for all files recursively and store in a file called "checksum.sha1".
x Add executable flag to file.
color_test Print all available colors with their names colored in corresponding color.
copy Copy stdin to system clipboard. Example: echo hi
paste Paste system clipboard to stdout. Example: paste > file.txt
cp Replaces default cp with rsync.
cp_merge Copy and also merge all changes (delete dst files that do not exist in src).
cp_link Copy by creating hardlinks. Works for directories, too.
bcp Default cp, a.k.a builtin cp. When you don't need rsync.
cp_test Print output of cp_merge without writing anything.
today Print today date in yyyyMMdd format.
dow Current day of week number.
dconf_load Load Gnome settings.
dconf_save [FILE] Dump Gnome settings into the file. Default name is gnome.dconf. Do this before changing settings and after, an then run diff to find out what to add to main gnome.dconf.
df Show only physical drives info.
du [DIRS] Show combined size in SI. Current dir by default.
doc_bash Generate a markdown file with all the help info. Outputs to ~/.doc/
docker_volumes Show container's volumes.
docker_health Check if any container exited.
docker_prune Prune everything.
dc Docker compose shortcut.
dcu [SERVICES] Docker compose up.
dcd [SERVICES] Docker compose down.
dcp [SERVICES] Docker compose pull.
dcl [SERVICES] Docker compose logs.
dcr [SERVICES] Docker compose restart.
dcs [SERVICES] Docker compose stop.
dcdu [SERVICES] Docker compose down & up specified services.
dcpu [SERVICES] Docker compose pull & up specified services.
dcul [SERVICES] Docker compose up & attach to logs for specified services.
docker_up Find out container's IP address.
docker_update Update all docker images.
ffmpeg_mux_audio Mux audio into containers. File names in sound and current dirrectories must match. Tmp usage for anime downloads.
ffmpeg_mux_cover Mux cover into music file.
ffmpeg_music_meta Generate music metadata from directory structure. Top dir is the Artist name like this: The_Beatles. Next are albums like this: 2010_My_love. Inside are songs like this: 01_sample.flac.
o Open file/dir in GUI.
find_ext Find all file extensions.
find_functions Find all module functions.
fix_ethernet_speed Fix when ethernet mistakenly detects 100 Mb instead of 1000 Mb. SPEED is one of 10/100/1000 etc.
fix_files_sftp Fix nautilus after typing wrong sftp password.
gps Git push.
gpsf Git force push.
gpl Git pull.
gl Git log.
gs Git status.
gst Git stash.
gd Git diff.
gc Git commit.
gch Git checkout.
gchb Git checkout branch.
gb Git branch.
gbd Git branch delete.
gbda Git branch delete all except current.
gf Git fetch all.
gt Git tag.
gi Git ignore files.
gpc Git patch create.
gp Git patch (apply).
ggc Run git garbage collection.
ga [FILES] Preview diff while adding. Adds current dir by default.
gr [COMMIT COUNT] Rebase by X commits or from root. When COUNT is 0 - rebase from root. Default is 2.
gu [EMAIL] Specify git user as Dmitry Voronin with provided email.
gg Get my git repo.
gdc See diff for a specific commit.
help Get help about dotfiles bash function.
h Short for help.
l [DIRS] List files in dirs. Current dir by default.
ll [DIRS] List last modified files first. Current dir by default.
lll [DEPTH] [DIRS] List files in tree structure. Current dir by default. Depth can be omitted by passing - (dash).
llll [DIRS] List files recursively. Current dir by default.
la [DIRS] List all files in dirs, incl. hidden files. Current dir by default.
lla [DIRS] List all files in dirs, incl. hidden files, sorted by mtime. Current dir by default.
name [FILES] Rename files to strip all special characters. All files by default.
name_hash [FILES] Rename all files to their hashes while keeping extensions. All files by default.
name_hash_check [FILES] Check hashes for previously renamed files. All files by default.
name_series [FILES] Rename files for Jellyfin series, i.e. Episode S01E01.mkv All files by default.
name_manga [FILES] Rename files for Kavita manga format. All files by default.
name_ext [FILES] Rename files with new extension. All files by default.
name_prefix [FILES] Change file name prefix. All matching files by default.
name_postfix [FILES] Change file name postfix. All matching files by default.
name_replace [FILES] Replace part of the name. All matching files by default.
ncdu [DIRS] Search only on current filesystem. Current dir by default.
notify Send Telegram notification.
notify_silent Send silent Telegram notification.
own [USER] [FILES] Change file ownership to specified user id and restrict access to him. Root user by default. This directory recursively by default.
pack <TARGET.ext> [FILES] Pack files into desired format. All files and directories by default.
unpack [FILES] Attempt to unpack. All supported formats by default.
parse_simplify Parse data and output simplified format.
parse_camel Parse to CamelCase.
parse_alnum Parse data keeping only alphanumeric characters.
perm_share Recursively change permissions to allow read sharing with group and others.
perm Recursively change permissions to restrict access for group and others.
ps Find process and filter.
recursive Run something recursively over all directories.
recursive1 Run something recursively over directories of 1 depth (excluding current dir).
rust_book Open Rust book.
s [USER] Su shortcut for lazy me. Root by default.
tsize Get terminal size.
tmp CD into host's primary tmp dir.
ta [NAME] Create/attach to named session. By default uses name "main".
td Detach from running session.
tl List running sessions.
trn [NAME] Rename current session. Uses current dir name by default.
tn [NAME] Assign name to window. Uses current dir name by default.
tk [NAME] Kill specified session. By default it kills "main" session.
tka Kill all sessions.
todo Open ~/ file.
tba [NAME] Attach/create toolbx container with specified name. By default uses "main" name.
tbk [NAME] Remove toolbx container with specified name. By default uses "main" name.
tb_rpmfusion [NAME] Install rpm-fusion repository into container with specified name. By default uses "main" name.
tbl List all available containers.
transcode [FILES] Convert between different formats. By default tries to convert all files.
try Retry command every 2 sec until it completes successfully.
vdl [LINK] Download video from URL. When no [LINK] specified, it tries to update previously downloaded link.
vdl_vk Temporary fix for vk downloads.
vdl_file Download all videos from file with links.
v Neovim shortcut.
wallpaper Set specified file as a wallpaper.
w Watch command output with 2 seconds interval.
ww Watch command output with minimal interval.