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Custom system config.
This is my own custom config that I use on my GNU/Linux machines. Not meant to be used by anyone else.
For references, go to the doc directory.
CAREFUL! This will overwrite files with the same name in your home directory!
curl -s https://git.voronind.com/voronind/linux/raw/branch/master/.bootstrap.sh | bash && source .bashrc
Load Gnome settings.
To load Gnome settings run dconf_load
File namings.
Directory names are snake_case
so you don't have to release the Shift key 10 times per second when tabing deep for directory.
File names are PascalCase
to differ from directories, also it works nice with things like my archives where underscore and dash separate extra file data.
Bash scripting.
Variable names.
for global vars (careful!) and snake_case
for function local vars. For private vars and functions append upperscode like this: _foo